Phase vs group vs signal velocities

In summary, the two articles disagree on whether either phase or group velocity corresponds to the signal velocity. The first article argues that phase velocity always falls short of the signal velocity, while the second article argues that group velocity can exceed the signal velocity. However, both articles agree that neither one corresponds to the signal velocity.
  • #1
Gold Member
220 outlines the distinction between phase and group velocities, and why the group velocity of electromagnetic waves going faster than the speed of light c does not mean that information is going faster than c, because the phase velocity will always be less than or equal to c. The arguments seem to be clear.

However, although the site
seems to agree with the previous site's mathematical definitions of phase and group velocities, it interprets them differently to say that neither one of them represents the signal velocity, namely the velocity of information transfer. It also defends relativity, but in saying that both phase and group velocities can exceed c, but not the signal velocity. Its arguments are a bit more involved, but also seem clear. However, one of them is not completely correct, since the first one has phase velocity always less than or equal to c, and the second one has phase velocities greater than c.

I am missing something here. Please help. Thanks.
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  • #2
In general,the phase velocity can definitely exceed c.
Suppose a long line of computer-controlled spring oscillators.The computers are programmed to release the oscillator at a certain,scheduled time.In this way,one can generate a wave with very long wavelength,and its phase velocity can easily exceed c.
This phase velocity is definitely not the signal velocity.In fact,nothing is propagated except the "phase".The coordination is made in advance,not a result of propagation.

But in terms of electromagnetic waves,things may be different.Maybe the Maxwell equations prohibit a electromagnetic wave with phase velocity greater than c.
I don't know more about it.
  • #3
So, if the second link mentioned in my first post is correct, this brings me to the basis of its arguments, which is that if a wavelength with wavelength [tex]\lambda[/tex] is observed obliquely, the wavelength the observer will measure is [tex]\lambda[/tex]/cos[tex]\theta[/tex], where [tex]\theta[/tex] is the angle of the line of the observer to the line of the pulse. However, applying this to electromagnetic pulses seems to me to be using geometry which may not be valid at relativistic speeds. It seems to be assuming what we want to prove: that you can have an observer traveling at superluminal speeds. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark...
  • #4
nomadreid said: outlines the distinction between phase and group velocities, and why the group velocity of electromagnetic waves going faster than the speed of light c does not mean that information is going faster than c, because the phase velocity will always be less than or equal to c. The arguments seem to be clear.
In typical cases, the group velocity is the velocity at which the information travels, and the group velocity is less than c, even if the phase velocity is greater than c. The link you gave talks about some unusual situations where the group velocity is not the velocity at which the information travels, but taking the usual case, in the quote above you've basically got "phase" and "group" turned around.

nomadreid said:
However, although the site
seems to agree with the previous site's mathematical definitions of phase and group velocities, it interprets them differently to say that neither one of them represents the signal velocity, namely the velocity of information transfer.
Actually both pages agree that neither one necessarily corresponds to the signal velocity.
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  • #5
First, thanks. Secondly, I am red-faced in switching "group" and "phase" in my question, and in fact not having read the first article closely enough. My apologies.
Thirdly: the arguments of the first article are much simpler than the arguments of the second article; are they also just as valid?

Related to Phase vs group vs signal velocities

What is the difference between phase velocity and group velocity?

Phase velocity is the speed at which the phase of a wave propagates, while group velocity is the speed at which the overall shape or envelope of a wave propagates. In other words, phase velocity describes the speed of individual wave crests, while group velocity describes the speed of the wave as a whole.

How do phase and group velocities relate to each other?

In most cases, the phase velocity is faster than the group velocity. This is because the individual wave crests are moving faster than the overall shape of the wave. However, there are certain cases where the phase and group velocities can be equal, such as in a standing wave or a wave in a dispersive medium.

What is signal velocity?

Signal velocity is the speed at which information is transmitted through a medium. It is different from both phase and group velocities, as it takes into account the time it takes for the shape of the wave to travel as well as the time it takes for the wave to move through the medium.

How are phase, group, and signal velocities measured?

Phase and group velocities can be measured using specialized equipment such as a wave meter or a spectrometer. Signal velocity is usually measured by sending a signal through a medium and measuring the time it takes to reach its destination.

What factors can affect phase, group, and signal velocities?

The properties of the medium, such as its density and elasticity, can affect all three velocities. Additionally, the frequency and wavelength of the wave can also have an impact. In some cases, external factors such as temperature or pressure can also influence these velocities.

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