Physical Representation of the de Broglie wavelength

In summary, the conversation centers around the de Broglie wavelength and its relation to the wave function in quantum mechanics. The de Broglie wavelength is a key concept in understanding the wave-particle duality of matter and energy. While some may argue that the de Broglie wave is not a "real" wave, it plays a crucial role in explaining quantum behavior of particles. There is also a discussion on the nature of the wave function, with some proposing that it represents the oscillation between matter and energy. However, this is not the mainstream interpretation of quantum mechanics.
  • #1
Louis de Broglie hypothesized every particle moving with momentum [tex]p[/tex] has a wavelength of


If I understand it correctly, is the de Broglie wavelength directly related to the wavelength of [tex]\psi(x)[/tex]? But because according to quantum physics, the particle coexists with the wave packet. But wave packet is the sum of many waves, therefore its wavelength (wave number) has different values at different intervals.
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  • #2
Hyperreality said:
Louis de Broglie hypothesized every particle moving with momentum [tex]p[/tex] has a wavelength of


If I understand it correctly, is the de Broglie wavelength directly related to the wavelength of [tex]\psi(x)[/tex]? But because according to quantum physics, the particle coexists with the wave packet. But wave packet is the sum of many waves, therefore its wavelength (wave number) has different values at different intervals.

Yes,a 'de Broglie wave function',solution of the zero potential Schroedinger'e quation is:
[tex] \Psi(\vec{r},t)=\frac{1}{(2\pi\hbar)^{3/2}} \exp[{-\frac{1}{i\hbar}(\vec{p}\cdot\vec{r}-Et)] [/tex]
,where u can see the substitutions [itex]\vec{p}=\hbar\vec{k};E=\hbar\omega [/itex]
Yes,the monocromatic de Broglie plane wave pictured above does not describe the quantum state of a particle as it unnormlizable,that's why we have to consider the quantum state as linear superposition of such waves=>wave packet which has indeed a broad range of wavelengths.

  • #3
Is the debroglie wave real. i.e, is the electron in the form of a wave or is the wavelength(lamda) just a theoretical value to get the wave function. Can it be thought in the following way : The wavelength( using the wave function) just gives the probability of the existence of the electron in a particular place and nothing to do with the wave property of the electron.
  • #4
saiarun said:
Is the debroglie wave real.
Define "real". :wink:

Can it be thought in the following way : The wavelength( using the wave function) just gives the probability of the existence of the electron in a particular place and nothing to do with the wave property of the electron.
That wavelength has everything to do with the wave properties of the electron. It determines the characteristics of the interference and diffraction patterns that electron beams produce.
  • #5
By real waves I mean similar to mechanical waves. De broglie wave doesn't seems to be mechanical wave and just gives the probability of the existence of the electron in a particular place and nothing to do with the wave property of the electron. Am I right or give your sugesstions.
  • #6
saiarun said:
By real waves I mean similar to mechanical waves. De broglie wave doesn't seems to be mechanical wave and just gives the probability of the existence of the electron in a particular place and nothing to do with the wave property of the electron. Am I right or give your sugesstions.

Mechanical wave in what?

As I understand it the De broglie wave is exactly the same thing as the wave length of a photon except that you have to take into account the mass and velocity to get momentum.

So is the wavelength of light a mechanical wave? What is it waveing?

No it is just a way of finding the probability of finding a particle called a photon in a given place. It is this probability wave like property of photons that make light look like a classical wave. In reality it is neither classical wave nor classical particle. It is a quantum object. Ditto particles with mass like electrons.
  • #7
saiarun said:
By real waves I mean similar to mechanical waves. De broglie wave doesn't seems to be mechanical wave and just gives the probability of the existence of the electron in a particular place and nothing to do with the wave property of the electron. Am I right or give your sugesstions.

