Phase and rescale transformation of k-g field

In summary, the KG Lagrangian density with a complex parameter a will result in a new Lagrangian density e^-2Im(a) times the original, with a modified D_μ that takes into account the transformation of the vector field under local transformations.
  • #1
Gold Member
We have the KG Lagrangian density:
[itex] \mathcal{L}= \partial_{\mu} \phi \partial^{\mu} \phi^* - m^2 \phi \phi^*[/itex]

Suppose instead of taking [itex]\phi \rightarrow e^{ia}\phi[/itex] with [itex]a \in \mathbb{R}[/itex] we take [itex]a \in \mathbb{C}[/itex].
Then is it true to say that [itex]\mathcal{L}'= e^{-2~ Im(a)} \mathcal{L} [/itex] and so gives the same equations of motion?
What is to happen if I also allow for local transformations [itex]a \equiv a(x)[/itex]? I guess this again depends on the KG Lagrangian:

[itex] |\partial_\mu \phi|^2 \rightarrow \Big( e^{ia} \partial_\mu \phi + i e^{ia} \phi (\partial_\mu a) \Big)\Big( e^{-ia^*} \partial^\mu \phi^* - i e^{-ia^*} \phi^* (\partial^\mu a^*) \Big)[/itex]
[itex]=e^{-2 ~Im(a)} \Big( \partial_\mu \phi \partial^\mu \phi^* + i \partial_\mu a (\phi \partial^{\mu} \phi^* -\phi^* \partial^{\mu} \phi) + \phi \phi^* \partial_\mu a \partial^\mu a \Big) = e^{-2 ~Im(a)} [D_\mu \phi) (D^\mu \phi)^*][/itex]

The mass term is also going to give a [itex]e^{-2~ Im(a)}[/itex] as a common factor, so I can drop it out the Lagrangian? I think I cannot, because in this case the kinetic term of the E-L equations will act on this exponential as well...

Where in this case the [itex]D_\mu[/itex] shall differ from the standard one, since it will have to give a complex vector field as a connection and additionally the vector's transformation is going to bring also some rescaling it it: [itex]A'_\mu \propto A_\mu - \partial(Im(a)) + i \partial(Re(a))[/itex]
Is that correct?
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  • #2
Yes, that is correct. The kinetic term of the Euler-Lagrange equation will act on the exponential factor as well. The D_μ will differ from the standard one since it will have to give a complex vector field as a connection and additionally its transformation will bring a rescaling: A'_μ ∝ A_μ - ∂(Im(a)) + i∂(Re(a)).

FAQ: Phase and rescale transformation of k-g field

1. What is a phase transformation in k-g field?

A phase transformation in k-g field refers to the process of changing the phase of a material or substance. This can involve altering the atomic or molecular structure, resulting in changes in properties such as density, electrical conductivity, and magnetic behavior.

2. What is a rescale transformation in k-g field?

A rescale transformation in k-g field involves changing the scale of a system or material. This can include changing the size, shape, or proportion of the components, which can impact the overall properties and behavior of the system.

3. How are phase and rescale transformations related in k-g field?

In k-g field, phase and rescale transformations are often used together to manipulate the properties of a material or system. For example, changing the phase of a material can affect its mechanical properties, and then rescaling the system can further impact its behavior.

4. What are some applications of phase and rescale transformations in k-g field?

Phase and rescale transformations are used in a variety of industries and fields, including materials science, engineering, and physics. Some specific applications include creating new materials with desired properties, optimizing the performance of electronic devices, and developing more efficient energy storage systems.

5. How do phase and rescale transformations affect the overall behavior of k-g field?

Phase and rescale transformations can significantly impact the behavior of a material or system in k-g field. These transformations can change properties such as mechanical strength, thermal conductivity, and electrical resistivity, which can ultimately affect the overall performance and functionality of the system.

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