Peter Woit comments on technicolor models (and my take on string theory)

In summary: However, even if SUSY is found at the LHC, it would not disprove string theory as a whole. As Josh pointed out, there are other models which could account for the null result. In summary, I think that if LHC provides experimental evidence for technicolor, it would be difficult to account for in string theory. However, even if this does happen, string theory would still be able to account for it.
  • #1

"Comment on Technicolor/Extended Technicolor Models
October 26th, 2007"

very brief excerpt "I would like to respond to Eric’s recent comment on Oct. 23 in which he said that “technicolor models were..eventually rejected due to some serious shortcomings. Namely, in order to generate fermion mass hierarchies for the SM fermions, one ends up with serious problems with FCNC’s.” and that these theories “led to a plethora of technimesons, for which there is absolutely no evidence.”.

Josh1 and other string theorists reading this, If LHC provides experimental evidence for technicolor, and no experimental evidence for higgs/SUSY, can string theory account for such a result?

this is my take on string theory:
If LHC provides experimental evidence for technicolor, and no experimental evidence for higgs/SUSY, such a null result would be very difficult to account for in string theory since 1 original argument of SUSY is a solution to the hierarchy problem created by the higgs field, with predictions of lightest mass SUSY particles around the EW-scale (200GEV). I agree with the usual disclaimer that it's possible SUSY is a fundamental symmetry of nature, broken above the EW scale, and beyond LHC collision energies, and I suppose there could be higgless models of string theories, but I would suggest the possibility that perhaps fundamental physics is not described by string theory in this experimental scenario.
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  • #2
Josh1 and other string theorists reading this, If LHC provides experimental evidence for technicolor, and no experimental evidence for higgs/SUSY, can string theory account for such a result?

Technicolor would be great, in a sense, because technicolor is dual to Randall-Sundrum with gauge fields in the bulk, or some such. It would be (more) evidence for the AdS/CFT correspondence.

There REALLY is no way to disprove string theory at the LHC, only constrain or PROVE it.
  • #3
There is something going about the top quark, but I doubt it to be technicolour. GUT unifiers got attracted time ago for a so called "infrared fixed point conjecture" for the yukawa coupling of the top. On other hand, I am discussing in the process of beta decay, and it seems as if one could keep the fermi coupling while one restores isospin, and to do this you need other origin for the fermi coupling; the top quark can provide it.
  • #4
Josh1 and other string theorists reading this, If LHC provides experimental evidence for technicolor, and no experimental evidence for higgs/SUSY, can string theory account for such a result?

A more direct answer to your question---as far as ETC models go, I think you need large representations for the fermions---this gives you an approximately conformal symmetry above Lambda_TC (just like QCD at large energies), and allows you to generate the hierarchy with strong dynamics. They work with adjoint representations, for example. In heterotic string models, representations LARGER than the adjoint are pretty tough to get, and in general all of our reps are adjoint or smaller. The easy way to see this is that we have somehting like N=1 SUGRA in 10 dimensions, with the 248 (adjoint) of E8. If you consult Slansky, and try to find ways to break E8, you will always end up with representaitons that are adjoint or smaller.

So if there were, say, an SU(3)_TC, AND there were fermions in some arbitrarily large representation, these models may bre difficult to get from weakly coupled heterotic strings.

My previous comment, about the ETC models being the AdS duals to some RS1 model with gauge bosons in the bulk, still stands, though. And, as far as I know, RS1 has a good embedding into strings (Type IIA I think).

If LHC provides experimental evidence for technicolor, and no experimental evidence for higgs/SUSY, such a null result would be very difficult to account for in string theory since 1 original argument of SUSY is a solution to the hierarchy problem created by the higgs field, with predictions of lightest mass SUSY particles around the EW-scale (200GEV).

As my previous comments might suggest, I disagree with this statement completely. SUSY is a way to generate the hierarchy, but low energy SUSY is by no means a prediction of string theory. If no evidence for SUSY is found, then a lot of the model building work (stringy AND non-stringy) will go out the window, and people will start building new models which reproduce the low energy data.

Related to Peter Woit comments on technicolor models (and my take on string theory)

1. What is technicolor and how does it relate to string theory?

Technicolor is a theoretical model in particle physics that suggests the existence of a new type of interaction between particles. It is often compared to the strong force, which binds quarks together to form protons and neutrons. String theory, on the other hand, is a theoretical framework that attempts to explain the fundamental nature of particles and their interactions. Some proponents of technicolor believe it could provide an alternative to the Higgs mechanism in string theory.

2. How does Peter Woit's comments on technicolor models differ from his take on string theory?

Peter Woit is a theoretical physicist and mathematician who has been critical of string theory. He believes that the theory has not yet been proven and may not be testable in the near future. His comments on technicolor models, on the other hand, suggest that he is more open to this alternative theory and believes it may have more potential for experimental verification.

3. Are there any experimental results that support or refute the existence of technicolor?

At this time, there is no definitive evidence for or against the existence of technicolor. Some experiments have been conducted at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to search for evidence of this theory, but the results have been inconclusive. More research and experimentation is needed before any conclusions can be drawn.

4. What are the main criticisms of string theory?

There are several criticisms of string theory, including the fact that it has not yet been proven and is difficult to test experimentally. Some also argue that the theory lacks predictive power and is too mathematically complex. Additionally, the existence of multiple versions of string theory, each with different predictions, has been a source of criticism.

5. How does the concept of "supersymmetry" relate to both technicolor and string theory?

Supersymmetry is a theoretical concept that suggests the existence of a symmetry between particles with different spin properties. It is often considered a key aspect of both technicolor and string theory, as it helps to unify different types of particles and interactions. However, the exact role of supersymmetry in these theories is still a subject of debate and further research.

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