Phase Transitions and Chemical Potential

In summary: Atoms tend to transfer from a lower-energy phase to a higher-energy phase when the energy potential is greater in the higher-energy phase.
  • #1
right now, I am learning thermodynamics with Reichl: "A modern Course in Statistical Physics"

In chapter 3.C page 100 "classification of phase transitions", the text says:

"As we change the independent intensive variables (p, T, x_1,... ,x_l) of a system,
we reach values of the variables for which a phase change can occur. At such
points the chemical potentials (which are functions only of intensive variables)
of the phases must be equal and the phases can coexist."

I wonder, if there are systems with no phase transition at all. Or is there always a phase transition, if I change for example pressure, or temperature, or the mole fractions of particles of type i ?

What does the chemical potential have to do with the phase transition? I know, that it is equal in both phases at the transition point, but how does the phase transition occur? What forces the system to change it's phase? What does the chemical potential of the system do before the transition?

I hope you can help me.

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  • #2
When the chemical potential is equal in both phases, then it costs no (free) energy (or enthalpy) to move a particle from one phase to the other. When they are not equal, then you can gain energy by moving particles from the phase with lower potential to the one with higher chemical potential (don't try to nail me down on the sign here) until you eventually reach equilibrium.
When you plot the chemical potential of your phases as a function of e.g. temperature at p fixed, the curves for the different phases cross at the transition temperature. In principle, nothing spectacular happens, often you can continue on a single curve beyond the crossing point, e.g. you can supercool liquid water below 0 degrees centigrade.
The classical example to study a phase transition is the van der Waals gas. You can find for the van der Waals equation a phase transition analytically from the condition that p1=p2 and mu1=mu2.
  • #3
Thanks DrDu,

DrDu said:
When the chemical potential is equal in both phases, then it costs no (free) energy (or enthalpy) to move a particle from one phase to the other. When they are not equal, then you can gain energy by moving particles from the phase with lower potential to the one with higher chemical potential (don't try to nail me down on the sign here)

Since in equilibrium the Gibbs' Free Energy is a minimum, the system should prefer the lower chemical potential. So this should be correct, to gain energy from lower to higher potential.

  • #4
Can anybody answer my other questions?
  • #5
Basically all systems become solid or (super-)liquid near absolute zero of temperature and become gasses at sufficiently high temperatures. So there is allways some phase transition.
  • #6
I understand now, one could explain it by taking a look at the p-T diagram.

[tex] \lim_{T \to 0} \left( \frac{\partial p}{\partial T} \right)_V = 0 [/tex]

The coexistence curve starts at zero p and T and the fusion curve goes to infinity. So there must be a temperature in between, where a phase transition occurs. At least solid <-> liquid and solid <-> gas should change the phase. The vaporization curve terminates at the critical point.

But what forces the system to change it's phase? For example, when I heat it up? Or if I increase the pressure?

  • #7
Phileas.Fogg said:
But what forces the system to change it's phase? For example, when I heat it up? Or if I increase the pressure?

Systems tend to proceed toward states with the lowest energy; it's a consequence of the Second Law. But we need to consider the correct energy potential; for systems at constant temperature and pressure, it's the Gibbs free energy that's minimized.

Or are you asking what happens atomistically, e.g., why more atoms would evaporate from a liquid's surface rather than condense there?
  • #8
Mapes said:
Systems tend to proceed toward states with the lowest energy; it's a consequence of the Second Law. But we need to consider the correct energy potential; for systems at constant temperature and pressure, it's the Gibbs free energy that's minimized.

Okay, I see. So from the Second Law, we get for the Gibbs Free Energy [tex] d(U+pV -TS) < 0 \Rightarrow dU +pdV - TdS < 0 [/tex].
And to deal with the change in entropy, we take the Clausius (In)equation [tex] dS = \frac{\delta Q}{T} [/tex]

The system prefers the state with lower Gibbs Free Energy. So I have to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy for each phase with G = U + pV - TS and then I know, where the system will transfer to? Or is there another possibility to predict that? How do I handle the entropy in this case? I think, one only can measure changes in entropy, not an absolute entropy?

Or are you asking what happens atomistically, e.g., why more atoms would evaporate from a liquid's surface rather than condense there?

Could You explain that? Maybe it helps me to understand.

  • #9
Phileas.Fogg said:
So I have to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy for each phase with G = U + pV - TS and then I know, where the system will transfer to?

Right, that's the criterion for phase equilibrium at constant temperature and pressure. The atomistic view is that (between a liquid and gas, for example), atoms are always evaporating and condensing, and the rates are equal when the chemical potentials (i.e., the partial molar Gibbs free energies) of each phase are equal.

FAQ: Phase Transitions and Chemical Potential

1. What is a phase transition?

A phase transition is a physical or chemical change in the state of matter, such as from solid to liquid or liquid to gas. It occurs when a substance is exposed to specific conditions, such as changes in temperature or pressure, which cause its atoms or molecules to rearrange themselves into a different configuration.

2. What is the difference between a first-order and a second-order phase transition?

In a first-order phase transition, there is a discontinuous change in the properties of a substance, such as a sudden increase in volume or a change in crystal structure. In a second-order phase transition, there is a continuous change in the properties of a substance, such as a gradual change in magnetization or electrical conductivity.

3. What is chemical potential?

Chemical potential is a measure of the energy required to add one molecule of a substance to a system, while keeping the temperature, pressure, and number of molecules constant. It is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics and is used to understand the behavior of substances in different phases and conditions.

4. How does chemical potential influence phase transitions?

The chemical potential of a substance is related to its potential to change phases. In a closed system, different phases of a substance will reach equilibrium when the chemical potential of the substance is the same in each phase. This equilibrium can be disrupted by changing factors such as temperature or pressure, resulting in a phase transition.

5. What is the significance of phase transitions in materials science?

Phase transitions are important in materials science because they can significantly affect the properties of a material. For example, the strength, conductivity, and optical properties of a material can all change as it undergoes a phase transition. By understanding and controlling phase transitions, scientists can develop new materials with desired properties for various applications.
