PF Upgrade: Fixing Annoying Bugs & Layout Errors

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, the new version of our forum software is out and it's beautiful! This weekend I will start planning for the upgrade and I hope to start either Monday or Tuesday. During the upgrade the forums will be done and you'll find the site password protected. I'm not entirely sure how long the upgrade will take, however along with the upgrade we will be reinstalling the LaTeX hack and a few other hacks I am excited about. Just think, all the annoying bugs and terrible layout errors will be fixed!
  • #1
Well folks, it's here finally! The new version of our forum software is out and it's beautiful! This weekend I will start planning for the upgrade and I hope to start either Monday or Tuesday. During the upgrade the forums will be done and you'll find the site password protected. I'm not entirely sure how long the upgrade will take, however along with the upgrade we will be reinstalling the LaTeX hack and a few other hacks I am excited about. To make the upgrade time shorter we will use the forum default skin and work on that later. Just think, all the annoying bugs and terrible layout errors will be fixed!

So recap:
Forum upgrade
Downtime Monday or Tuesday for most of the day
Default skin
A few hacks will be added initially
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Physics news on
  • #2
Do we need do anything like reapplying to PF (a la last year) to maintain our member status/information?
  • #3
Originally posted by Loren Booda
Do we need do anything like reapplying to PF (a la last year) to maintain our member status/information?

Good question (considering our past). You won't need to reregister, everything will be preserved and carried along with the upgrade.
  • #4
I hope to start this afternoon. If I do the forums might be down for a few hours.
  • #5
  • #6
Very nice, Greg...easy on the eyes, too!
  • #7
Zero said:
Very nice, Greg...easy on the eyes, too!

Thanks zero, lots left to do, but I have enough done to open it back up :smile:
  • #8
It's all so...different. I like the change
  • #9
So many buttons! I like this quick reply
  • #10
Very nice!
I missed the notice of the change over, was caught by surprise when the fourms suddenly disapeared! Looks like the upgrade went smooth. Congrats Greg!
  • #11
So many buttons! I like this quick reply

I love quick reply. I wish more forums would have that feature.
  • #12
Pretty! Where's the centerfold?
  • #13
Greg, I found a little problem. Something went wrong with the cookie system after I did an advanced reply. Got the following message:

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /htdocs/www/includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php
Line: 1467

I had to clear my cookies and sign back on.

Btw, very nice improvements to the site
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  • #14
the site looks great! the only thing i sort of wish we had is a shout box, similar to what philosophyforums's a small chat box in real time, and it's kinda neat.
  • #15
It isn't going to look like this for long is it? The excessive amount of white makes it really hard on the eyes.
  • #16
I think the color scheme is very good. ShawnD, you should try to turn down the brightness and contrast on your monitor if the white bothers you.
  • #17
ShawnD said:
The excessive amount of white makes it really hard on the eyes.
I was thinking the same thing. I had to dim my screen. I really liked the soft blue.

I also noticed everyone except the mentor's avatars now say "registered user".
  • #18
It'd be great if the boards were password protected.

Like, you can't see inside the board without a membership. Once you click on General Physics, General Discussion, Software it'll say, "Membership required"

More private and less 1 post members.
  • #19
Kerrie said:
the site looks great! the only thing i sort of wish we had is a shout box, similar to what philosophyforums's a small chat box in real time, and it's kinda neat.

A shoutbox can be added, maybe for contributing members? :wink:
  • #20
Dagenais said:
It'd be great if the boards were password protected.

Like, you can't see inside the board without a membership. Once you click on General Physics, General Discussion, Software it'll say, "Membership required"

That would suck. Whenever I see a forum like that, it tells me they are desperate for members. The last 3 or 4 forums like that I have joined only had like 20 members and had very little activity.
  • #21
That would suck. Whenever I see a forum like that, it tells me they are desperate for members. The last 3 or 4 forums like that I have joined only had like 20 members and had very little activity.

Why would keeping your forums safe(r) and private give you that impression?

There are close to no disadvantages to it.
  • #22
dduardo said:
Greg, I found a little problem. Something went wrong with the cookie system after I did an advanced reply. Got the following message:
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you just happened to load a page right as I was modifying the bbcode parser for LaTeX. Shouldn't happen again.

- Warren
  • #23
(from "Cheap Sunglasses" by Z Z Top)

When you sign on Physics Forums and the light is hurt your head
The first thing you do when you get up out of bed
Is hit that streets a-runnin' and try to beat the masses
And go get yourself some cheap sunglasses
  • #24
Zero said:
Very nice, Greg...easy on the eyes, too!
You think so? I just woke up and I am scrabling to find some sunglasses! :S
  • #25
mm... really.. the page is so busy it hurts my eyes :( I liked the other layout better..
  • #26
Funny you should say that. I really am wearing sunglasses as I view the board.
  • #28
I'm not invisible and I should be.

Now they all know where I am!
  • #29
Oh, that sure helps a lot! Thanks Greg :)
I hope the page is going to be compacted (like getting rid of the big blue bar between the posts), but that can be discussed later.
  • #30
What was wrong with the old look?

Aside from being much more comfortable to view, it was easier to see at a glance the thread title, thread starter and last poster. It was also convenient to see who was at each forum, and to be able to jump directly from one forum to another.
  • #31
I really like the new color scheme and the general look better, but I agree some features were more practical before the upgrade.
Anyway, great job!
  • #32
Go greg! Go greg!

Much better, thanks!
  • #33
if there isnt, how about a user side custom theme colour settings?

i also had to readd my avatar. and omg wheres my sig message gone??

and i like the blue bar. it helps to know when one post ends and another starts.
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  • #34
!sdrawkcab tuo semoc epyt I gnihtyreve ,yeH

  • #35
Gara said:
and i like the blue bar. it helps to know when one post ends and another starts.
You actually LIKE the blue bar? I think it is too much scrolling, too chaotic and too contrasting (not very easy on the eyes)..