Photographic Memory: What is It & Can You Develop It?

  • Thread starter decibel
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In summary, photographic memory is the ability to recall visual experiences without effort and is often associated with the use of mnemonic devices. However, it is not as powerful as commonly portrayed and individuals with this ability do not necessarily have a significant advantage over others. It is possible for anyone to improve their memory through practice, but it is debated whether genetics play a role in developing a photographic memory. Some people use techniques such as creating mental structures like hallways to aid in memory recall. This technique has been used historically, such as by merchants who could not read or write, and has been shown to be effective.
  • #36
You must agree that neurons which interact with each other will grow a tighter affinity, basic process of learning.. (don't say you can also have negative interactions please..) anyway..
Physics news on
  • #37
So, I checked Amazon, and it seems they carry that book I mentioned: Books: The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book About a Vast Memory
  • #38
Even better

Learning to become a genius would be more favorable than learning to have a photographic memory!

Those "genius" people annoy me sometimes (I have a lot of them in my school) . . . they (not all cases) don't take any notes, don't do any problems, and don't actively participate . . . yet they still achieve very high (this is a very pronounced stereotype).

  • #39

Originally posted by Integral0
Learning to become a genius would be more favorable than learning to have a photographic memory!
Those "genius" people annoy me sometimes (I have a lot of them in my school) . . . they (not all cases) don't take any notes, don't do any problems, and don't actively participate . . . yet they still achieve very high (this is a very pronounced stereotype).
Humm, don't know what you think a Genius really is, but "effective parrotage" isn't that.

(most of the historically recognized characters, seen as "Genius", have Advanced Humanities knowledge base, forward, past where they were, at that time...any of your students done that?)
  • #40
I think I have a photographic memory but when I research it, many websites and articles claim it's all a myth.Artman's example of the kid at church camp sounds like me, I can recall full pages of words. A couple of days ago, I had an English prelim and had to write two essays in an hour and a half. The night before, I learned these essays word for word so I could write them out the next day in a quicker time. I did this by looking at them, and remembering the paragraphs in my head, so I would have a visual image when I went into the prelim. The only thing is, I couldn't just glance at them and know them instantly it took a couple of times looking at the sheets for a minute or so, and I'm not really sure if this counts as having a photographic memory or not. To be honest, the internet isn't really much help in this case.
  • #41
well. I hve photgraphic memry in Numbers, and 75%in other stuff, whn i luk at any numbr, dsnt mattr how many digits, i jst need 2 luk at e number maximum 3 sec, and thn i just knw th numbr, evry1 in ma class is scard of me haha, dey dnt open their code locks infrnt of me hehehe...

Last tym thre ws e girl hu ws opening her locker, n i ws standin at e bck, I didnt mean 2 check her code, bt whn she opend it, i jst saw th numbers, and i still remmbr it, bt i thnk its not good, coz i wnt 2 4gt htht code, id nt want to remmbr it, bt i can't forget...i´ve tried a lot nt 2 remmbr it didnt help...

any of you hve e idea how 2 frget numbrs? haha
  • #42
How do you know if you have a photographic memory? It seems like people always know for sure "I know this guy who has a photographic memory..."
I can look at a picture and after I'm done looking at it, I can picture it in my head again. Everyone can do that. But what exactly qualifies as "photographic memory"? Can you remember a list of items? I can remember a few. If I can only remember 5, my memory is not photographic and if someone else can remember 6, he's over the threshold that makes his memory photographic?
Attributing photographic memory to people doesn't sound like an exact science. Sounds like it's based more on the opinion of who's currently talking about it.

Edit: Oh, didn't realize Isaac Newton above me bumped this 2 year old thread.
  • #43
leroyjenkens said:
How do you know if you have a photographic memory? It seems like people always know for sure "I know this guy who has a photographic memory..."
I can look at a picture and after I'm done looking at it, I can picture it in my head again. Everyone can do that. But what exactly qualifies as "photographic memory"? Can you remember a list of items? I can remember a few. If I can only remember 5, my memory is not photographic and if someone else can remember 6, he's over the threshold that makes his memory photographic?
Attributing photographic memory to people doesn't sound like an exact science. Sounds like it's based more on the opinion of who's currently talking about it.

Edit: Oh, didn't realize Isaac Newton above me bumped this 2 year old thread.

wts crackin man!?jst chill!

u cn go 2 google n take e number test and see wht u get, u myt also be Albert Enstien, u neva knw? if u cn rmmbr tngs and you dnt thnk dt you dnt ve photographic mmry, thn leave it? whts e prob man? by e wy dnt be tht rude!
cn u get 20 digits,if u luk at tht 3 sec? wht i said ws dat i hve photographic mmry only in Numbers! bt 75%in othr stuff dpnding upon certain thngs!
  • #44
kokab said:
wts crackin man!?jst chill!

u cn go 2 google n take e number test and see wht u get, u myt also be Albert Enstien, u neva knw? if u cn rmmbr tngs and you dnt thnk dt you dnt ve photographic mmry, thn leave it? whts e prob man? by e wy dnt be tht rude!
cn u get 20 digits,if u luk at tht 3 sec? wht i said ws dat i hve photographic mmry only in Numbers! bt 75%in othr stuff dpnding upon certain thngs!

Where have you been going on the internet where this kind of shorthand typing is acceptable?
  • #45
leroyjenkens said:
Where have you been going on the internet where this kind of shorthand typing is acceptable?

This topic is related 2 Photographic Memory, Not my shorthand typing!
  • #46
kokab said:
This topic is related 2 Photographic Memory, Not my shorthand typing!
PF rules require legible writing. You agreed to these rules.

"In the interest of conveying ideas as clearly as possible, posts are required to show reasonable attention to written English communication standards. This includes the use of proper grammatical structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. SMS messaging shorthand, such as using "u" for "you", is not acceptable."
  • #47
It's all right, I have a basic understanding of Chat. I've painstakingly translated kokab's post:

Well I have a photographic memory in numbers and 75% of other things. When I look at any number, it doesn't matter how many digits, I just need to look at the number for a maximum of 3 seconds and then I just know the number. Everyone in my class is scared of me. :smile:. They don't open their code locks [sic] in front of me.

Last time there was a girl who was opening her locker and I was standing behind her. I didn't mean to check her code but when she opened it I just saw the numbers, and I still remember it. I think it's not good because I want to forget the code; I didn't want to remember it, but I can't forget it. I've tried a lot of not to remember it but it didn't help.

Do any of you have an idea how to forget numbers? :smile:
  • #48
DaveC426913 said:
PF rules require legible writing. You agreed to these rules.

"In the interest of conveying ideas as clearly as possible, posts are required to show reasonable attention to written English communication standards. This includes the use of proper grammatical structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. SMS messaging shorthand, such as using "u" for "you", is not acceptable."

  • #49
What is the problem? Ease up.

You can go to Google and take a number test [sic] and see what you get. You might also be Albert Einstein, you never know. If you can remember things and you don't think that you don't have a photographic memory, then leave it. What's the problem? by e wy [sic] don;t be that rude!

Can you get 20 digits if you look at that for 3 seconds? What I said was that I have a photographic memory only in numbers. But for 75% of other stuff, it depends on certain things.
10 char
  • #50
I don't know, Ask Him/Her!

He is th one who replied 1st to my Post

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