PF PHOTO CONTEST - Icons (10/18-10/24)

In summary, this week's theme is "icons". The picture must contain a landmark or symbol that clearly is identifiable with a particular location, city or country. For example, a picture of the Empire State Building would be an icon for New York City, or a picture of a plate of beignets would certainly be identifiable to New Orleans (however, anyone showing a picture of french fries as an icon for France will have his/her head smacked!). To be eligible, the photo must be submitted by 8 PM Pacific time on Sunday, November 10th. The picture will be voted on by the members of the PF forum and the winner will be announced at the next meeting.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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The theme this week is on "icons". The picture must contain a landmark or symbol that clearly is identifiable with a particular location, city or country. For example, a picture of the Empire State Building would be an icon for New York City, or a picture of a plate of beignets would certainly be identifiable to New Orleans (however, anyone showing a picture of french fries as an icon for France will have his/her head smacked!).

Since we have participants and voters from all over the world, what is familiar to you may not be familiar to others. So it is to your benefit to briefly describe what is in your picture.

Contest Rules:

1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a grey area, or you're not sure if the picture is suitable, check with me first.

2. Please resize your digital photo to no more than 650 x 490 or 490 x 650 pixels. You may also crop your picture if you wish. But other than that, any form of picture editing or modification is not allowed. This is a photo contest, not a picture editing/special effect contest. You may add a watermark or your name/nickname to the photo for identification purposes.

3. Upload your photos to any of the photo servers such as imageshack. Then post it the relevant contest thread and link your picture using the img command. PM me if you do not know how.

4. Only ONE picture per member per contest.

5. At the end of the contest period, I will open a poll and every PF member can vote for the picture they like best.

6. Note that in case we have a large number of entries, I will do the polling in more than one thread. If that's the case, you can vote in each of the polling threads. The photos will be assigned in the the polling threads in the order they were submitted.

7. These pictures must be something that you took, not something taken off someone else's photo albums or taken by someone else. I have no way of checking if you did this, so we'll go by the honor system.

8. You can use a picture only once. Once it is used in a contest, it cannot be reused in another contest.

9. Please post only pictures meant for submission in this thread.

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  • #2
Wow...I had this vision, just a couple of days ago, that this would be you next topic! :bugeye:

(Okay, you can move this post to the S&D forum, now.)
  • #3
Dangit ZZ! You couldn't have announced this contest while I was still in Atlanta?! All I have are aquarium pictures. I could have snapped something of the CNN tower or some other notable landmark had I known!
  • #4
This contest could have used an additional restriction: you shouldn't have to identify the subject. If you have to identify it, it's not a very good icon.

I doubt anyone will get this one, but it's the only good one I have that fits the criteria. I could jaunt into Manhattan and take another of something else, but I'm lazy. (I already entered my shot of the Chrysler Bulding in another contest earlier.)


(BTW, that particular shot really is an icon: there are frequently three or more tourists taking picutres right from the spot I used. Even when the place is empty, you never have to wait much more than five minutes for at least one to come by and take that same picture.)
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  • #5
:rolleyes: i wasn't very surprised when i first read that Alberta's legislature was designed by an american architect & built with imported american sandstone... typical. (as if Canada doesn't have any stone) bc's legislature in contrast was designed by a british immigrant in the late 1800s & built with local granite. :approve:
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  • #6
twisting_edge said:
I doubt anyone will get this one... that because the "night sky" mural on the ceiling is out of the shot?? :wink:
  • #7
This is the ultimate New Zealand icon - the haka in front of a Marae (traditional meeting place)
  • #8
I don't think that worked
  • #9
when i go to imageshack i copy what it says in "direct link to image" (whatever it says), hit the image icon here & paste it
  • #10
Or you could just paste that link within [\img].
  • #11
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  • #12
Hope it works this time!
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  • #13
The ultimate New Zealand icon - the haka in front of a Marae (traditional meeting place)
  • #14
I want to play the guessing game too. Hint: In South America.

And while I didn't make it into Brasil... All I have to say is:
o:) I want to see Cristo Redentor!


  • The Flower cropped.JPG
    The Flower cropped.JPG
    20.9 KB · Views: 518
  • #16
fourier jr said: that because the "night sky" mural on the ceiling is out of the shot??
It was one of the earliest pictures I took (June this year?). I didn't think to rotate the camera to get the ceiling and the concourse in the same shot.

I did, however, break with tourist tradition and take a couple of shots of just the ceiling. You know the lights change with the seasons, right? Only the ones in the current Zodiac sign are turned on. At least, that's how it worked when I was a kid. It was rather hard to tell, though, as the ceiling was almost completely black with soot until a few years ago.
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  • #17
physics girl phd said:
I want to play the guessing game too. Hint: In South America.

And while I didn't make it into Brasil... All I have to say is:
o:) I want to see Cristo Redentor!

Please note that if you want to submit this for the contest, you HAVE to upload it to one of the photo upload services such as Imageshack or Photobucket, and then use the IMG command to display the image here.

  • #18

The first thing that comes to my mind when I see a buff guy in a loin cloth spinning a lit torch is...err...uhmm...well the Second thing that comes to my mind when I see a buff guy in a loincloth spinning a lit torch is Hawaii! So here is my photo of an icon of Hawaiian culture:smile:
  • #19
physics girl phd said:
I want to play the guessing game too. Hint: In South America.

And while I didn't make it into Brasil... All I have to say is:
o:) I want to see Cristo Redentor!

it's not supposed to be a guessing game... but i would guess buenos aires?
  • #20
I actually have TWO icons in one picture. :)

The first, in the foreground, is the famous "Chicago" sign in front of the Chicago Theater. The second, in the background, is Marina City, where the famous car chase scene in Bullitt staring Steve McQueen was filmed.


