Phone Interview: Got an Email from Cummins - Now What?

  • Thread starter Physics_wiz
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In summary, the person had sent out resumes during a career fair and received an email from Cummins, a potential employer, asking for availability for a phone interview for a summer internship. They sent an updated resume but did not receive a reply on Friday. They were hoping to hear back on Monday and were worried when they didn't. They wondered if Cummins would call instead of sending an email. The email from Cummins congratulated them on their hard work and asked for availability for a phone interview. The person questioned if they should send another email or wait for a call. They were advised to follow up to ensure their email was received and to prepare for the phone interview. The conversation also included tips for the phone interview and a joke about
  • #1
I'm a junior and I gave out some resumes during the career fair in the fall semester for a summer internship. I got an email on Thrusday from Cummins (awesome company) asking me to send them my schedule so they can set an interview time. I sent them an email right back but they didn't reply today (Friday). They asked if I had an updated resume and I sent them one in the original email. If the new resume changed their mind, they'd at least send me an email or something right? Hopefuly I get an email from them on Monday. I have to say, not getting an email today is worrying me a little.

Do you think they might just call without sending me an email? I told them I'm free all day Saturday, but I thought they'd send me an email telling me exactly what time so I don't have to stay home all day.

Here's the email I got from them:
"The WVU recruiting team here at Cummins recently reviewed your resume from the fall career fair and felt that you were a good candidate for our internship program. Congrads on your hard work!

We would like to set up a phone interview with you to determine where your interests lie as well as if you are a good fit for the program. Could you please let me know if you are still interested in a summer internship at Cummins and if so, what days of the week/times that you are available. I will then try to set up a time for a quick phone interview (typically 20-30 minutes) that meets both our schedule and yours.

Let me know if you have any other questions. Also, if you have updated your resume from the career fair, please feel free to send me an electronic copy before the interview."
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  • #2
I'm sure that you will have an email for you by Monday, you probably won't hear anything over a weekend.

Anyway, congrats on the potential interview! What kind of company is Cummins? I'm guessing it's probably not the diesel engine guys...haha. Or maybe it is you never knew...anyway congrats.
  • #3
Well, Monday's over and they didn't send me anything. Should I send them another email? Should I just wait to see if they'll call me without replying in an email or not?
  • #4
i'd wait. most good companies will give you some kind of result, and if, in the unfortunate event, that you don't get it this time around, i'd phone them again for feedback. they probably have a lot to go through, so i'd just give it more time - there's still a good chance.
  • #5
Contact them.

With spam filters, there is a good chance that your e-mail may not have gotten through. I am constantly running into issues where I e-mail a client something they've requested and their spam filter deletes my e-mail.

I would politely follow up inquring if your reply reached them. They can't object to that, and it will show that you are sincerely interested. You could simply state that you had attached an updated resume and wanted to be sure they received it. They sound very interested in you.

They didn't state when they'd reply, but if you lose out because your attachment sent your e-mail into a spam quarantine folder, that would be pretty sad. They did say to contact them if you had any questions.
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  • #6
Physics_wiz said:
I will then try to set up a time for a quick phone interview (typically 20-30 minutes) that meets both our schedule and yours.

The only time/day you gave them that you were free was Saturday? Note the one KEY sentence above. It's not surprising you haven't heard anything.

Here is Cummings employee: "No one's coming in on Saturday to give this interview?"

"We have 200 other interviews and that guy is middle of the pack we can skip it."

Details are the Key to Success of life.
  • #7
No, I gave them times I'm free every day of the week. I emailed them and got an email back today saying that they got my original email and they'll send another email to confirm the date/time once they decide on it. Any phone interview tips?
  • #8
Cummins eh?!

You do realize that if you get the job, we'll be sworn arch-enemies, and we'll have to have weekly swordfights to determine who the daddy is?!

Seriously, good luck. Phone interview tips: Know the company, know the product, know what you want to get out of the placement. Make sure you come across as being well informed, self-motivated, and enthusiastic. They're not likely to ask you anything too technical, but if they do and you don't know the answer, don't try and blag it, just say how you'd find out for sure. The phone interview is usually only a preliminary step to rule out the people who clearly don't live up to their CV, they'll give you much more of a roasting at your proper interview/assessment centre. Just be pleasant, speak clearly, and don't give them the same old crap that they'll have heard from the other 200 potentials.

Related to Phone Interview: Got an Email from Cummins - Now What?

1. What should I do to prepare for the phone interview with Cummins?

First, research the company and understand their products, services, and values. Then, review your resume and any relevant experience or skills that you can highlight during the interview. It is also important to practice answering common interview questions and have a quiet and professional space for the interview.

2. How long does a phone interview with Cummins typically last?

The length of a phone interview with Cummins can vary, but it usually lasts between 30 minutes to an hour. However, be prepared for the interview to potentially go longer if the interviewer has more questions or if there is a discussion about potential job roles.

3. What kind of questions can I expect during the phone interview?

The phone interview questions will likely focus on your background, experience, and skills, as well as your interest in the company and the specific job position. You may also be asked behavioral or situational questions to assess your problem-solving and teamwork abilities.

4. Will there be a technical component to the phone interview?

It depends on the job position you applied for. If the job requires technical skills, there may be a technical component to the phone interview. You can prepare for this by reviewing any relevant technical knowledge or experience you have and being ready to discuss it during the interview.

5. When can I expect to hear back after the phone interview?

The timeline for hearing back after a phone interview can vary, but typically, you should expect to hear back within a week or two. If you haven't heard back after two weeks, it is appropriate to follow up with the hiring manager or recruiter to inquire about the status of your application.

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