Phase-plane dynamics of an atomic force microscope cantilever.

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of a sinusoidally driven and undisturbed cantilever of an atomic force microscope (AFM) in the phase-plane. The cantilever can exhibit nonlinear effects such as period-doubling, bifurcation, and chaos when disturbed by inter-atomic forces. The papers by Raman and Jamitzky explore chaos in AFM, but the speaker's experiment focuses on the breakdown of the cantilever trajectory in time-domain and the specific attractor seen in the phase-plane. The speaker is seeking understanding of the attractor from a purely dynamical perspective.
  • #1

A sinusoidally driven and undisturbed cantilever of an atomic force microscope (AFM) oscillates ideally in a sinusoidal fashion but the motion of the cantilever (time-domain trajectory) can become more complicated when it is disturbed by the inter-atomic forces as the cantilever taps on the sample surface. The cantilever dynamics can be better understood in the phase-plane. An undisturbed cantilever shows elliptical trajectories in the phase-plane around a center. On the other hand, a disturbed cantilever can show nonlinear effects like period-doubling, bifurcation and chaos.

I'd like to know what can be said about the phase-plane trajectory in terms of the attractor, basin of attraction or the possibility of chaos as shown in the attachement containing my experimental data? In the beginning the phase-plane trajectories circle around a center and as the signal size increases, these trajectories also grow in size and the center transforms into a set of two centers.

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  • #3

I already know the papers by Raman and Jamitzky but they've done experiments aimed at observing chaos in AFM and I've a different experiment where I'm not forcing the cantilever motion to be chaotic but observing breakdown of the cantilever trajectory in time-domain and the phase-plane trajectory shows a specific attractor which doesn't seem to be a chaotic one but still is markedly different from that of a harmonic oscillator.

I think time series analysis of the given experimental data can be helpful but my question was how to understand the attractor from a purly dynamical point of view?

FAQ: Phase-plane dynamics of an atomic force microscope cantilever.

1. What is a phase-plane diagram?

A phase-plane diagram is a graphical representation of the dynamics of a system over time. It plots the position and velocity of the system on a two-dimensional plane, with the position on the x-axis and velocity on the y-axis. It allows for a visual analysis of the behavior and stability of the system.

2. How does an atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever work?

An AFM cantilever is a thin, flexible beam with a sharp tip at one end. It is used to scan the surface of a sample and measure its topography and properties. The cantilever is attached to a piezoelectric crystal, which allows for precise movement of the tip. As the tip interacts with the sample, it deflects the cantilever, which is measured by a laser and converted into an image.

3. What are the main parameters affecting the phase-plane dynamics of an AFM cantilever?

The main parameters that affect the dynamics of an AFM cantilever are the stiffness of the cantilever, the feedback control gain, and the tip-sample interaction force. These parameters determine the amplitude and frequency of the cantilever's oscillations, which in turn affect the quality and resolution of the measurements.

4. How does the tip-sample interaction force affect the phase-plane dynamics of an AFM cantilever?

The tip-sample interaction force is a crucial factor in the phase-plane dynamics of an AFM cantilever. It determines the amplitude of the cantilever's oscillations, which reflects the topography and properties of the sample. Too high or too low of a force can lead to inaccurate measurements or even damage to the sample or tip.

5. What is the significance of studying the phase-plane dynamics of an AFM cantilever?

Studying the phase-plane dynamics of an AFM cantilever is important for understanding the behavior and limitations of the instrument. It allows for the optimization of parameters and the development of advanced control strategies to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of AFM measurements. Additionally, a deeper understanding of the phase-plane dynamics can lead to new applications and techniques for AFM imaging and manipulation.
