Photoelectric Effect vs. Wave Model

In summary, the photoelectric effect presents several challenges to the wave model of light. These include the fact that the energy of ejected electrons does not depend on the brightness of the light and that the energy is instead determined by the color or frequency of the light. Additionally, the near instantaneous ejection of electrons is not consistent with the idea of light being waves. While Wikipedia may provide a concise explanation of these phenomena, it may not be the best source for teaching about the photoelectric effect.
  • #1
What are some things about the photoelectric effect that can not be accounted for in the wave model of light?
Physics news on
  • #2
Too lazy to read wikipedia articles?
Or do you have a specific questions to the things mentioned there?

In addition, if you think of light as waves, a single electron would need ages to get enough energy to leave the metal.
  • #3
The main puzzling fact is that the energy of the ejected electrons does not depend on the brightness of the light and in normal circumstances this is what we associate withe the energy of light.
Bright light means more energy.
The energy of ejected electrons depends on the colour(frequency) of the light and you would not normally associate this with energy.
Also electrons are ejected almost instantaneously and the should be a long time delay if the wave picture was true.
You will need to search 'Wiki!' to find a simple, consise explanation. Wiki is a good reference source but, in my opinion, it is not a good teaching source.

FAQ: Photoelectric Effect vs. Wave Model

What is the photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a material when it is exposed to light. This was first observed by Heinrich Hertz in 1887 and later explained by Albert Einstein in 1905.

What is the wave model of light?

The wave model of light is a theory that describes light as an electromagnetic wave. This model was developed by scientists such as Christiaan Huygens and James Clerk Maxwell in the 17th and 19th centuries, respectively.

What is the main difference between the photoelectric effect and the wave model of light?

The main difference between the photoelectric effect and the wave model of light is that the photoelectric effect focuses on the particle-like behavior of light, while the wave model focuses on the wave-like behavior of light.

Which model is more accurate in describing light?

Both the photoelectric effect and the wave model have their strengths and limitations. However, the wave model is generally considered more accurate in explaining the properties of light, such as interference and diffraction.

How did the photoelectric effect contribute to the development of quantum mechanics?

The photoelectric effect played a crucial role in the development of quantum mechanics as it provided evidence for the existence of photons and their particle-like behavior. This led to the understanding that light has both wave-like and particle-like properties, which was a revolutionary concept in physics.
