PhD Thesis on Neutrinos: Seeking Advice

  • Thread starter Atakor
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In summary, a PhD thesis on neutrinos involves studying the elusive particles and their properties, as well as their role in the universe. This requires a deep understanding of particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. It also involves conducting experiments, analyzing data, and proposing new theories to further our understanding of these mysterious particles. Seeking advice from experienced researchers and mentors is crucial in navigating the complex and ever-evolving field of neutrino research.
  • #1
Hello !

I will probably start a phd thesis about neutrinos (theoretical/phenomenological aspect) on october ...
I need some hints about references for those among you who know the subject well.

Thanks in advance.
Physics news on
  • #2
Atakor said:
I will probably start a phd thesis about neutrinos (theoretical/phenomenological aspect) on october ...
Very good idea : the topic is quite hot. Good luck ! :smile:
I need some hints about references for those among you who know the subject well.
I certainly do not classify as "knowing the subject well". But maybe you can tell us more on what you search and what your background is ? Do you want historical references/publications, or more recent reviews ? Would a textbook be suitable for you ? How well are you familiar with the standard model and quantum field theory ?

Probably you need to understand why massive neutrinos do not fit into the standard model. This is not as trivial as it may seem at first sight. Pierre Ramond had a book entitled "Journeys Beyond the Standard Model" which among other things has an excellent discussion. Almost 10 years old now but will help you very much if you want to go through any recent paper.
  • #3
Bonjour Humanino :)

Thanks for the reply and the encouragement...
I want to be more familiar with neutrinos ... so yes ..historical references/publications would be welcomed along with recent reviews.
The subject is about the particle physics aspect of the double beta decay..
(with BSM models like SUSY,GUT.)
I don't know more than that...

I'll try to get Ramond's book...thanks for the ref.

  • #4

any idea ?

  • #6
Atakor said:
Hello !

I will probably start a phd thesis about neutrinos (theoretical/phenomenological aspect) on october ...
I need some hints about references for those among you who know the subject well.

Thanks in advance.

I would start by asking your thesis adviser.
  • #7
Atakor said:
Bonjour Humanino :)

Thanks for the reply and the encouragement...
I want to be more familiar with neutrinos ... so yes ..historical references/publications would be welcomed along with recent reviews.
The subject is about the particle physics aspect of the double beta decay..
(with BSM models like SUSY,GUT.)
I don't know more than that...

I'll try to get Ramond's book...thanks for the ref.


You might want to refer to the current issue of Rev. Mod. Physics[1]. In fact, I highly recommend anyone starting in physics research to first look at various review journals, such as Rev. Mod. Phys, Physics Report, Rep. Prog. Phys., etc. for the wealth of review articles (and references) in many fields. These review articles give a snapshot of our current understanding (and the current direction of research work) in a particular field.


[1] F.T. Avignone, III et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 481 (2008).
  • #8
ZapperZ said:
F.T. Avignone, III et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 481 (2008).
Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 said:
The theoretical and experimental issues relevant to neutrinoless double beta decay are reviewed. The impact that a direct observation of this exotic process would have on elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, and cosmology is profound. Now that neutrinos are known to have mass and experiments are becoming more sensitive, even the nonobservation of neutrinoless double beta decay will be useful. If the process is actually observed, we will immediately learn much about the neutrino. The status and discovery potential of proposed experiments are reviewed in this context, with significant emphasis on proposals favored by recent panel reviews. The importance of and challenges in the calculation of nuclear matrix elements that govern the decay are considered in detail. The increasing sensitivity of experiments and improvements in nuclear theory make the future exciting for this field at the interface of nuclear and particle physics.
Indeed it seems like an excellent advice. :smile:
  • #9
Hello world !

Thanks a lot folks !


FAQ: PhD Thesis on Neutrinos: Seeking Advice

1. What is the purpose of studying neutrinos in a PhD thesis?

The purpose of studying neutrinos in a PhD thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the fundamental properties of neutrinos, which are one of the most abundant and elusive particles in the universe. Neutrinos have the potential to provide insights into the origins of the universe, the nature of matter, and the behavior of other particles.

2. How do neutrinos interact with matter?

Neutrinos are neutral particles that only interact weakly with matter, making them extremely difficult to detect and study. They can pass through large amounts of matter without interacting at all, making them nearly invisible. However, they can interact with other particles through the weak nuclear force, which allows them to be detected and studied using specialized detectors.

3. What methods are used to study neutrinos in a PhD thesis?

There are several methods used to study neutrinos in a PhD thesis, including neutrino oscillation experiments, which study how neutrinos change from one type to another as they travel through space. Other methods include using neutrino detectors to observe neutrinos produced by natural sources, such as the sun or supernovae, or by man-made sources, such as nuclear reactors or particle accelerators.

4. What are the potential implications of studying neutrinos in a PhD thesis?

The study of neutrinos in a PhD thesis has the potential to contribute to our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. It may also have practical applications, such as improving our ability to detect and measure radiation, or developing new technologies for energy production and medical imaging.

5. How can I seek advice for my PhD thesis on neutrinos?

There are several ways to seek advice for a PhD thesis on neutrinos. You can consult with your advisor or other faculty members in your field, attend conferences and workshops related to neutrino research, and collaborate with other researchers in the field. Additionally, you can reach out to experts in the field through email or social media to ask for their advice or feedback on your work.

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