1."Real waves" means that they have physical existence.Mechanical waves are just one sort of waves.EM,waves describing massive particles,mechanical waves,thermal waves,all are just waves.And they exist
2.De Broglie's wave is a very "real" wave,also called probability wave.Wave mechanics invented by Schroedinger doas a wonderful job in explaining quantum behavior of particles by means of De Broglie waves associated to them.
3.If De Broglie wave has nothing to do with the "wave property of the electron",then what does? :confused:
4.You're wrong.Read a book on intro to QM without too much math:David J.Griffiths "Introduction to quantum mechanics" is a good place to start.

  • #8
Recently in a physics lecture, I suggested that the schroedinger function might describe the fluctuation between energy and matter (my lecturer stongly contested this sugestion!). The origin of the thought is that every wave has (should have..)an oscilator. Therefore what is the oscillator in Schrodinger's function?
  • #9
adaml said:
Recently in a physics lecture, I suggested that the schroedinger function might describe the fluctuation between energy and matter (my lecturer stongly contested this sugestion!). The origin of the thought is that every wave has (should have..)an oscilator. Therefore what is the oscillator in Schrodinger's function?

If I'm not wrong, the question "what is oscillating" somewhat dismissed claims that the wavefunction is analogous to a de broglie wave.

Hmmmm but doesn't the more or less, mainstream interpretation of QM says that the wavefunction is just simply a probability distribution and not a physical wave or a "real" wave.

Isn't that right? I may be wrong though.
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  • #10
Not that I am an expert but...
Yes, you are right. But why can't I propose that the wavefunction represents the oscillation between matter and energy. Not that this is necessarily any more meaningful that just calling it a function of probability.

I futhermore suggest that ascribing the oscillation of matter/energy to de Broglie's wave could also (possibly) be appropriate. We could say that that the density of de Broglie's waves for large particles explain why we cannot detect their energetic mode. Small particles spend much more time in the 'energy' mode explaining their wavelike behavior.

I understand that this is not the accepted interpretation, and furthermore, that I may be spouting nonsense. I would just like to know why!
  • #11
adaml said:
why can't I propose that the wavefunction represents the oscillation between matter and energy.

You can propose anything you like, but don't expect people to pay much attention to it unless you can point to experimental evidence for it, or at least propose a realistic experiment that can test your ideas.

Not that this is necessarily any more meaningful that just calling it a function of probability.

At the moment, it's less meaningful. We can verify the probability distributions by doing experiments, for example by scattering electron beams off of atoms and using the data to plot the probability distributions of atomic electrons. How would we verify the existence of matter/energy oscillations?

FAQ: Physical Representation of the de Broglie wavelength

1. What is the de Broglie wavelength?

The de Broglie wavelength is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes the wavelength associated with a particle. It is named after physicist Louis de Broglie and is given by the equation λ = h/mv, where h is Planck's constant, m is the mass of the particle, and v is its velocity.

2. How is the de Broglie wavelength related to the wave-particle duality?

The de Broglie wavelength is a key component of the wave-particle duality theory, which states that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. The de Broglie wavelength describes the wave-like behavior of particles and helps to explain phenomena such as diffraction and interference.

3. What is the significance of the de Broglie wavelength in quantum mechanics?

The de Broglie wavelength is significant in quantum mechanics because it helps to explain the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. It also plays a crucial role in determining the energy and momentum of particles, as well as their position and velocity. Additionally, it provides a link between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics.

4. How is the de Broglie wavelength experimentally determined?

The de Broglie wavelength cannot be directly measured, but it can be calculated using the aforementioned equation. However, there are experimental techniques, such as electron diffraction, that can indirectly measure the de Broglie wavelength of particles.

5. Can the de Broglie wavelength be observed in everyday objects?

No, the de Broglie wavelength is typically only observed in particles with very small masses, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons. These particles must also be moving at very high speeds for their de Broglie wavelength to be significant. Everyday objects, such as people or cars, have much larger masses and their de Broglie wavelengths are far too small to be observed.
