Phase Change Problems: A Student in Coventry Explores Solutions

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of getting negative initial temperatures when solving for the general equation of temperature distribution in Phase Change Problems. The conversation also mentions the use of equations and graphs from a book on Mathematical Modeling of Melting and Freezing Processes, as well as a code in Matlab. The main issue is the denominator in equation 15, which always results in a negative temperature due to the value of the error function. The speaker is seeking clarification on the cause of this issue.
  • #1

I am a student in Coventry, UK working on Phase Change Problems and going through 1-Phase Neumann Analytical solutions.

As per most books, or specifically Mathematical Modeling of Melting and Freezing Processes chapter 2 (attached) page 36, equation 15, the general equation of temperature distribution, after solving parabolic differential equations is given? are the attached graphs from the book and the plot I get from matlab, with the following values .

lambda = 0. 3777
alpha l = 1. 347 ´10-3
x = 1 cm
tl = 25 degrees
delta tl = 25 degrees

The problem lies in the initial value of temperature. I always get it in negative although the initial temperature is 0 degrees. If you look at the equation 15 (from the link) for time = 0, the denominator is always (erf(0.377) 0.41 while the numerator is 1 giving the temperature answer in negative. hence i thought it is a printing error or any other logical explanation ? Is it something to do with the error functions ?

I would really really appreciate your response.

Thanks & Regards


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  • #2
I have also attached the simple code of matlab.
cpL =  4186;
kL =  0.564;
rho =  1000;
temp_melt =  0;
latent_heat =  333400;
temp_source =  25;
time_total = 12600;

alp_L = kL/(rho*cpL);
dT = temp_source - temp_melt;
stephan_l = (cpL*dT)/latent_heat ;

time_latent = [0:1:time_total];
x = 0.01

temp_latent = temp_source - dT*(erf(x./(2.*sqrt(alp_L.*time_latent)))./erf(0.3777));

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FAQ: Phase Change Problems: A Student in Coventry Explores Solutions

1. What are phase change problems?

Phase change problems refer to situations where a substance changes from one phase (solid, liquid, or gas) to another. This can occur due to changes in temperature or pressure.

2. How can phase change problems be solved?

There are various methods for solving phase change problems, including using phase diagrams, calculating the energy required for the phase change, and considering the laws of thermodynamics.

3. Why are phase change problems important?

Phase change problems are important to understand because they play a crucial role in many natural phenomena and industrial processes. For example, they are involved in the water cycle, cooking, and refrigeration.

4. What are some common applications of phase change problems?

Some common applications of phase change problems include designing heating and cooling systems, developing new materials, and studying the behavior of substances in extreme environments.

5. Can phase change problems be solved by students?

Yes, phase change problems can be solved by students. In fact, many science and engineering courses include problems and experiments related to phase changes to help students develop a deeper understanding of the concepts and their applications.

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