Photon radiation, how does it work?

In summary, when photons are emitted, they radiate outwards in all directions, allowing for clear pictures to be observed from vast distances. However, for extremely distant objects, only a handful of photons can be captured per second, requiring long exposures to obtain a clear image. This is due to the fact that photons are emitted at all angles, and as the distance increases, the time between photons also increases, making it theoretically possible to have gaps between arriving photons. This can be overcome by using multiple telescopes or recording for extended periods of time. The concept of Rayleighs criterion and interferometry can also improve resolution in these cases.
  • #1
When photons are emitted, they radiate outwards from the point of radiation at all angles, so much so that clear pictures can be observed from vast distances. How is it that you can radiate photons in so many strait lines that the gaps between the lines don't become to far apart to make a clear picture.
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  • #2
Before going further, have you studied Rayleighs criterion?
  • #3
I havn't
  • #4
Basically, photons are small packets of energy, so a lot of them are emitted. But for really, really distant objects, when people take pictures of them, they capture only a handful of photons a second.
  • #5
W3pcq, great question! Now I am really wondering! Think of a quasar 12 billion light years away, and two telescopes recording images simultaneously a few meters apart. !

Separate photon streams? A single photon stream that is "blurred" over a large "footprint" (by diffraction in the vacuum of space?) ?
  • #6
You basically have that backwards. Having separate telescopes record the same image (using interferometry) increases the resolution. Basically, it allows distinguishing between light rays that aren't quite parallel.
  • #7
Well I may have gone off track a little there...
Let me rephrase the original question. If observers on the entire night side planet of Earth can observe a 12 Gly quasar at the same time, then there are photons from the quasar colliding with observers on every point on the planet WITH NO GAPS. Is it even theoretically possible us to be so distant from a luminous object that the photons strike our planet piecemeal with gaps between the arriving photons? Even in another 100 billion years? 100 trillion years? (Hypothetically speaking, ignoring the eventual decay of all matter, big crunches, bounces, etc.).
  • #8
sysreset said:
Well I may have gone off track a little there...
Let me rephrase the original question. If observers on the entire night side planet of Earth can observe a 12 Gly quasar at the same time, then there are photons from the quasar colliding with observers on every point on the planet WITH NO GAPS. Is it even theoretically possible us to be so distant from a luminous object that the photons strike our planet piecemeal with gaps between the arriving photons? Even in another 100 billion years? 100 trillion years? (Hypothetically speaking, ignoring the eventual decay of all matter, big crunches, bounces, etc.).
Why do you think photographs of very dim objects require such long exposures? Only a relatively few photons from those distant quasars reach Earth every second. But hold hte exposure for a minute or so and you collect enough to get a decent pic.

I don't know how many people can see light from a quasar 12Gly distant with their naked eye, so the conclusion is that, yes, there ARE gaps. But note that the gaps are spread across both space AND time. The photograph I mention above can't maximize the space to capture more photons, but it can maximize the time over which it collects them.
  • #9
sysreset said:
Is it even theoretically possible us to be so distant from a luminous object that the photons strike our planet piecemeal with gaps between the arriving photons? Even in another 100 billion years? 100 trillion years? (Hypothetically speaking, ignoring the eventual decay of all matter, big crunches, bounces, etc.).
YES! I said this already. For extremely dim objects, telescopes may record only a few photons every second, but by recording them for hours or even days, they get a bright picture of the object.
  • #10
Thanks Russ I get it now... photons are emitted radially at ALL angles, it's just as you get down to really tiny angles you just have to wait longer and longer to see the object, because your photon detection equipment always has a radius. It is therefore theoretically possible to be so far from an object that you get over one hundred years between photons, necessitating really long exposures to see the object.

FAQ: Photon radiation, how does it work?

1. What is photon radiation?

Photon radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that consists of particles of light known as photons. It is a form of energy that can travel through space and matter at the speed of light.

2. How does photon radiation work?

Photon radiation works by emitting photons, which are packets of energy, from a source. These photons then travel through space or matter and interact with other particles, either being absorbed or scattered. This process can release energy and cause changes in the particles that the photons interact with.

3. What are the sources of photon radiation?

The main sources of photon radiation include the sun, stars, and artificial sources such as X-ray machines and lasers. Photon radiation can also be produced through natural processes such as radioactive decay.

4. What are the uses of photon radiation?

Photon radiation has a wide range of uses in various fields such as medicine, communication, and energy production. In medicine, it is used for imaging and cancer treatment. In communication, it is used in technologies such as fiber optics. In energy production, it can be harnessed through solar panels.

5. How can photon radiation be harmful?

Exposure to high levels of photon radiation can be harmful to living organisms. It can damage cells and DNA, leading to health issues such as radiation sickness or cancer. However, the harmful effects depend on the type and intensity of the radiation, as well as the duration of exposure.
