Physical intuition behind NCG?

In summary, The conversation discusses the concept of non-commutative geometry (NCG) and its relevance in physics. While NCG is a branch of math that explores replacing commutativity requirements in normal geometry, there are vague arguments and expectations in quantum gravity (QG) that suggest the need to replace classical spacetime as a background. Some have proposed using NCG to explain this, but there is a lack of rational arguments for its explicit reconstruction. The conversation then delves into the idea of how indexes are constructed and evolve from distinguishable events, potentially providing a motivation for NCG in physics. However, there is still a lack of concrete evidence or motivation for this theory.
  • #1
I'm curious if anyone has and physical intuition that would lead to non commutative geometry?

I mean on one hand we have NCG as a branch of math, which explores what mathematics you get if you try to replace som commutativity requirements in normal geometry etc. This may or many not interest people for reasons not relevant to physicists.

OTOH, there are some vague arguments and expectations of QG where it seems clear that spacetime as classical background needs to be replaced.

There are also the usual analogies with extending symplectic phase-space geometry to non-commuting things when we quantize. But there at least superficially one can argue that we understand why the coordinates doens't commute. It takes a definite history of q to infer p, when defined as the conjugate momenta in QM. Thus, q and p are not independent like they are in classical physics.

Is there someone that has published anything that similarly provides some rational arguments for an explicit reconstruction for spacetime that does match how it's likely to actually by inferred? I mean spacetime is usually just and INDEX of events. What is the origin of this INDEX?

To just play the what if game and consider "what of coordinate functions" doesnt' commute doesn't provide any predictive value, unless one complements it with some ideas of HOW it doesn't commute? IE. exactly how is the index constructed, and how does this explain non-commutativity?

Maybe the starting point is better to question how any index emerges. I mean, how come suddently you use several independent indexes in n-tuples to index an event? AS long as we are dealing only with distinguishable state, why not just label all distinguishable permutations of the indexes.

So from a basic starting point of distinguishable evetnts, how does sets of grouped indexes emerge from a non-grouped starting point? Is it somehow more favourable for an encoding structures to decompose an index into n-tuples? Does it allow storing more information in the same memory? It seems to me that this must have to do with ordering and representation of information, and how that's implemented in encodings in matter?

I expect that a NCG-motivation for a physicist would be found somewhere down this hole? I feel frustration when I don't find this.

Paolo commented on a similar question in which gave much great comments, but there was not much motivation in the form I seek.

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  • #2
so you are asking us for ideas of why NCG must not be true in our universe or, that you think it isn't true and want us to debate wether it has to be true?

FAQ: Physical intuition behind NCG?

1. What is NCG and what does it stand for?

NCG stands for Noncommutative Geometry, which is a branch of mathematics that studies geometric structures on noncommutative algebras.

2. What is the physical intuition behind NCG?

The physical intuition behind NCG is that space and geometry can be described using noncommutative algebras instead of traditional commutative ones. This allows for a deeper understanding of the underlying structures of space and can potentially lead to a unified theory of physics.

3. How is NCG related to quantum mechanics?

NCG is closely related to quantum mechanics because it provides a mathematical framework for describing the noncommutative nature of quantum systems. It also allows for a better understanding of the underlying geometry of quantum spaces.

4. What are some applications of NCG?

NCG has many applications in theoretical physics, including quantum gravity, string theory, and particle physics. It can also be applied in other fields such as condensed matter physics, cryptography, and information theory.

5. What are the challenges in studying NCG?

One of the main challenges in studying NCG is the complexity of the mathematical concepts involved. It requires a strong background in mathematics, particularly in algebra and topology. Another challenge is the lack of experimental evidence to support the theories and applications of NCG, making it more difficult to test and validate its predictions.

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