Phenomenon of rotation of planets

In summary, the phenomenon of rotation of planets is best explained by frame dragging due to the sun. This is due to the conservation of angular momentum of the gas and dust cloud that formed the sun and planets. However, this explanation is not fully accurate as the formation of planets also involves friction, torque, and non-uniform density profiles. It is also important to differentiate between rotation around the planet's axis and its orbit around the sun. The universe as a whole does rotate, but only slightly, as determined by current data.
  • #1
is the phenomenon of rotation of planets best explained based on frame dragging due to sun?

If so does universe rotate as a whole. What causes it.

I am really beginner. Forgive my ignorance.
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  • #2
When you think the state of planets as they were formed it would be most surprising if they weren't rotating.
  • #3
do you mean dust cloud swirling around itself to give sun, and planets.
Does a satellite rotate as well if placed freely in a orbit of Earth or sun.Should it not.
  • #4
Yes, the gas and dust cloud had angular momentum as it collapsed which was conserved as the sun and planets formed.

Frame dragging from the sun is very weak and isn't noticeable for objects this far away from the Sun.
  • #5
There's no friction in empty space so any rotational motion and translational motion an object has from a launch (and in formation from highly energetic particles) would continue unless it could be corrected as in the space station or satellite that has on board engines to allow adjustments remotely.
  • #6
Drakkith said:
Yes, the gas and dust cloud had angular momentum as it collapsed which was conserved as the sun and planets formed.
Simple, but wrong. That's not how planets form.

netgypsy said:
There's no friction in empty space so any rotational motion and translational motion an object has from a launch (and in formation from highly energetic particles) would continue unless it could be corrected as in the space station or satellite that has on board engines to allow adjustments remotely.
Friction is the answer. The planets didn't form in empty space. They formed in a protoplanetary disk.

Imagine a little spec of dust in the disk orbiting more or less circularly at some distance r from the protosun. As this spec has negligible mass, its orbital velocity is [itex]\sqrt{GM_{\odot}/r}[/itex]. Now imagine a protoplanet of mass m orbiting more or less circularly at the same distance. Its orbital velocity is [itex]\sqrt{G(M_{\odot}+m)/r}[/itex]. The protoplanet orbits a tiny bit faster than the dust co-orbiting with it.

This means the protoplanet will sweep through the dust that forms the bulk of the protoplanetary disk and pick up mass as it goes. That dust through which the protoplanet is passing slows the planet down a bit ("friction"), dropping the protoplanet into a slightly lower orbit. (Note: This is the currently accepted explanation for those hot jupiters astronomers have found.) Over time this makes for a non-uniform density profile of the dust. There's more dust sunward than antisunward. This uneven density profile exerts a torque on the protoplanet. This is a very apropos explanation of why the gas giants are rotating, but not quite as apropos for the rocky planets.
  • #7
He asked about satellites, thus the lack of friction statement.

Very interesting. But there's just a greater probability for motion than no motion. It would be really unusual for all the interactions of all the particles and all the forces present during the formation of a planet to produce a lack of rotation regardless of the mechanism.
  • #8
D H said:
Simple, but wrong. That's not how planets form.

Was the OP asking about rotation of each planet around it's axis, or about the direction of the orbits? I took it to be asking about the orbits. I guess the rotating satellite question should have tipped me off. Planets orbit a certain direction because of conservation of angular momentum correct?
  • #9
I"m thinking it's in Wikkipedia where there is an explanation of how to calculate if the universe is rotating and the conclusion based on current data is that it is but not a lot. I think you'll find it under a discussion of frames of reference. If I find it again I'll link to it. Just happened to read it when researching something else.
  • #10
Drakkith said:
Was the OP asking about rotation of each planet around it's axis, or about the direction of the orbits?
Good question. Looking back, it isn't clear what dpa meant.

@dpa: Rotation typically refers to the rotation of a planet about its axis. If you are talking about orbits, the correct term is orbit or revolution. The Earth, for example, has a rotation rate of one rotation per sidereal day, but an orbital rate of one revolution per sidereal year.

Related to Phenomenon of rotation of planets

1. What causes the rotation of planets?

The rotation of planets is caused by the initial angular momentum of the planets when they were formed. This angular momentum is then conserved due to the law of conservation of angular momentum, which states that an object will maintain its rotational velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

2. Why do some planets rotate in different directions?

The direction of rotation of a planet is determined by the direction of its initial angular momentum. This can be influenced by various factors such as collisions with other celestial bodies or tidal forces from nearby objects. Therefore, the direction of rotation can differ among planets.

3. Is the rotation of planets constant?

No, the rotation of planets can vary over time due to various factors such as tidal forces, gravitational interactions with other objects, and internal processes such as convection. However, the changes in rotational velocity are usually very small and imperceptible over a human lifetime.

4. Are there any planets that do not rotate?

Technically, all planets rotate to some degree. However, there are some celestial bodies, such as Mercury and Venus, that have very slow rotational velocities, and therefore their rotation is almost negligible. These planets are said to have a synchronous rotation, where their rotational and orbital periods are the same.

5. Can the rotation of a planet change?

Yes, the rotation of a planet can change over time due to external forces such as tidal forces and collisions with other objects. It can also change due to internal processes such as convection and the movement of the planet's molten core. However, these changes are usually very gradual and can take millions of years to be noticeable.

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