PF is taken over by space robots?

  • Thread starter rachmaninoff
  • Start date
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In summary, the conversation was about the new skin design of Physics Forums, which some members were not happy about. Some liked it, while others found it difficult to navigate and visually unappealing. The design was described as metallic, 3D, and with neon green buttons, and one member even joked that it looked like they had been assimilated by extraterrestrial robots. The conversation also included a discussion about the old skin and the option to switch back to it using the quick style chooser. Some members appreciated the effort put into the new design, while others were resistant to change. One member even shared a humorous story about talking dinosaurs who were also resistant to change. Overall, it seems that the majority of members were not in favor
  • #36
pattylou said:
Nah. KISS.
Keep it simple, stupid.
If people need a week to get used to something, then new visitors aren't going to stay past their first visit. I believe this site is supposed to encourage people to stick around and learn something... yes?
I'd like to see some sort of numbers, showing how many new visitors decide to stay, with the new skin as the default - compared to how many new visitors decide to stay, with the old skin as the default.
But new visitors don't have to "get used" to the change, they've never seen the previous version to know the difference. I actually think this skin has features that make navigation of the forum quite a bit easier, from more prominent buttons with links to important information, to the nice color-coding on the main forum index that shows what forums you have and haven't read. It's way better than those crazy erlenmyer flasks that I never liked.
Astronomy news on
  • #37
I agree with pattylou, another vote for the old simple skin. New one has much too much eye candy, sorry designer but 0 stars for you.
  • #38
Arman_AAT_Khos said:
I agree with pattylou, another vote for the old simple skin. New one has much too much eye candy, sorry designer but 0 stars for you.
how many more ban credits do I have? cause when some punk with a total of 5 posts to his name comes in and starts talking crap I feel it is my duty to tell him to shut up. Maybe go check out something in the biology forum where they are used dealing with pieces of **** like him.
  • #39
chill tribdog, what's with the name calling. I am just voicing my opinion. But I prefer to stay in the Homework forum and help once in awhile, you know things 'punks' do.
  • #40
Moonbear said:
But new visitors don't have to "get used" to the change, they've never seen the previous version to know the difference. I actually think this skin has features that make navigation of the forum quite a bit easier, from more prominent buttons with links to important information, to the nice color-coding on the main forum index that shows what forums you have and haven't read. It's way better than those crazy erlenmyer flasks that I never liked.
Of course any new visitor is "naive" to either skin.

Regardless, I think a simple skin is ... by definition... far less "busy", and I'd think that would be better for keeping new visitors.

I also think by changing to the space age look, a different "clientele" is selected, one who is more interested in flash than substance.
  • #41
Does this look good to you guys?

Just a photoshop mockup to maybe make it less gray.
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  • #42
tribdog said:
how many more ban credits do I have? cause when some punk with a total of 5 posts to his name comes in and starts talking crap I feel it is my duty to tell him to shut up. Maybe go check out something in the biology forum where they are used dealing with pieces of **** like him.
Ouch... Damn Trib. I agree that people are being rather harsh but you should be careful not to get your butt booted so shortly after returning.
  • #43
Moonbear said:
It's way better than those crazy erlenmyer flasks that I never liked.

Oh dear. ...
  • #44
octelcogopod said:
Does this look good to you guys?

Just a photoshop mockup to maybe make it less gray.
I'd have to agree that the contrast would be a bit more apealing to me.
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  • #45
i like that as well.
  • #46
pattylou said:
Of course any new visitor is "naive" to either skin.
Regardless, I think a simple skin is ... by definition... far less "busy", and I'd think that would be better for keeping new visitors.
I also think by changing to the space age look, a different "clientele" is selected, one who is more interested in flash than substance.
I don't know; a lot of our "clientele" are young students. Also, when the site looks like every other vBulletin site on the internet, it isn't very memorable for someone who comes across it via Google. If it catches their eye, maybe they'll stay and find out about the substance. For those who are interested primarily in substance, we still have that, and I'd argue they're the ones more interested in flash than substance if they'd leave just because of the look of the site. But we'll see. If traffic slows with the new skin, I'm sure that would be enough reason for Greg to reconsider. Science is exciting and about moving forward toward the future, so why shouldn't the forum take that direction too?
  • #47
Arman_AAT_Khos said:
chill tribdog, what's with the name calling. I am just voicing my opinion. But I prefer to stay in the Homework forum and help once in awhile, you know things 'punks' do.
You've only been here a month, you should give the new look a try. :smile:

The new skin surprised me because the version Greg showed us a couple of months ago was very different. I have really taken to this new look over the past week, it's a work in progress, Greg is continually tweaking it.

