PF PHOTO CONTEST - Humpty Dumpty (8/9-8/15)

In summary, the PF PHOTO CONTEST for the week of 8/9-8/15 is centered around the theme of Humpty Dumpty. Participants are encouraged to submit their best photos that capture the essence of this beloved nursery rhyme character. The contest is open to all and will run for one week. Winners will be chosen based on creativity and originality, with prizes awarded to the top entries. Don't miss your chance to showcase your photography skills and bring Humpty Dumpty to life through your lens.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's horses
And all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again!

Yes! Humpty Dumpty is our theme this week. Your picture must contain, as it main subject a visualization of some part of this nursery rhyme. So in your picture submission, you must quote the line from the nursery rhyme that is depicted in your picture.

Good luck, and try not to crack yourself up too much. :)


Contest Rules:

1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a gray area, or you're not sure if the picture is suitable, check with me first.

2. Please resize your digital photo to no more than 650 x 490 or 490 x 650 pixels. You may also crop your picture if you wish. You are also allowed to adjust the brightness and contrast of your picture but these should not dramatically alter the look of the picture. But other than those, any form of picture editing or modification is not allowed. This is a photo contest, not a picture editing/special effect contest. You may add a watermark or your name/nickname to the photo for identification purposes.

3. Upload your photos to any of the photo servers such as imageshack or photobucket. Then post it the relevant contest thread and link your picture using the img command. PM me if you do not know how.

4. Only ONE picture per member per contest. Once a picture is posted, it cannot be changed other than a total withdrawl by that member from that week's photo contest. Exceptions will be made for modification to comply with the rules, such as resizing.

5. At the end of the contest period, I will open a poll and every PF member can vote for the picture they like best.

6. Note that in case we have a large number of entries, I will do the polling in more than one thread. If that's the case, you can vote in each of the polling threads. The photos will be assigned in the polling threads in the order they were submitted.

7. These pictures must be something that you took, not something taken off someone else's photo albums or taken by someone else. I have no way of checking if you did this, so we'll go by the honor system.

8. You can use a picture only once. Once it is used in a contest, it cannot be reused in another contest.

9. Please post only pictures meant for submission in this thread.

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  • #2
I am leaving in about 15 hours, so no time for anything elaborate...

ZapperZ said:
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.


:smile: :smile: :smile:
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  • #3
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

And I had a great fall in 2006. Last year the grapes produced poorly, but in October 2006 I harvested a bumper crop, juiced a lot of them (Wile E. Coyote would be proud of me!) and still gave buckets of them away. If the weather cooperates, I'll be harvesting even more this year.

  • #4
Dang it! If I saw this before I headed to the museum today, I could have taken a perfect picture for it. I think I have something else that will suffice, but there was certainly a better opportunity that comes to mind that I didn't stop to photograph because the room was so crowded, but could have if I knew there was a contest I could enter with it). I'll have to fuss around later in the week to see if I can get the photo posted here though since I'm not currently on my own computer.
  • #5
All the King's horses
And all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again!
  • #6
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  • #7
Hopefully I'll get home with enough time Saturday night to get my entry in. I took several photos today that will fit the theme (though, since the sun was so bright, I couldn't see too well what I was taking pictures of, so hope a few came out right), and have some more in mind to take tomorrow. I'm trying to decide between somber or humorous in my interpretation of a phrase of the rhyme. It's so fun being in a city...SO MANY choices! That'll probably be my downfall, sitting around Saturday night trying to pick one photo as the deadline passes. :rolleyes:
  • #8
Er... the contest ends at the end of Friday.

  • #9
ZapperZ said:
Er... the contest ends at the end of Friday.


:cry: I thought the 15th was Saturday. :frown: Okay, I'll have to see what I can do. I haven't decided if I want to use one I already took or wait to get a few more of something else yet (might depend on how many tourists are in the way...I think all of Europe has come to NYC on vacation, so it's been a bit overcrowded on some streets, plus I've had to time my outings between thunderstorms).
  • #10
This is my version of "All The King's Horses and all the King's Men"


  • #11

Is this to explicit? My sun and Grandson admiring Humpty dumpty on his wall at"
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  • #12
Integral said:
Is this to explicit? My sun and Grandson admiring Humpty dumpty on his wall at"

No it isn't. It qualifies.

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  • #13
Humpty Dumpty can't sit on the wall forever. You have 2 days left to submit a photo for this contest.

  • #14
Okay, I flipped a coin and chose one (actually, carefully considered photo contest trends and decided my other photo I liked for this contest is more likely to get a chance in another contest than this one is).

"Humpty Dumpty sat on a Wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great Fall."


Darn banners on the light post and security fencing all over the place make it hard to get a good photo anymore, but I think this should work.
  • #15
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall


For the educational note, Humpty Dumpty may have been a cannon, which makes more sense with all the kings horses and all the kings men.

In Sixteen Hundred and Forty-Eight
When England suffered the pains of state
The Roundheads lay siege to Colchester town
Where the King's men still fought for the crown
There One-Eyed Thompson stood on the wall
A gunner of deadliest aim of all
From St. Mary's Tower his cannon he fired
Humpty-Dumpty was its name...

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  • #16
I'll leave it to your imagination to figure out _who_ is sitting on the wall :)
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  • #18
Andre said:
For the educational note, Humpty Dumpty may have been a cannon, which makes more sense with all the kings horses and all the kings men.":

Humpty Dumpty is said to have been the nickname of a large Royalist cannon strategically placed on the wall next to St Mary-at-the-Walls' Church, Colchester and was used during the English Civil War (1642 - 1649) in the Siege of Colchester (1648)

The Parliamentary cannon attack of the 14th July damaged the wall, causing 'Humpty Dumpty' to be destroyed.

Note: This is not my entry in the competition as it is not my photograph.

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  • #19
Thanks, Garth for the elaboration. My wall with Humpty Dumpty is actually the wall of the old city "Buren" in the Netherlands
  • #20
Garth said:
Note: This is not my entry in the competition as it is not my photograph.


Please note:

9. Please post only pictures meant for submission in this thread.


Related to PF PHOTO CONTEST - Humpty Dumpty (8/9-8/15)

1. What is the theme of the PF PHOTO CONTEST this week?

The theme for this week's contest is "Humpty Dumpty".

2. Can I submit more than one photo for the contest?

Yes, each participant can submit up to three photos for the contest.

3. When is the submission deadline for the PF PHOTO CONTEST?

The submission deadline for this week's contest is August 15th at 11:59 PM EST.

4. How will the winner be chosen for the PF PHOTO CONTEST?

The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges based on creativity, originality, and adherence to the theme.

5. What is the prize for winning the PF PHOTO CONTEST?

The winner of the PF PHOTO CONTEST will receive a cash prize of $100 and their photo will be featured on our website and social media platforms.

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