  • #21
ZapperZ said:
I actually have TWO icons in one picture. :)

The first, in the foreground, is the famous "Chicago" sign in front of the Chicago Theater. The second, in the background, is Marina City, where the famous car chase scene in Bullitt staring Steve McQueen was filmed.


That would be a really cool shot if you took it right after sunset with the sign lit up and the sky dark blue but not yet black!
  • #22
Okay, this is all I've got, so I hope it fits the theme. The tree tops are in Central Park in NY. The photo was taken from on top of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (there's an outdoor patio). If this doesn't qualify, I'll retract the entry. I have one with some more recognizable buildings (not that I know what they are), but I just liked the clouds better in this one. :rolleyes:
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  • #23
It qualifies, Moonbie.

  • #24
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  • #25
This is all I have for now. If I have time to take a better picture this weekend I'll try, but I don't think its going to happen :frown:
(The pencil)

What camera are you using Zz? A Nikon SLR?
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  • #26
Well, I ran into real troubles with this theme, I have no "Icon" pics in my digital collection. I dug back into the scans of my OLD slides. Then I was confronted with to many options. I figured the pic of me standing in front of the Parthenon was disqualified by my presence, the leaning tower shots are good, I have good shot of the statue of liberty, and the liberty bell. Trouble is, they are all scans of 30yr old slides, so the quality is low. I settled on this one just because it is a unreproducible shot, in this day and age. This pic was taken just a few months before the statue was damaged by a tourist with a hammer.

Yes the quality is low, consider that it is a handheld, availble light pic.
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  • #27
cyrusabdollahi said:
What camera are you using Zz? A Nikon SLR?

SLR? I'm not THAT high class! :)

No, no SLR for me. All my cameras must fit in my pocket, so I have one of those small, ultracompact cameras. The one that I'm currently using now is Canon Powershot DigitalElph SD500, 7.1 megapixels.

On a separate note, I'm was truly hoping members from other parts of the world to submit pictures in this contest. While I love seeing "familar" pictures, I was really looking forward to seeing pictures from parts not often heard or seen on here. Don't we have members from India, China, Singapore, various nations in South America, Middle East, etc... ? If you are someone from these parts, consider this as a direct invitation to submit a picture. It doesn't have to be of high quality to win. What is more important is to get your view of where you are or where you came from.

  • #28
This is far from exotic/foreign, but it is an icon:

Portland Headlight House, Cape Elizabeth, ME:

It is said to be the most photographed lighthouse in the world (you see it on thousands of lighthouse themed products).

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  • #29
GeoMike said:
This is far from exotic/foreign, but it is an icon:
Portland Headlight House, Cape Elizabeth, ME:
It is said to be the most photographed lighthouse in the world (you see it on thousands of lighthouse themed products).


It has my vote!
  • #30
GeoMike said:
This is far from exotic/foreign, but it is an icon:

Portland Headlight House, Cape Elizabeth, ME:

It is said to be the most photographed lighthouse in the world (you see it on thousands of lighthouse themed products).

Nice ligthhouse but we have a disagreement about "most photgraphed"" Oregon's Hecta Head Ligthhouse is in running for this honor.

And yes I am holding my Hecta Head pic for a future Photo contest!
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  • #31
Integral said:
Nice ligthhouse but we have a disagreement about "most photgraphed"" Oregon's Hecta Head Ligthhouse is in running for this honor.

Could be! It seems like every popular lighthouse is touted as the "most photographed lighthouse" :biggrin:
(Tourism departments love subjective and unverifiable superlative claims!)

Regardless of which actually holds the honor (if either), one thing is undeniable: both are beautiful lighthouses!
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  • #32
GeoMike said:
Could be! It seems like every popular lighthouse is touted as the "most photographed lighthouse" :biggrin:
(Tourism departments love subjective and unverifiable superlative claims!)

Regardless of which actually holds the honor (if either), one thing is undeniable: both are beautiful lighthouses!
How do you suppose one would actually measure something like "most photographed"?

Hecta Head is visible from Highway 101 without haveing to even stop, so there are a lot of people driving by every day of the year. But who can even guess at how many take a pic?
  • #33
Two days left for you to submit a picture for this contest. Let's see something that will knock our socks off!



Related to PF PHOTO CONTEST - Icons (10/18-10/24)

1. What is the theme of the PF PHOTO CONTEST for this week?

The theme for this week's PF PHOTO CONTEST is "Icons". This means that we are looking for photographs of people, places, or things that are considered iconic or representative of a particular culture, era, or concept.

2. How do I submit my entry for the PF PHOTO CONTEST?

To submit your entry, you must post your photograph on Instagram with the hashtag #PFIconsContest and tag @pfphotocontest in the caption. Please also make sure your account is set to public so we can see your entry.

3. Can I submit more than one entry for the PF PHOTO CONTEST?

Yes, you can submit multiple entries for the PF PHOTO CONTEST. However, please keep in mind that each participant can only win one prize per contest.

4. When is the deadline for submitting my entry for the PF PHOTO CONTEST?

The deadline for submitting your entry for the PF PHOTO CONTEST is 11:59 PM EST on the last day of the contest, which is October 24th for this week's "Icons" theme.

5. How will the winners of the PF PHOTO CONTEST be selected?

The winners will be selected by a panel of judges based on the creativity, originality, and adherence to the theme of their entries. The winners will be announced on our Instagram page and contacted via direct message.

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