Phase Difference: Solving Homework Problems

In summary, the phase difference between the two waves at x=5 cm and t=2 s is 20x-32t - (25x-40t) = 5 cm = 50 m. The position x closest to the origin where the two phases differ by +/- pi at t=2 s is x=5 cm.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two sinusoidal waves in a string are defined by functions
y1= (2.00cm)sin(20x-32t)
where y and x are cm and t is sec
(a) What is the phase difference between these two waves at the point x = 5 cm and t = 2 s?
(b) What is the position x value closes to the orgin for which the two phases differ by +/- pi at t = 2 s? (This location is where the two waves add to zero)

Homework Equations

I use the equation given to me as y1 and y2
not sure if there is an equation for phase difference

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) I plugged in 5 cm and 2 s for y1 and y2
y1 = -1.9835 and y2 = 1.7018
but I am not sure what these answers mean and if they are relevant
b) (2sin(20x-32*2) + 2sin(25x-40*2) = 0 and solve for x? Is this correct?Do I do inverse sin and then move the (32*2 and 40*2) to the other side?

Thanks for any help!
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  • #2
A few words on phase difference:

Phase is a way of telling "where" the graph of a function is.

For example, the graph of sin(x) is 0 at x=0 and 1 at x=pi/2. If I were to change the function to sin(x-pi/2), then the function would be -1 at x=0 and 0 at x=pi/2.

Effectively, I dragged the entire graph of the function to the right by pi/2, so we would say that this second function has a phase of pi/2 relative to the first (phase is typically only important when comparing two functions).
  • #3

The phase difference between two waves is the difference in their starting phases at a specific time and location. To calculate the phase difference, we need to compare the phase angles of the two waves at the given point in space and time.

(a) To find the phase difference at x = 5 cm and t = 2 s, we can use the given equations for y1 and y2. Plugging in the values, we get y1 = -1.9835 cm and y2 = 1.7018 cm. These values represent the displacement of each wave at the given point in space and time.

To find the phase difference, we need to compare the phase angles of the two waves. The general equation for a sinusoidal wave is y = A*sin(ωt + φ), where A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, t is time, and φ is the phase angle. Comparing the equations for y1 and y2, we can see that they both have the same amplitude (2.00 cm) and angular frequency (20x and 25x). However, the phase angles are different, with y1 having a phase angle of -32t and y2 having a phase angle of -40t.

To find the phase difference, we need to subtract the phase angle of y2 from the phase angle of y1. This gives us (-32t) - (-40t) = 8t. Plugging in the values of t = 2 s, we get a phase difference of 16 radians.

(b) To find the position x value closest to the origin where the two waves have a phase difference of +/- pi at t = 2 s, we can set the equation for y1 equal to the negative of the equation for y2 (since a phase difference of +/- pi indicates that the waves are completely out of phase and will cancel each other out).

2*sin(20x-32*2) = -2*sin(25x-40*2)

We can then use the inverse sine function to solve for x. However, note that this will give us the general solution for x, so we will need to use the given conditions (t = 2 s) to narrow it down to a specific value.

sin^-1(sin(20x-64)) = sin^-1(-sin(25x-80))


Related to Phase Difference: Solving Homework Problems

What is phase difference?

Phase difference is the difference in the starting point of two waves in a cycle. It is measured in degrees or radians and can determine how two waves interfere with each other.

How do you calculate phase difference?

To calculate phase difference, you need to find the difference between the starting points of two waves. This can be done by measuring the distance between the two waves on a graph or by using the formula: phase difference = (difference in time/difference in period) x 360 degrees.

What are the units for phase difference?

The units for phase difference can be either degrees or radians. Degrees are more commonly used in everyday calculations, while radians are used in more advanced or technical calculations.

Why is phase difference important?

Phase difference is important because it helps us understand how waves interact with each other. It can also be used to determine the interference pattern of waves, and is crucial in fields such as acoustics, optics, and communication.

How can I use phase difference to solve homework problems?

To solve homework problems involving phase difference, you will need to use the equations and principles learned in class. It is important to carefully read the problem and understand what information is given and what you are being asked to find. Then, you can use the appropriate formula and plug in the values to solve for the unknown variable.

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