Photon's Antiparticle: Exploring Its Properties

  • Thread starter sreerajt
  • Start date
In summary: Yes, it must transform according to the trivial representation of the operation \mathit{C} in order to be considered a particle.
  • #1
Photon's antiparticle!

It's said that photon is an antiparticle of itself. Also there are some particle following this property. How is this happening?
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  • #2

sreerajt said:
It's said that photon is an antiparticle of itself. Also there are some particle following this property. How is this happening?

Who says everything has to have a separate, distinguishable anti-particle? There is no reason to assume such a thing must happen. I don't know any other particles that are their own anti-particles (although there are theories that neutrinos may be their own anti-particles but this has not been experimentally shown and is not currently an accepted idea).
  • #3

the neutral pion π° is its own antiparticle
  • #4

i heard that force carrier's have this property.
  • #5

Not all of them. The W+ and W- are antiparticles.
  • #6

A particle that is it's own anti-particle is called a Majorana particle (and is elementary). (

Currently, only Majorana bosons are known to exist, although, the neutrino might be a Majorana fermion.
  • #7

I have never seen (until now) the term 'Majorana bosons' used, because the Majorana equation applies only to fermions.
  • #8

The photon can not be as it does not self-couple
  • #9

thedemon13666 said:
The photon can not be as it does not self-couple
For the classicfication of particles and antiparticles in terms of C, P- and T-symmetry this is irrelevant
  • #10

after all what is this c,p,t symmetry means?
  • #11

sreerajt said:
after all what is this c,p,t symmetry means?

C = Charge conjugation
P = Parity (space inversion)
T = Time inversion

You need them to classify particles and antiparticles mathematically
  • #12


The Z boson and gluon are also there own antiparticle, right?

  • #13

No. A gluon has a color combination, such Red-AntiBlue. Its antiparticle would be
AntiRed-Blue. The Z is its own antiparticle.
  • #14


Thanks for your reply

I agree that a gluon with a specific color combination could have an antiparticle with a different color. However, the resulting color would be a linear combination of the colors of the gluons, with no need for antigluons. I believe that the gluon, as a color octet, is its own antiparticle.

For example, in supersymmetry, there is a hypothetical particle called the gluino. It has the same charges as the gluon but is spin half. It is treated as a majorana fermion, therefore its own antiparticle.

  • #15

More than mathematics what is this symmetry?
  • #16

what do you mean? which symmetry?

the symmetry of the quarks and gluons is called SU(3); it describes a rotation in a 3-dim. vector complex space; therefore when constructing this SU(3) one finds that there are 8 angles for rotations (instead of 3 as for rotations in a 3-dim. real vector space)
  • #17

the higgs boson is its own antiparticle.
  • #18

in the simplest model - and iff it exists ;-)
  • #19

yes. i just wanted to point out that whenever your field is real, the antiparticle is the same as the particle.
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  • #20

Dickfore said:
i just wanted to point out that whenever your field is real, the antiparticle is the same as the particle.
Good point; this is due to the fact that for a real scalar field the operator C for charge conjugation reduces obviously to the identity, i.e. C=1
  • #21

The photon is in the vector representation, being described by the 4-potential [itex]A_\mu(x)[/itex], but it is still real.
  • #22

yes, but being real is not sufficient as you can see when looking at W±
  • #23

tom.stoer said:
yes, but being real is not sufficient as you can see when looking at W+ and W-

So, does it have to transform according to the trivial representation of the operation [itex]\mathit{C}[/itex]?
  • #24

I would say 'yes'

FAQ: Photon's Antiparticle: Exploring Its Properties

1. What is a photon's antiparticle?

A photon's antiparticle, also known as an antiphoton, is a theoretical particle that is the antiparticle counterpart to a photon. It is believed to have the same properties as a photon, but with opposite charges.

2. How is a photon's antiparticle created?

A photon's antiparticle can be created through pair production, where a high-energy photon interacts with a nucleus and creates a particle-antiparticle pair. It can also be created through the annihilation of a particle and its antiparticle, such as an electron and a positron.

3. What are the properties of a photon's antiparticle?

The properties of a photon's antiparticle are expected to be similar to that of a photon, with the exception of opposite charges. It is believed to have zero rest mass, travel at the speed of light, and have spin 1.

4. Can a photon and its antiparticle annihilate each other?

Yes, when a photon and its antiparticle meet, they can annihilate each other and produce other particles, such as an electron-positron pair.

5. What are the potential applications of studying a photon's antiparticle?

Studying a photon's antiparticle can help us better understand the fundamental properties of particles and their interactions. It also has potential applications in fields such as quantum computing and high-energy physics, where the creation and detection of antiparticles is crucial.

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