PF PHOTO CONTEST - Sunrise, Sunset (3/10-3/16)

In summary: I don't care for sunrise.In summary, the winner of the photo contest is the photo Sunset from my back deck, November 17th, 2006.
  • #36
larkspur said:
Glad you like it Turbo.:smile: (I hope it is not too difficult to see that it was taken just after sunset since you can't see the actual sun in the image. Do you find the bridge and water and all the other stuff too distracting:confused: )

Yours is outstandingly colorful! Love the purple!
Thanks! That was one of those northern-latitude sunsets that seem to last forever. I had some shots with more intense colors, but when the clouds parted in places to show blue sky in the background and the foreground purple clouds were still showing up, that's when I got 2-3 shots to vie for keepers. It didn't take much effort. I saw a killer sunset developing and headed out to the back deck with a beer and a point-and-shoot camera. Some of the folks here (yourself included) seem to be talented at framing, composing, etc to make interesting photos. I'm more of a brute-force photographer (hey! that's a great picture!) and I really need to work on trying to produce compelling images from mundane scenes. I know that it can be done, though I don't always have the "eye" to catch the opportunities.
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  • #37
Living in the suburbs as I do it can be very frustrating to see a beautiful sunset framed by telephone poles and satilite dishes. By the time I can get to a decent forground the sunset is gone.
  • #38
Integral said:
Living in the suburbs as I do it can be very frustrating to see a beautiful sunset framed by telephone poles and satilite dishes. By the time I can get to a decent forground the sunset is gone.

sounds like you are looking for ideas to photo. My sugesstion, take that nice mustang and find a big empty parking lot. When the sun starts to go down take some shots of it. It will look nice.
  • #39
Integral said:
Living in the suburbs as I do it can be very frustrating to see a beautiful sunset framed by telephone poles and satilite dishes.

Are you kidding? Those are some of the coolest shots. :biggrin:

It's not quite what you're talking about, but ZZ's photo has a cool manmade foreground.
  • #41
robphy said:
After a cloudy day, the finally sun shines through... at sunset.

Nice shot, though you're far braver with your camera than I would be.
  • #42
how do you attach a picture? :redface:
  • #43
sara_87 said:
how do you attach a picture? :redface:
For photo contests, it is better to upload a picture to some site like imageshack or photobucket and the post the URL of the image here.
  • #44
neutrino said:
For photo contests, it is better to upload a picture to some site like imageshack or photobucket and the post the URL of the image here.

and that's how everyone else did it? and the picture just came up? even if the picture was taken by a digital camera and is on the computer?

(i know my questions are dum but I'm probably worse than my granparents with computers :blushing: i wish i was joking!)
  • #45
sara_87 said:
how do you attach a picture? :redface:
Go to and set up a free account. You can then upload pictures under 1.5Mb to the site for free and when you do so, you will be given a selection of links - some for thumbnails and some for images. Highlight a link described as "hotlink for forums", copy it, and past the link into your post in this thread. Before you upload a picture to imageshack, make sure to resize it so it fits the contest guidelines (650 pixels in the long direction and 490 pixels in the other regardless of orientation) so ZZ won't have to threaten you. That's pretty much it.

Edit: When you are ready to upload your picture to imageshack, you will have a "browse" button that opens a window in your browser. You just navigate to the image file on your computer and double-click it. Then press the "host it" button and your image will be uploaded to imageshack, and imageshack will give you the links to use so that we can all see your picture in your post.

Note: Now, just watch sara_87 come in with a killer sunset that blows ours out of the water. :cry: :cry: :cry:
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  • #46
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  • #47
it worked! oh my god it's so big what do i do!
  • #48
OMG, for sure!

Reduce the size using some image editing software. For limits on the size look at the first post.
  • #49
OK, this is where the size constraint comes in. Go to imageshack and delete that picture, then open your picture on your computer using a graphics/image program and tell it to resize your picture to 650 pixels in the larger direction (in your case, horizontal). Save that resized picture, go back to imageshack, and upload that smaller one. You'll be all set. You can use the "edit" feature on this forum to remove the URL link for the big image and paste in the URL for the smaller image.
  • #50
turbo-1 said:
OK, this is where the size constraint comes in. Go to imageshack and delete that picture, then open your picture on your computer using a graphics/image program and tell it to resize your picture to 650 pixels in the larger direction (in your case, horizontal). Save that resized picture, go back to imageshack, and upload that smaller one. You'll be all set. You can use the "edit" feature on this forum to remove the URL link for the big image and paste in the URL for the smaller image.
And before you edit the picture (hopefully after reading this ;) ) make a copy of the original.
  • #51
okay i'll do that after i stop laughing! just give me a minute

(i can't believe i did it though!)
  • #52
After looking at some of these, I have the impression that some of you really live in paradise.
  • #53
View from the new residence on The Hague, NL
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  • #54
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  • #55
SpaceTiger said:
robphy said:
After a cloudy day, the finally sun shines through... at sunset.
Nice shot, though you're far braver with your camera than I would be.

Um... the sun was so blinding that
I wrote "the finally sun shines..." instead of "the sun finally shines...". :cool:
  • #56
detta where is that?...actually everyone where are those places where the pictures were taken?
  • #57
sunset in Beirut

sara...nice pic of khaldeh, we've seen the image from there during the war about 100 times since beirut international airport is located in its even if i didn't know the area i would have known it. but one of my friends live there, and the view reminded me of it :) how's that ? am i right?
  • #58
oh my god you guessed! i used to live there too, the last one of the three buildings in that place, you can see it from the motorway on your way to the south of lebanon (saida)...just look up at the 3 white buildings! who is your friend?? there were so many syrians there but they all left there now...that was taken about 4 years you know the goose club?
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  • #59
goose club? nope
my friend, ex-coach is Mr. Hassan el Jundi :)
Bilal is the friend
  • #60
they both live in the vicinity of the region
  • #61
Just a reminder that you have less than 2 days left to enter a photo for this contest.

  • #62
thi is a picture that i took last week at Kusadasi
  • #63
calcarosu said:
thi is a picture that i took last week at Kusadasi

I can't see your picture, but it doesn't matter - please read first post in the thread. This contest is long closed.

Here is the active one:

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