Physics and Philosophy Books Help

In summary, the conversation covers book recommendations for someone interested in physics at any level, with a focus on exploring its connections to other disciplines such as theology, ideology, and philosophy. The recommended books include "In Search of Schrodinger's Cat" by John Gribbin, "The Advancement of Learning" by Francis Bacon, and works by Joseph Campbell, among others. The conversation also discusses the difficulty of finding in-copyright out-of-print works and offers suggestions for free resources. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding engaging and varied material for young readers to foster their interest in physics.
  • #1
Hi there folks!

I am new to the forum and would like to thank anyone in advance for their answers as I will not be able to check them until late tomorrow night.

I love physics, but not as much as my niece and I have a gift to give and I think I found the best people to set me in the right direction (possibly with enough ideas for years to come)

Due to her personal interests and recent life experiences I am looking for something along the lines of the "Dancing Wi Lu Masters" but more updated as she is very current on her studies.

Book recommendations for people familiar with the subject of physics at any level (except expert) that explores its connections to the other disciplines primarily theology, ideology and philosophy.

Reasons for selections appreciated.
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  • #3
Duende said:
Due to her personal interests and recent life experiences I am looking for something along the lines of the "Dancing Wi Lu Masters"
First you need to decide whether you want real-world evidence-based physics, or crackpot/spiritual nonsense and cults.
  • #4
In Search of Schrodinger's Cat is a good transition from something like Dancing Wu Li Masters to something a little more grounded.
  • #5
Thanks Pythagorean Enigman looking forward to reading about those. It helps a great deal. @ strangerep
Neither specifically, as stated. Looking for solid research, modern theory and a multidisciplinary approach that is fun to read, perhaps even humorous and entertaining.

Reading Wu Li did make me feel it was pretty outdated and loaded with "Wuwu" if you will, but a pleasant read that made me wonder if there was any modern books that did a good job of relating different kinds of human thought and physics.

Looking forward to more thoughts on this. Thanks again.
  • #6

Was the prevailing view on natural philosophy for over a thousand years, and well worth reading for anyone serious about studying the philosophy of nature.

Bacon is one of heroes, and doesn't receive enough attention in history classes because he's shadowed by Galileo. This is an interesting read and one of my favorites in natural philosophy.

For pure philosophy, I always recommend any of the many works by Joseph Campbell.

Dancing Wi Lu Masters is pure garbage. It is neither natural philosophy, philosophy, nor any such thing. Just so you know.
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  • #7
Student100 said:

Was the prevailing view on natural philosophy for over a thousand years, and well worth reading for anyone serious about studying the philosophy of nature.

Bacon is one of heroes, and doesn't receive enough attention in history classes because he's shadowed by Galileo. This is an interesting read and one of my favorites in natural philosophy.

Dancing Wi Lu Masters is pure garbage. It is neither natural philosophy, philosophy, nor any such thing. Just so you know.

Generally agree. (Haven't read Campbell. Probably would agree if I did.) These do however deal with old and in fact outdated material and youngsters might not like to wade through it all. This is not to denigrate it and is a matter of taste for the reader. It is more important that the youngster read varied material eagerly than that s/he begin at the beginning of philosophy and work through to modernity, which can be very tedious and off-putting. (Off-putting is the killer!)
That said, at there is a huge lot of out-of-copyright material, including Bacon, Aristotle, and all the pioneer philosophers and scientists, the likes of Tyndall, Darwin, Maxwell, Faraday, Fabre, Boole, de Morgan, Dodgson(Carroll) free for download in multiple formats for which there are free readers available (PDF, DJVU etc) and don't forget Project Gutenberg at
If you want quite a lot of excellent modern material, and can afford it, there is a great deal, and one of the main problems is that in-copyright out-of-print works can be VERY hard to obtain.
It is not clear what the level of your niece's studies might be, whether we are talking late primary school, high school, university, or even post graduate work, so it is hard to know what would be over-stressing her and what would insult her intelligence, or even what her lines of interest within physics might be. A fascinating work is "Physics from Fisher Information" by Roy Frieden, but if she is not yet comfortable with differential equations, it would be dangerously opaque. The collected Scientific American works of Martin Gardner are available on a CD, and they broach a lot of non-trivial physical and variously edifying and entertaining philosophical material. Carl Sagan's works include some seriously good stuff and so do those of Richard Feynman. Ilya Prigogine and Stenger's book "Order out of Chaos" is pretty special. "The Mind's Eye" by Hofstadter and Dennett is a real mind-bender for ANYONE, and so is "Goedel Escher Bach". Try the Smullyan books such as "What is the Name of This Book" (wich is beyond Joe Average, but I have personally known two kids about 8 years old to DEVOUR it.
Two books, one great in my opinion, the other very good indeed are "Structures, or Why Things Don't Fall Down" by JE Gordon, and "Cats' Paws and Catapults" by Vogel. Don't neglect books by Stephen Pinker such as "The Langauge Instinct" in particular. Some straddle the subject of information theory, Physics and biology, such as John Maynard Smith and Eors Szathmary (The major Transitions in Evolution"
I'll stop here for now, but I am sure you will be welcome to rattle cages. Good luck to you nad your niece.
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  • #8
Thanks Jon Richfield for such a thorough and thoughtful response. I am going to get a few of those for myself and enjoyed reading their descriptions. Good point about her level. She is in her last year at the university for her BS and top of her class in her Chemistry program. Physics is her other passion since she about 12. It seemed a nice diversion not too far from her studies.

