Photon pressure within a black hole

In summary: In either case, the objects that enter the black hole end up (eventually) exiting it again, albeit in a different universe.(3) Quantum effects allow a singularity to form at the center of the black hole, but prevent anything from escaping from it. In this case, everything that falls into the black hole gets destroyed, no matter how small the object is. This is the most common kind of model of black holes, and is what we usually think of when we say "black hole."In summary, on the classical model of a black hole, if matter and anti-matter collided to form a black hole, they would annihilate and you would have a black hole made of photons. However,
  • #1
If a large mass of matter and anti-matter collided to form a black hole, I assume they would anihilate and you would have a black hole made of photons. Now considering the black hole as a container of photon, there must be a net pressure pushing against the confines of the gravity.
The force of gravity increases with the inverse square of the radius, however the photon pressure increases with the inverse cube, meaning at a certain distance from the singularity the photon pressure with overcome the gravity. Also as far as I can see from the maths, if a black hole shrinks through evaporation, there will come a point when the photon pressure will supersede the event horizon, and boom would the black hole simply explode?
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  • #2
If antimatter fell into the black hole nothing special would happen other than the hole gets a little larger.

Once it's past the event horizon it's not coming out. So basically you won't see any photons even if it did collide with matter on the way in.

When anything falls into a black hole it follows a trajectory toward the singularity but never reaches it. It basically squished and stretched out as it falls. There is no matter at the center of the singularity.

With respect to your question, it seems if the black hole formed the photons would be trapped inside falling toward the singularity. They would lose their sense of being photons as only their properties of mass, charge, and angular momentum are preserved...

Black holes do evaporate and go out in a flash of light. I can't comment on the photon pressure though I couldn't find any reference for it.
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  • #3
bcrelling said:
considering the black hole as a container of photon

It isn't. A black hole isn't a "container" of anything. Everything inside a black hole is falling into the singularity. See further comments below.

bcrelling said:
there must be a net pressure pushing against the confines of the gravity

A blob of photons that forms a black hole will have pressure, yes; but if the photons have formed a black hole, the pressure can't have been sufficient to overcome the gravity of the photons. If it were, a black hole would never form in the first place. Once the hole forms, the pressure of the photons will never overcome their gravity, and all the photons will fall into the singularity and be destroyed. (At least, that's what happens in the purely classical model of black holes; if we throw in quantum effects like evaporation, things become more complicated--see below.)

bcrelling said:
at a certain distance from the singularity the photon pressure with overcome the gravity

No, because, as above, if pressure is sufficient to overcome gravity, the photons will never form a black hole in the first place, so what's at the center won't be a singularity; it will just be the center of an ordinary blob of photons whose contraction will be stopped by the pressure of the photons, and which will then start expanding again.

bcrelling said:
if a black hole shrinks through evaporation, there will come a point when the photon pressure will supersede the event horizon

No, there won't. Adding quantum effects like evaporation does make things more complicated, as I said above, but it doesn't make the inside of a black hole any more like an ordinary "container" of photons or anything else.

There are basically three possibilities for what happens when we take the classical model of a black hole, in which the hole is "eternal" and can never lose mass or evaporate away, and add quantum effects like Hawking radiation.

(1) Quantum effects prevent a black hole from ever forming in the first place; no actual event horizon ever forms. Compact objects that look, from the outside, very much like a black hole might still form (in more technical language, an "apparent horizon", where radially outgoing light no longer moves outward, might still form), but they would not actually be black holes (for example, any apparent horizon that did form would eventually disappear, so there would be no permanent boundary preventing light or other things from escaping). What we call "black hole evaporation" on this model would actually be generated by apparent horizons, not event horizons, and would tend to eventually make them disappear, allowing objects that fell inside those apparent horizons to escape out again.

(2) Quantum effects allow an actual black hole to form (i.e., they allow actual event horizons to form, so that objects inside them never escape), but do not allow a singularity to form at the center. Thus, objects that fall through the event horizon, although they can never actually escape back out, do not get destroyed in a singularity. On some versions of this kind of model, the objects that fall in enter a new "baby universe" that gets spawned when the hole is created; on other versions, it's not entirely clear what happens to them (and that is one reason why this group of models is probably not workable). A black hole that forms can eventually evaporate, and the radiation that comes out during the evaporation can, at least in some versions of this kind of model, contain all the information about objects that fell in, even though the objects themselves can't escape back out (they don't even come out if the hole finally evaporates away completely).

(3) Quantum effects allow an actual black hole to form (i.e., they allow actual event horizons to form), and a singularity forms at the center of each black hole. A black hole can eventually evaporate, but anything that fell into it while it existed gets destroyed in the singularity. On some versions of this kind of model, the radiation emitted during the evaporation process somehow contains all the quantum information that was in the objects that fell in (but in highly scrambled form so it's practically impossible to reconstruct the objects from the information). On other versions, that quantum information is lost when the objects hit the singularity and are destroyed.

Possibility #1 makes the whole question we are discussing here moot. Possibilities #2 and #3, as you can see, do not allow anything like photon pressure overcoming the hole's gravity, and do not make the hole anything like an ordinary container or object.
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  • #4
jedishrfu said:
if the black hole formed the photons would be trapped inside falling toward the singularity. They would lose their sense of being photons as only their properties of mass, charge, and angular momentum are preserved...

That's not correct. The "no hair" theorem only applies to the hole itself, as seen from outside. It doesn't apply to individual objects that fall inside. Those objects might get destroyed in the singularity (depending on which model we are talking about--see my previous post), but until they do, they retain all the properties (like what kind of particles they are) that they had outside the hole.
  • #6
jedishrfu said:
the wiki article that says once they fall past the event horizon the theorem applies

The article says that the holes themselves are indistinguishable "to an observer outside the event horizon". Such an observer can't see anything inside the horizon anyway, so he can't tell whether there's matter or antimatter there falling into the singularity (or what kinds of matter or antimatter particles are there). I don't see anywhere that the article says the individual particles that form the hole "lose their identity" inside the hole; it only talks about the global characteristics of the hole itself, as seen from outside the horizon.

Related to Photon pressure within a black hole

1. What is photon pressure within a black hole?

Photon pressure within a black hole refers to the force exerted by photons (particles of light) that are trapped within the black hole's event horizon. This pressure is caused by the intense gravitational pull of the black hole, which bends the path of the photons, causing them to collide and exert a force on the surrounding matter.

2. How does photon pressure affect the behavior of matter within a black hole?

The photon pressure within a black hole can have a significant impact on the behavior of matter. It can cause the matter to heat up, creating intense radiation and contributing to the overall energy output of the black hole. It can also influence the movement of particles and the formation of accretion disks around the black hole.

3. Can photon pressure escape a black hole?

No, photon pressure cannot escape a black hole. Once a photon crosses the event horizon, it is trapped within the black hole and cannot escape. This is due to the extreme gravitational pull of the black hole, which prevents anything, including light, from escaping.

4. How does photon pressure contribute to the growth of a black hole?

The photon pressure within a black hole can contribute to its growth by transferring energy and momentum to the surrounding matter. As matter falls into the black hole, it is heated up and emits intense radiation, which can push against nearby matter, causing it to spiral into the black hole and increase its mass.

5. Can photon pressure be used to escape from a black hole?

No, photon pressure cannot be used to escape from a black hole. The intense gravitational pull of a black hole is too strong for the photon pressure to overcome. Additionally, once a photon crosses the event horizon, it is trapped within the black hole and cannot escape, regardless of its pressure or energy.

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