Photon Emission: Classical vs Nuclear Fusion

In summary, the gamma photons are not the same ones that escape as a range of photons radiated from the surface. These are largely around optical frequencies and arise after many many interactions on the way through.
  • #1
In classical physics we know photon emits when electron move from higher to lower state but in nuclear fusion photon emits when neutron turn into proton. Is both correct?
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  • #2
This is the sort of queston where we encourage you to find reputable material and to ask specific questions about that material. It's much better for everyone if you ask questions relating to, in this case, a specific source explaining the nuclear fusion you are asking about.
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  • #3
sadaronjiggasha said:
In classical physics we know photon emits when electron move from higher to lower state but in nuclear fusion photon emits when neutron turn into proton. Is both correct?
No. Your comment about an electron and photon is correct, but when a neutron decays into a proton (beta decay) a down quark in the neutron decays into an up quark. As the charge of the quarks are different this cannot be mediated by a (chargeless) photon. In fact, the beta decay process is ##d \to W^- + u \to e^- + \overline{ \nu } _e + u##. The d emits a ##W^-## rather than a photon.

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Likes Astronuc, Dale and sadaronjiggasha
  • #4
I found the fusion thing in a video where they describing how sun emits light to earth.
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Likes PeroK
  • #5
sadaronjiggasha said:
I found the fusion thing in a video where they describing how sun emits light to earth.
You cannot understand physics by watching videos.
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Likes Astronuc, Vanadium 50, sophiecentaur and 1 other person
  • #6
  • #7
sadaronjiggasha said:
I found the fusion thing in a video where they describing how sun emits light to earth.
The photons produced by fusion in the centre of a star pass energy to the outside over a period of thousands of years. You can’t regard the photons radiated in our direction as ‘the same’ as what’ produced inside.

Read what @topsquark tells you. Videos are mostly way too glib.
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  • #8
So according to the equation decay emits electron and neutrino. Am I reading right?
  • #9
Ok I got my answer from another excellent scientist who help me to clear my doubt. I am sharing here it may help others. "neutron decaying into a proton does not produce a photon; you get the neutron, a positron, and a neutrino. Fusion reactions, though, can involve excited nuclei and nuclear de-excitations can produce photons. Also particle-antiparticle annihilations, as well as acceleration of charged particles, in addition to the electron (atomic) transition."
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  • #10
sadaronjiggasha said:
"neutron decaying into a proton does not produce a photon; you get the neutron, a positron, and a neutrino
Which is incorrect. You get a proton, an electron, and an (anti)neutrino.
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Likes malawi_glenn, sadaronjiggasha and topsquark
  • #11
sadaronjiggasha said:
neutron decaying into a proton does not produce a photon; you get the neutron, a positron, and a neutrino
So you start with a neutron and end up with a neutron plus other stuff? Good luck with that.
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  • #12
Vanadium 50 said:
Which is incorrect. You get a proton, an electron, and an (anti)neutrino.
But wait, so you're saying that the "excellent scientist" found by @sadaronjiggasha to answer his questions is not so excellent? :oops:
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  • #13
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  • #14
sadaronjiggasha said:
Ok I got my answer from another excellent scientist who help me to clear my doubt. I am sharing here it may help others. "neutron decaying into a proton does not produce a photon; you get the neutron, a positron, and a neutrino. Fusion reactions, though, can involve excited nuclei and nuclear de-excitations can produce photons. Also particle-antiparticle annihilations, as well as acceleration of charged particles, in addition to the electron (atomic) transition."
To be precise, the neutron decays into a proton and a ##W^-## and the ##W^-## then decays into an electron and an electron anti-neutrino. As to the rest, yes, the fusion reactions are what create the photons that eventually escape from the Sun.

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  • #15
That was just typing mistake by him. It was very elementary that after decay of neutron it will turn into proton. We all do same while typing. Thinking of one thing and typing other thing. I also forgot to type some word cause human mind run faster than typing.

2nd thing why I called him excellent scientist because he did not ask from where I am getting this no site refference no link he understood what I am asking just reading my question. Thats why I praised him as excellent scientist. How much deeper knowledge he has that he can understand my novice question.
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  • #16
topsquark said:
To be precise, the neutron decays into a proton and a ##W^-## and the ##W^-## then decays into an electron and an electron anti-neutrino. As to the rest, yes, the fusion reactions are what create the photons that eventually escape from the Sun.

The gamma photons are not the same ones that escape as a range of photons radiated from the surface. These are largely around optical frequencies and arise after many many interactions on the way through.
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  • #17
p-p fusion chain in the sun–proton_chain
Also, note the amount of energy relseaed (in form of kinetic energy), which has three purposes:
1) can "ignite" another p-p chain since the protons need kinetic energy to overcome the repulsive electric force in order to fuse.
2) provides an outward pressure to balance the attractive gravitational pull, causing the star not to collpase.
3) heats up the star, which makes it radiate according to a (an almost perfect) blackbody.
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Likes topsquark and sophiecentaur

FAQ: Photon Emission: Classical vs Nuclear Fusion

1. What is photon emission?

Photon emission is the process by which a photon, or a particle of light, is released from an atom or molecule. This can occur through various mechanisms, such as when an electron in an excited state returns to a lower energy state, or during nuclear reactions.

2. What is the difference between classical and nuclear fusion?

Classical fusion refers to the fusion of atoms at high temperatures and pressures, such as in the core of the sun, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. Nuclear fusion, on the other hand, involves the fusion of atomic nuclei, which releases a significant amount of energy.

3. How does photon emission differ in classical and nuclear fusion?

In classical fusion, photon emission occurs as a result of the fusion process itself, as the energy released during fusion causes electrons to jump to lower energy levels and emit photons. In nuclear fusion, photon emission can also occur as a byproduct of the reaction, but it is not the primary source of energy.

4. Can photon emission be controlled in nuclear fusion reactions?

Yes, photon emission can be controlled to some extent in nuclear fusion reactions. Scientists are currently working on developing methods to control the release of photons in order to harness the energy produced by nuclear fusion for practical use.

5. What are the potential applications of photon emission in nuclear fusion?

The primary application of photon emission in nuclear fusion is the production of energy. If harnessed effectively, nuclear fusion could provide a nearly limitless source of clean energy, with minimal impact on the environment. Photon emission can also be used for diagnostic purposes in studying and understanding the fusion process.

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