I have decided to go with What is the Name of This Book, In Search of Schrodinger's Cat, The Mind's Eye as well as Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman and Goedel Escher Bach because I own used copies and its great to have a reminder. I believe I and some friends will enjoy these as well and I think the whole subject a lot of fun as it is making a collection of books that bring the excitement of physics to different kinds of thinkers as well as making a nice list for perhaps a quiet evening, a sunset and a pleasant and engaging read for those of us who already are deeply interested.
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  • #9
Spam post for Inappropriate self-published personal theory book deleted.
  • #10
Duende said:
Thanks Jon Richfield for such a thorough and thoughtful response. I am going to get a few of those for myself and enjoyed reading their descriptions. Good point about her level. She is in her last year at the university for her BS and top of her class in her Chemistry program. Physics is her other passion since she about 12. It seemed a nice diversion not too far from her studies.

That sounds like a special girl! She should be able to handle anything in the list that happens to interest her.

If she takes enough interest to explore some of this material seriously she should end up being educated to an unusual degree, as opposed to being just taught. It is, if you like, an achievement in civilisation and culture, not just chasing after a certificate.

My best wishes and kindest regards.

FAQ: Physics and Philosophy Books Help

1. What is the relationship between physics and philosophy?

The relationship between physics and philosophy is complex and multifaceted. While physics deals with the study of the physical world and its laws, philosophy focuses on understanding the nature of reality and our place in it. Many philosophical concepts, such as causality and determinism, have influenced the development of physics theories. In turn, advancements in physics have also led to philosophical debates about the nature of reality.

2. How can reading physics and philosophy books help me?

Reading physics and philosophy books can help expand your understanding of the world and improve your critical thinking skills. These books often explore deep and thought-provoking questions about the universe and our place in it. They can also provide insights into the fundamental principles of physics and how they relate to philosophical concepts. Additionally, reading these books can help you develop a more holistic and interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving.

3. Are there any notable physics and philosophy books that I should read?

Yes, there are many notable physics and philosophy books that are worth reading. Some popular titles include "The Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra, "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" by Gary Zukav, and "The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene. These books explore the intersection of physics and philosophy in different ways and offer unique perspectives on the subject. It is always a good idea to do some research and read reviews before choosing a book to ensure it aligns with your interests and goals.

4. Can reading physics and philosophy books be challenging for someone without a background in these subjects?

It can be challenging to read physics and philosophy books if you do not have a background in these subjects. However, many books are written in a way that is accessible to a general audience and do not require prior knowledge. It may take some effort and time to grasp some of the concepts, but reading these books can also be a great learning experience and an opportunity to expand your knowledge.

5. How can I incorporate ideas from physics and philosophy books into my everyday life?

The ideas presented in physics and philosophy books can be applied to various aspects of everyday life. For example, concepts such as relativity and quantum mechanics can offer a new perspective on time, space, and our perception of reality. Philosophical ideas, such as determinism and free will, can help us reflect on our choices and actions. Reading and contemplating these ideas can also lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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