I have to say I am very disappointed with the attitudes of some people here that don't even give it time before they decide they don't like it. Some people have a harder time with change than others, but give it a week, then if you have issues, give some constructive feedback. Anyone that looks at it for 5 minutes and says no loses their credibility with me.
  • #48
octelcogopod said:
Does this look good to you guys?

Just a photoshop mockup to maybe make it less gray.
Hey, cool...that is nice too! I like gray too though. I use a silver-themed browser skin too with black and white buttons (I can't stand the primary-colored themes that Windows XP uses that look like someone colored it in with a crayon)...but that dark blue is nice. Maybe Greg would be able to make a change like that if that's all it takes to make it more palatable to everyone.
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  • #49
I don't know; a lot of our "clientele" are young students. Also, when the site looks like every other vBulletin site on the internet, it isn't very memorable for someone who comes across it via Google. If it catches their eye, maybe they'll stay and find out about the substance. For those who are interested primarily in substance, we still have that, and I'd argue they're the ones more interested in flash than substance if they'd leave just because of the look of the site. But we'll see. If traffic slows with the new skin, I'm sure that would be enough reason for Greg to reconsider. Science is exciting and about moving forward toward the future, so why shouldn't the forum take that direction too?
I really don't have a strong opinnion about this. I *would* be interested in seeing numbers of new visitors that stay with either skin, testing each skin in the default mode. I suggest that if that sort of analysis is available, that you (general) use it.


(p.s. I also prefer this: :) to this: :smile: ... so I admit to being old fashioned. )
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  • #50
octelcogopod said:
Does this look good to you guys?

Just a photoshop mockup to maybe make it less gray.
I like the darker backgound, a small change but very nice!
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  • #51
I must admit the new skin is growing on me.....slowly..... its nice and all, I just don't care for the new icon graphics. Its sort of like the win xp thing. I can't stand it after a few days and have to set the tool bar back to classic mode in that too! I really like the old logo on the top header with the O-scope, I don't like this new one too much, but I do think this new version has a more modern feel to the posts within a thread. I don't like how there's no longer the glowing light to tell if someones online. I think the main reason why everyones reacting to it is becasue it was a radical jump from the old style. People are more used to gradual changes. I feel bad for greg as he put in a lot of time and work. More shades of grey would help, its too Monotomous. Its like were in a concrete prison built in the year 3000. But for now I will stick to the classic style and change it once in while for fun. Thank god we can change it though! ;-)
  • #52
I for one love the new skin. Looks a lot more clean and efficient. The banner in particular is very nifty!:cool:

Afterthought : You do all realize that this thread gives a perfect example of why democracy actually works as a political system, don't you?
  • #53
I don't find the new look to be successful. The problem is that everything's too suggestive of metal and appears psychologically "cold" as a result.
  • #54
I like it. I don't understand the visceral rejection of these kinds of changes in our society. It reminds me of the hullabaloo over the new (big head) US currency. People hated it at first. Then they added the color and people hated it. NOw the $20 looks normal. Get used to it, it's fine.
  • #55
Moonbear said:
As you can see, we definitely tossed Evo's lace curtain suggestion.
What are you talking about? :confused: That's beautiful lace around the border of the... oh, never mind. Apparently there's a spider living in my monitor. :redface:
  • #56
Chi Meson said:
I like it. I don't understand the visceral rejection of these kinds of changes in our society.
Having seen three or four major changes in the appearance of PF since I joined, this is the first one that I haven't liked after the initial "Wow, everything's different!" wore off. I'm not prone to any viceral objections to change per se.
It reminds me of the hullabaloo over the new (big head) US currency. People hated it at first. Then they added the color and people hated it. NOw the $20 looks normal.
Personally, I really liked all the initial US currency changes almost immediately. When the second change happened, the addition of color, I liked it instantly, and still do. Change, as such, doesn't bother me.
  • #57
Quite a Wow, this change. It's not as comfortable as the old skin, but I'm either open-minded enough to give it a try, or too lazy to bother switching back:smile:.
  • #58

I really have problem with this new logo of PF. I believe the past appearance was much more better.
Do you think so?
  • #59
Ok, I wasn't a huge fan of the new skin, but I thought I'd give it a go. Except when I am using it and I try to go advanced reply, the page doesn't load, and some threads don't load at all. Is anyone else having problems with this?
  • #60
Try looking at the other 20 or so threads of people *****ing about it.
  • #61
  • #62
I love the new skin. It's a lot more stylish. Anyone who disagrees is a communist.
  • #63
B*tching, I think
  • #64
I think the colors used is very boring. just like a cloudy weather with snow. Not very interesting for me!
  • #65
For anyone with Windows xp who can't get enough of new looks, try this:

Start>control panel>accessibility options

pick the "Display" tab

then put a check mark in the box next to "Use High Contrast" and then hit "Apply" at the bottom.