Phases of the Moon: Amateur Questions Answered

In summary, the conversation discusses the phases of the moon and why they do not change overnight. The main reasons are the scale of the video and the fact that the moon only progresses by 1/28th of the full cycle per day. It is also mentioned that the change is too subtle to notice and that the moon is only visible for part of the night. The conversation also touches upon diurnal libration and how it affects the moon's appearance.
  • #1
Gold Member
amateur question.
referring to the following link
Lunar phase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(particularly the video on the bottom right)
I understand what's going on except one thing, why don't the phases of the moon change overnight?
is it the scale of the video that is probably confusing me? It seems to me that over the course of a night you should be able to see more or less of the moon at different times.
Maybe you can, it's just that the difference is smaller than I would think because of the distance?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
But they do change. They progress roughly by 1/28th of the full cycle per day.
The bottom-right animation might not be the best for visualising this. Try the top-right one. This one include a clock and a huge Moon face.
  • #3
The change is simply to subtle to notice. You'd have to take a picture or make a drawing at the beginning of the night and compare it to another at the end. There is also the problem that unless the moon is full it is only visible for part of the night.
  • #4
You can easily see the change in 24 hours, particularly when it is close to a new moon. Just look at the moon on successive evenings after a new moon.

As Drakkith said the moon is only visible for a long period round about full moon, and that is when the change in shape is least visible.

With a telescope you can see changes in a time span of one or two hours, by tracking the "sunrise" over the edge of craters or lunar mountains. See
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  • #5
Click on this this link
We can't see the far side of the moon since it is tidally locked, but this site explains why we can see about 59% of the moon's surface.
Perhaps what you are asking is that as the Earth rotates, we traverse a distance of one Earth diameter and should see a different view of the moon from one monrise to moonset. That is called diurnal libration.
  • #6
Do you mean, "Why don't we see all of the phases in one day?" or "Why don't we see the phase change from night to night?"

The answer to the first is - because the Earth spins faster than the Moon orbits. We spin around and come back under the Moon, and it has changed in phase some, but only by the amount it has advanced in its orbit - about 1/28th of a circle.

The answer to the second is - We do. It's noticeable, but you have to be looking for it.
  • #7
256bits said:
Perhaps what you are asking is that as the Earth rotates, we traverse a distance of one Earth diameter and should see a different view of the moon from one monrise to moonset. That is called diurnal libration.


everyone else, too.

FAQ: Phases of the Moon: Amateur Questions Answered

1. What causes the phases of the moon?

The phases of the moon are caused by the relative positions of the sun, Earth, and moon. As the moon orbits around Earth, the amount of sunlight that reflects off its surface changes, resulting in the different phases we see.

2. How long does each phase of the moon last?

Each phase of the moon lasts approximately 7.4 days, for a total of 29.5 days for a complete lunar cycle. However, the exact length of each phase may vary slightly due to the moon's elliptical orbit around Earth.

3. Can I see all phases of the moon from anywhere on Earth?

No, the phases of the moon can only be seen from certain locations on Earth depending on the moon's position in its orbit. For example, a new moon can only be seen from the hemisphere of Earth that is facing away from the sun.

4. Why does the moon appear to change size during different phases?

The moon's apparent size changes during different phases due to its elliptical orbit around Earth. When the moon is closer to Earth, it appears larger and when it is farther away, it appears smaller. This is known as the moon's perigee and apogee, respectively.

5. Can the phases of the moon affect human behavior or mood?

There is no scientific evidence that suggests the phases of the moon have any impact on human behavior or mood. This belief is rooted in folklore and has not been supported by any scientific studies.
