Photon Mass: 10-36 kg - Exploring the Possibility

In summary, Photon is the sub-atomic particle that light is made of. The properties of Photon: Mass = 0, Charge = 0, Spin = 1.
  • #1
Photon is the sub-atomic particle that light is made of. The properties of Photon:
Mass = 0, Charge = 0, Spin = 1.

According to Einstein's relativity, light travels fastest at 300,000 km / sec. When any other object travels at the speed of light, the universe shrinks to zero distance. But, we know that it takes 8.3 minutes for light from the sun to reach earth. So, even for sun light, the universe does not shrink to zero.

I find it hard to believe that photon has no mass. The energy of a photon is h x λ (Planks constant multiplied by Frequency) is roughly 10-20 Joules, small but finite.

According to Einstein, E = mc2. In a nuclear reaction, the mass lost is converted to energy which is carried by photon. Consider a hypothetical experiment, where photon is converted to a truly mass-less energy "particle". In the experiment, the mass of a photon is converted to pure energy. In short, the mass of the photon is lost. The lost mass is equivalent to the energy calculated by Planks formula (proportional to its frequency). So, the mass of a photon is 10-36 (small but finite).

If there was a mass-less particle, it would travel at infinite speed and can move from one end of the universe to the other end of the universe in zero time. For a truly mass-less particle, the universe would truly shrink to zero.
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  • #2
vijayst said:
But, we know that it takes 8.3 minutes for light from the sun to reach earth. So, even for sun light, the universe does not shrink to zero.

You seem to be working in the frame of a photon. This is not possible in physics.

I find it hard to believe that photon has no mass. The energy of a photon is h x λ (Planks constant multiplied by Frequency) is roughly 10-20 Joules, small but finite.

According to Einstein, E = mc2.

This is not the actual formula. The formula is fine for slow moving objects, but not for things like photons.

If there was a mass-less particle, it would travel at infinite speed and can move from one end of the universe to the other end of the universe in zero time. For a truly mass-less particle, the universe would truly shrink to zero.

This is completely false and contrary to mainstream physics. Please do not write things like that.

Some things to read:
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  • #3
vijayst said:
According to Einstein, E = mc2.

The full form of the equation is e2 = m2c4 + p2c2, where p = the momentum of the an object. Photons do not have mass, but they do possesses momentum. So even when the mass is zero, you still have a finite amount of energy.

You can check that here:
  • #4
Thank you, micromass, Drakkith. It is 17 years since I last read a formal textbook in physics. I recently got interested in Particle Physics. One of the YouTube video misled me to come to the above conclusions.

As you rightly pointed out, I should have warned the reader that I was trying to prove a claim.
  • #5
vijayst said:
One of the YouTube video misled me to come to the above conclusions.

You better avoid youtube videos and watch some nice lectures. Sometimes, youtube videos tend to mislead others
  • #6
vijayst said:
Photon is the sub-atomic particle that light is made of. The properties of Photon:
Mass = 0, Charge = 0, Spin = 1.

According to Einstein's relativity, light travels fastest at 300,000 km / sec. When any other object travels at the speed of light, the universe shrinks to zero distance. But, we know that it takes 8.3 minutes for light from the sun to reach earth. So, even for sun light, the universe does not shrink to zero.

I find it hard to believe that photon has no mass. The energy of a photon is h x λ (Planks constant multiplied by Frequency) is roughly 10-20 Joules, small but finite.

According to Einstein, E = mc2. In a nuclear reaction, the mass lost is converted to energy which is carried by photon. Consider a hypothetical experiment, where photon is converted to a truly mass-less energy "particle". In the experiment, the mass of a photon is converted to pure energy. In short, the mass of the photon is lost. The lost mass is equivalent to the energy calculated by Planks formula (proportional to its frequency). So, the mass of a photon is 10-36 (small but finite).

If there was a mass-less particle, it would travel at infinite speed and can move from one end of the universe to the other end of the universe in zero time. For a truly mass-less particle, the universe would truly shrink to zero.

You should phrase your statements as questions. That way it doesn't sound like you think you understand something that you really don't.
  • #7
adjacent said:
You better avoid youtube videos and watch some nice lectures. Sometimes, youtube videos tend to mislead others

I vote for less avoidance and more participation so that more people are exposed to real Science. Granted, it can seem an often thankless "job" but it's difficult to argue that it is ignore-worthy.

Related to Photon Mass: 10-36 kg - Exploring the Possibility

What is a photon mass and why is it important to explore?

A photon mass is the hypothetical mass of a photon, a fundamental particle of light. It is important to explore because it could potentially change our understanding of the laws of physics and the nature of light.

How can a photon have mass if it is considered massless?

The concept of a photon mass is purely theoretical and has not been observed or proven. It is based on the idea that if a particle has energy, it must also have a corresponding mass, even if it is incredibly small.

What is the current scientific understanding of the photon mass?

According to the current understanding of physics, photons are considered to be massless particles. However, some theories and experiments suggest that they could have a very small mass, possibly on the order of 10^-36 kg.

What are the potential implications of a photon having mass?

If photons do have mass, it could change our understanding of how light travels and interacts with matter. It could also affect our understanding of the universe's expansion, the behavior of black holes, and the existence of dark matter.

How are scientists exploring the possibility of a photon mass?

Scientists are using a variety of methods, such as particle accelerators and astronomical observations, to try and detect or measure the mass of a photon. They are also studying the theoretical implications of a photon having mass and testing these theories through experiments and calculations.

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