Photon energy in Heisenberg picture

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of definite energy in Heisenberg picture and its relation to the time evolution of a quantum system. It is mentioned that a photon state can be in a superposition of different energy modes, making its energy indefinite. The conversation also touches upon the conservation of energy and the possibility of modeling the energy of a photon as a local hidden variable.
  • #1
Gold Member
I would like to ask a quick (I suppose) question.
Does a photon have definite energy in Heisenberg picture?
My motivation for this question comes from reading that Hamitonian is generator of time evolution. But in Heisenberg picture time evolution is associated with operator not quantum system. Therefore question about energy of quantum system that is not undergoing time evolution.
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  • #2
Well, the energy operator in Heisenberg picture is time independent:
H_H(t) = e^{iH_St}H_Se^{-iH_St} = H_S.
  • #3
zonde said:
I would like to ask a quick (I suppose) question.
Does a photon have definite energy in Heisenberg picture?
My motivation for this question comes from reading that Hamitonian is generator of time evolution. But in Heisenberg picture time evolution is associated with operator not quantum system. Therefore question about energy of quantum system that is not undergoing time evolution.

A one-photon state of the electromagnetic field may be in a superposition of many different energy and momentum modes, and so it needn't have a definite energy.

The Hamiltonian of the electromagnetic field is a sum over energy and momentum modes. If the one-photon state were only in one mode, then you could have a definite energy value, but that may not be physically realizeable when you consider the energy-time uncertainty principle.
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  • #4
zonde said:
Does a photon have definite energy in Heisenberg picture?
The comment from jfizzix made me realize that it was possible that the OP mixed the definition between "indefinite" and "time-dependent". Definite/indefinite in QM is usually associated with whether there is nonzero uncertainty in measuring certain physical quantity, it has nothing to do with the time dependency of that quantity.

In the example of photon state being a superposition of multiple modes (multiple frequencies) as given as an example by jfizzix above, there will be more than one possible results of energy measurement, i.e. the energy measurement yields indefinite outcomes. But so long as there is no light source and/or absorbing material in the system, the energy is conserved, i.e. it's time independent.
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  • #5
blue_leaf77 said:
The comment from jfizzix made me realize that it was possible that the OP mixed the definition between "indefinite" and "time-dependent". Definite/indefinite in QM is usually associated with whether there is nonzero uncertainty in measuring certain physical quantity, it has nothing to do with the time dependency of that quantity.
Yes, I was thinking about the same. What was it that I meant by my question? As it can be understood in two different ways.
I suppose I was thinking whether energy of photon can be modeled as local hidden variable of photon. So it is more related to the time dependency than uncertainty across ensemble.

FAQ: Photon energy in Heisenberg picture

1. What is photon energy in the Heisenberg picture?

In quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg picture is a way of representing the evolution of a quantum system over time. In this picture, the operators that represent physical quantities such as position and momentum are time-dependent. Photon energy in the Heisenberg picture refers to the energy of a photon that is described by a time-dependent operator.

2. How is photon energy related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that there is a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical quantities, such as position and momentum, can be known simultaneously. This principle also applies to photon energy, which is related to the uncertainty in the time at which the photon was emitted or absorbed. Therefore, the more precisely the energy of a photon is known, the less precisely its emission or absorption time can be known.

3. How is photon energy measured in the Heisenberg picture?

In the Heisenberg picture, the energy of a photon is represented by a time-dependent operator. This operator acts on the state of the photon to produce a measurement of its energy. The result of this measurement is a probability distribution, which gives the probability of measuring a certain energy value for the photon.

4. Can photon energy be negative in the Heisenberg picture?

In the Heisenberg picture, the energy of a photon is represented by a Hermitian operator, which means that it can only have real eigenvalues. Therefore, photon energy cannot be negative in the Heisenberg picture.

5. How does the Heisenberg picture handle the conservation of photon energy?

The Heisenberg picture is a representation of quantum mechanics that is equivalent to the more commonly known Schrödinger picture. In this picture, the conservation of energy is still applicable. The time evolution of the photon energy operator in the Heisenberg picture is determined by the Hamiltonian of the system, which is a conserved quantity. Therefore, the Heisenberg picture still maintains the conservation of photon energy.

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