Physics does not end at singularities (Abhay at MG12)

In summary, the Marcel Grossmann meeting, known as MG12, is a highly esteemed international conference that takes place every three years. The twelfth meeting, MG12, was held in Paris last month and was attended by 886 scientists. The event focuses on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, astrophysics, and relativistic field theories. During the July 14 plenary session, chaired by Abhay Ashtekar, renowned speakers Laurent Freidel, Herbert Hamber, and Juan Maldacena presented their talks. Ashtekar himself gave a presentation on "Recent advances in Loop Quantum Cosmology" on July 16. The presentation, available in a PDF file, discusses the progress made in
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The Marcel Grossmann meeting is a major international conference held every three years--on "recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, astrophysics and relativistic field theories." The twelfth in the series--MG12--was in Paris last month.

Abhay Ashtekar chaired the July 14 plenary session (at which Laurent Freidel, Herbert Hamber, and Juan Maldacena spoke) and then later, on July 16, Ashtekar gave this presentation:
"Recent advances in Loop Quantum Cosmology"

If you want to know where that field is and where it's going, that is obviously the PDF file to check out.

Marcel Twelve was attended by 886 scientists. It is a premier event and definitive of a lot of things. So it's worth paying attention to some of the talks.
Physics news on
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Much of the presentation gives details of recent results. The last two slides summarize what he has been discussing and give a kind of overview, which I'll quote with highlighting to call attention to some specifics. Note progress towards the inclusion of more realistic matter. Earlier LQC involved only simple (one could say 'toy') matter fields, now that is beginning to change (work by Ashtekar himself, by Lewandowski, and others.)

3. Summary: Singularity Resolution

• Quantum geometry creates a brand new repulsive force in the Planck regime, replacing the big-bang by a quantum bounce. Repulsive force rises and dies very quickly but makes dramatic changes to classical dynamics. (Origin: Planck scale non-locality of quantum Einstein’s equations.)
New paradigm: Physics does not end at singularities.
Quantum space-times may be vastly larger than Einstein’s.

• Singularities treated are of direct physical interest. Long standing questions have been answered in LQC. In particular, the ultra-violet/infra-red tension has been resolved.

• Detailed analysis in specific models but taken together with the BKL conjecture, results suggest that all space-like, strong curvature singularities may be resolved by the quantum geometry effects of LQG.

3. Summary: Other Developments

• Path integrals open up two frontiers: i) Effective theories not tied to specific quantum states; and, ii) Detailed explorations of spin foams in simple models.

First results on the phenomenological front have already appeared.
Inhomogeneities are now being incorporated. Growing exchange between cosmologists and the LQC community.

Beginning of QFT on cosmological, quantum space-times (AA, Kaminski, Lewandowski).
Tension between relational time of LQC and proper/conformal time of QFT in CST resolved by systematic simplifications to descend from the first to the second. Fertile area for conceptual, mathematical and phenomenological developments.(Puchta)

• Several other issues I could not mention in the talk: Entropy considerations (AA); Barbero Immrizi field (Calcagni, Mercuri, Taveras, Yunes), measures on spaces of solutions to calculate a priori [event] probabilities...(Sloan), ...

For more information and talks from the Marcel Twelve meeting:
It is particularly revealing to compare three talks given at the plenary session which Ashtekar chaired, by Freidel, Hamber, and Maldacena:
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I completely agree that physics does not end at singularities and that there are still many exciting developments in the field of theoretical and experimental general relativity, astrophysics, and relativistic field theories. The Marcel Grossmann meeting is a testament to this, as it brings together some of the brightest minds in the field to discuss recent advancements and future directions.

Abhay Ashtekar's presentation on recent advances in Loop Quantum Cosmology is a prime example of the ongoing progress in this field. Ashtekar, who chaired a plenary session at the meeting, is a renowned physicist and his talk is definitely worth checking out for those interested in the topic.

It's also worth noting that the meeting was attended by 886 scientists, which speaks to its significance and impact in the scientific community. It's an event that not only showcases current research, but also sets the stage for future collaborations and advancements.

In conclusion, the Marcel Grossmann meeting is a premier event that highlights the continuous growth and evolution of physics, and it's definitely worth paying attention to the talks and discussions that take place there.

Related to Physics does not end at singularities (Abhay at MG12)

1. What is a singularity in physics?

A singularity in physics refers to a point in space-time where the laws of physics break down and become infinite. This can occur in black holes, where the gravitational pull becomes infinitely strong, or in the early universe, where the density and temperature become infinite.

2. Why does physics not end at singularities?

While singularities may seem like the end of physics, they do not actually mark the end of our understanding. Many physicists believe that there are still laws and principles that govern the behavior of matter and energy within singularities, although they may be different from those we observe in our everyday world.

3. What evidence supports the idea that physics does not end at singularities?

One major piece of evidence that supports this idea is the theory of quantum mechanics, which suggests that the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales is governed by different principles than those we observe in the macroscopic world. This suggests that there may be underlying laws that can explain the behavior of matter and energy within singularities.

4. How do scientists study singularities?

Scientists study singularities through theoretical models and mathematical equations, as well as through observations of black holes and other extreme environments in space. However, due to the extreme conditions of singularities, it is impossible to directly observe or test them in a laboratory setting.

5. What are some potential implications of the idea that physics does not end at singularities?

If physics does not end at singularities, it could have major implications for our understanding of the universe and the laws that govern it. It could also lead to new discoveries and advancements in our understanding of quantum mechanics and the fundamental nature of reality.

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