Philosophy of Loop Quantum Gravity

In summary: the full spacetime diffeomorphism invariance cannot be recovered in the canonical formulation of the theory, at least not as it stands.
  • #1
Science Advisor
I came across an interesting discussion about LQG's philosophy (through Googling "Cauchy surface" and "loop quantum gravity"):

Approaching the Planck Scale From a Relativistic Point of View: A Philosophical Appraisal of Loop Quantum Gravity
Christian Wüthrich
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Physics news on
  • #2
atyy said:
I came across an interesting discussion about LQG's philosophy (through Googling "Cauchy surface" and "loop quantum gravity"):

Approaching the Planck Scale From a Relativistic Point of View: A Philosophical Appraisal of Loop Quantum Gravity
Christian Wüthrich

Wüthrich is an interesting guy. He's young. He has a physics degree. There is hard content in his PhD thesis, equations. I think he understands LQG better than, say for example, string theorists normally do. I'd say he's on the ball about quantum gravity and asks interesting questions, and has insights.

I didn't know about him until now. I'm glad you told us.

I see he did his physics at Uni Bern, and then was at Pittsburgh, and Perimeter Institute, and is now tenure track at UC San Diego. He organized a summer school this year, somewhere in Switzerland, and got Carlo Rovelli to give talks.

I actually wouldn't call what he does Philosophy. Even though he himself does! He is asking what does General Relativity tell us? How do we extend those lessons down to Planck scale? What does it mean to quantize spacetime geometry? Does GR actually need to be quantized? What should a quantum GR look like?

In other words he is asking basic conceptual questions which should guide the construction of theory. There are times in physics when that is necessary. Einstein was at one of those junctions (1905-1915). He couldn't just write down equations and solve them and compare with data etc. He had to think at a fairly sophisticated level about basic concepts, time, distance, mass, measurement, different observers. It's not necessarily always trivial or useless to do that kind of thing.
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  • #3
marcus said:
I actually wouldn't call what he does Philosophy. Even though he himself does! He is asking what does General Relativity tell us? How do we extend those lessons down to Planck scale? What does it mean to quantize spacetime geometry? Does GR actually need to be quantized? What should a quantum GR look like?

Without a viable theory of QG, do we really know that GR's lessons of DI and BI extend all the way down to the Planckscale, or, perhaps, emerge after reaching a certain threshold.
  • #4
ensabah6 said:
Without a viable theory of QG, do we really know that GR's lessons of DI and BI extend all the way down to the Planckscale, or, perhaps, emerge after reaching a certain threshold.

That is exactly the kind of physics question that Christian Wütherich is investigating!
Good for you for asking. Maybe you should try reading his PhD thesis. His thesis is the topic of this thread. It is called
Approaching the Planck Scale from a Relativistic Point of View.
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  • #5
marcus said:
That is exactly the kind of physics question that Christian Wütherich is investigating!
Good for you for asking. Maybe you should try reading his PhD thesis. His thesis is the topic of this thread. It is called
Approaching the Planck Scale from a Relativistic Point of View.

I more or less raised the same issue in "String Field Theory and Background Independence" thread.

I don't think it follows that b/c GR is BI + DI, that QG is BI + DI. Hopefully though some QG shows GR in the semiclassical regime.
String theory does this in 10 D, LQG does not in any.
  • #6
ensabah6 said:
I more or less raised the same issue in "String Field Theory and Background Independence" thread.

I don't think it follows that b/c GR is BI + DI, that QG is BI + DI. Hopefully though some QG shows GR in the semiclassical regime.
String theory does this in 10 D, LQG does not in any.

The paper quoted states, page 12, "I will argue that the full spacetime diffeomorphism invariance cannot be recovered in the canonical formulation of the theory, at least not as it stands."
  • #7
ensabah6 said:
I more or less raised the same issue in "String Field Theory and Background Independence" thread.

I don't think it follows that b/c GR is BI + DI, that QG is BI + DI. Hopefully though some QG shows GR in the semiclassical regime.
String theory does this in 10 D, LQG does not in any.

Markopoulou has an essay about "background independence" and what you're asking about, including some comments on Volovik's Fermi point idea:

New directions in Background Independent Quantum Gravity
Fotini Markopoulou
  • #8
Thanks for digging up that paper Atyy! That sounds like potentially interesting - yet more papers to read. Unfotunately I noticed Wüthrich's paper is 238 pages :cry: I'll try to skim it during the week.

  • #9
Fra said:
Thanks for digging up that paper Atyy! That sounds like potentially interesting - yet more papers to read. Unfotunately I noticed Wüthrich's paper is 238 pages :cry: I'll try to skim it during the week.

Wüthrich's discussion of background independence seems very close to Rovelli's book, which I don't understand (the temperature in Paris?). Here's a hilarious discussion about how difficult it is to define "diffeomorphism invariance" which I like:

Some remarks on the notions of general covariance and background independence
Domenico Giulini

Incidentally that comes in a volume edited by Stamatescu that includes:

The Canonical Approach to Quantum Gravity: General Ideas and Geometrodynamics
Domenico Giulini, Claus Kiefer

Loop and spin foam quantum gravity: a brief guide for beginners
Hermann Nicolai, Kasper Peeters

Hmmm, looks like Stamatescu's been dabbling in neuroscience! I shall have to read that.
  • #10
BTW, I guess what attracted me to Wüthrich's work was not his discussion of background independence, but of the assumption that you can always slice spacetime up into space and time (global hyperbolicity, Cauchy surfaces etc). It looks like LQG takes that assumption. Does CDT?

I understand in GR, global hyperbolicity is an assumption needed to formulate an initial data problem. Do we need to be able to formulate our problems as initial data problems to do science? Instinctively, I'd say yes. But in introductory GR, the way the Schwarzschild solution receives its interpretation doesn't seem to require an initial data formulation. So I'd guess no. Yet all numerical relativity seems to take that assumption, and apparently is required for cosmic censorship to work, without which GR is toast. So I'd guess yes! I'm totally confused :confused:
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FAQ: Philosophy of Loop Quantum Gravity

1. What is Loop Quantum Gravity?

Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) is a theoretical framework in physics that aims to reconcile the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics. It proposes that spacetime is quantized and is made up of tiny, discrete units called "loops."

2. How is LQG different from other theories of quantum gravity?

LQG is unique in that it does not attempt to unify gravity with the other fundamental forces of nature. Instead, it focuses solely on quantum gravity and provides a fundamentally different approach to understanding spacetime than other theories, such as string theory.

3. What is the significance of the "loop" in LQG?

The "loop" in LQG refers to the smallest unit of space in this theory. In LQG, space is not continuous, but rather composed of discrete units or "quanta." These loops of space can be interconnected and form a network, similar to a fabric.

4. What are some of the challenges facing LQG?

One of the main challenges facing LQG is the lack of experimental evidence. Since it is a theoretical framework, it has not yet been tested or proven through experiments. Additionally, the mathematics involved in LQG can be complex and difficult to understand, making it challenging for some scientists to work with.

5. How does LQG relate to the concept of time in physics?

LQG suggests that time is not a continuous entity but is also quantized, similar to space. This means that time is composed of discrete units that make up the fabric of spacetime. This concept challenges our traditional understanding of time as a linear and continuous progression.

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