Physics help please - Sources of error in lab experiments

In summary, the conversation discusses sources of error in various physics lab experiments including center of gravity of an irregular shaped object, density column, rate of conduction of heat in different metals, and thermal expansion of a ball and ring. The limitations and sources of error for each experiment are identified, such as environmental error, parallax error, and mechanical error. Additional sources of error are also mentioned, such as density variations, shape variations, and human reaction time error. The conversation ends with the speaker asking for confirmation on their identified sources of error.
  • #1
Physics help please -- Sources of error in lab experiments

Ok so i need some help with a few labs.. some I've tried out and a few i just can't get.. what i want to know is whether the limitations and sources of errors that i wrote down for each of these labs are correct or not and what i could have said instead. Thank you for your help in advance.

Sources of errors for center of gravity of an irregular shaped object:
-environmental error: when the wind blows it may remove the irregular shaped object from equilibrium.
- (i couldn't think of a next one)

sources of errors for density column:
- parallex error: when pouring the liquid into the container, the container should be on a flat surface and poured with eyes at an eye level or at 90 degrees.
- do not pour liquids along the side of the container to avoid mixing

limitations for density column:
-pouring should be gentle to avoid the mixing of the liquids
- try tilting the container a little so that the liquid you are adding runs down the side more slowly

sources of errors for rate of conduction of heat in copper, nickel, tin, brass and aluminium:
-human reaction time error: was slow when timing the exact time the match stick fell
- mechanical error: electrical glitches when using the stop watch

sources of errors for thermal expansion of ball and ring:
- mechanical error: electrical glitches when using the digital vernier caliper
-(i could not think of another one)
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  • #2

Sources of errors for center of gravity of an irregular shaped object:
-environmental error: when the wind blows it may remove the irregular shaped object from equilibrium.
- (i couldn't think of a next one)

add: density variations, shape variations 'say, thickness], in ability to measure precisely, inability to compute precisely...

sources of errors for density column:
- parallex error: when pouring the liquid into the container, the container should be on a flat surface and poured with eyes at an eye level or at 90 degrees.
- do not pour liquids along the side of the container to avoid mixing

add: density varies slightly with height, with temperature, with atmospheric pressure,

limitations for density column:
-pouring should be gentle to avoid the mixing of the liquids
- try tilting the container a little so that the liquid you are adding runs down the side more slowly

sources of errors for rate of conduction of heat in copper, nickel, tin, brass and aluminium:
-human reaction time error: was slow when timing the exact time the match stick fell
- mechanical error: electrical glitches when using the stop watch

add: impurities in metals, measurement instrument variations, different ambient temperatures,varying ambient temperatures, thickness/size of metals,

sources of errors for thermal expansion of ball and ring:
- mechanical error: electrical glitches when using the digital vernier caliper

variations in temperature of heat source...location of ball ring wrsp to heat source; cooling while measuring, ambient condition variations,
  • #3

thank you very much for your help.. by the way are those i came up with okay?

FAQ: Physics help please - Sources of error in lab experiments

1. What is the definition of "error" in Physics lab experiments?

In Physics, error refers to the difference between the measured value and the true value of a quantity. It can be caused by various factors such as equipment limitations, human error, and environmental conditions.

2. What are some common sources of error in Physics lab experiments?

Some common sources of error in Physics lab experiments include faulty equipment, inconsistent measurements, incomplete data, and human error such as misreading instruments or making calculation mistakes. Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and air pressure can also contribute to errors.

3. How can sources of error be minimized in Physics lab experiments?

To minimize sources of error in Physics lab experiments, it is important to use reliable equipment, take multiple measurements, and repeat experiments. It is also crucial to follow proper experimental procedures and record data accurately. Controlling environmental factors and using precise measuring tools can also help reduce errors.

4. What is the impact of errors on the results of a Physics lab experiment?

Errors can significantly affect the results of a Physics lab experiment, leading to inaccurate conclusions. They can also impact the precision and accuracy of the data, making it difficult to draw valid conclusions and replicate the experiment. Therefore, it is crucial to identify and minimize errors as much as possible.

5. How can errors be analyzed and corrected in Physics lab experiments?

To analyze and correct errors in Physics lab experiments, it is essential to first identify them. This can be done by comparing the results with the accepted or expected values, and looking for any patterns or inconsistencies in the data. Once errors are identified, they can be corrected by repeating the experiment, using more accurate equipment, or adjusting experimental procedures.

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