Physics History (Maxwell) Rotary Vectors?

In summary, the passage on page 44 of 'Innovations in Maxwell's Electromagnetic Theory' discusses Ampere's circuital law and the relationship between linear and rotary phenomena. The author explains that if a, b, and y are linear, then p, q, and r are rotary, and vice versa. The author also mentions the difference between polar and axial vectors and how the curl of a vector field behaves differently depending on the type of vector. The author's understanding is that the curl of a polar vector field is an axial vector, and the curl of an axial vector field is a polar vector.
  • #1
I am reading the text 'Innovations in Maxwell's Electromagnetic Theory'. on page 44 there is a discussion on Ampere's circuital law .
The passage is below. I don't understand the final statement. "In general represent a kind of relationship that obtains between certain pairs of phenomena , of which one has a linear and the other a rotary character. if a,b,y is linear, then p q r is rotary, and if a b y is rotary then p q r is linear."

I sort of understand why p q r would be 'rotary' since these equations are essentially the curl. But I don't really get how you would get a linear vector out if a b y are rotary - or even what it means by them being rotary.

thanks for any clarification that you can offer!


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  • #2
I'm not sure. I've always had great difficulties reading old papers not using our modern vector notation. So just take my guess with a grain of salt.

I think what's meant is the difference between a polar and an axial vector, which refers to the behavior of the vectors under space reflections. Both types of vectors transform the same under rotations SO(3) but not under the rotation group including space reflections O(3).

An axial vector can be interpreted as the Hodge dual of an antisymmetric tensor, for which you need the Levi-Civita symbol which forms tensor components under SO(3) but not under O(3).

If I understand the text right, it's stated that for an polar vector field ##\vec{A}## the curl ##\vec{B}=\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{A}## is axial. Indeed under space reflections by assumption ##\vec{A} \rightarrow -\vec{A}## and by definition of a space reflection ##\vec{\nabla} \rightarrow -\vec{\nabla}##. Thus ##\vec{B} \rightarrow (-\vec{\nabla}) \times (-\vec{A}=\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{A}=\vec{B}##, i.e., ##\vec{B}## behaves indeed as an axial vector. In the same way it's clear that when ##\vec{A}## is an axial then ##\vec{B}## is a polar vector field.
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FAQ: Physics History (Maxwell) Rotary Vectors?

1. What is the significance of Maxwell's contributions to physics history?

Maxwell's contributions to physics history were monumental. He is best known for his work on electromagnetism and his famous set of equations, known as Maxwell's equations, which laid the foundation for modern physics and revolutionized our understanding of electricity and magnetism.

2. What are rotary vectors and how did Maxwell use them?

Rotary vectors are mathematical expressions used to describe the rotation of a vector around a fixed point. Maxwell used them in his research on electromagnetism to describe the motion of electric and magnetic fields and their interactions with each other.

3. How did Maxwell's work on rotary vectors contribute to the development of modern physics?

Maxwell's use of rotary vectors in his equations allowed for a better understanding of the relationship between electric and magnetic fields, leading to the discovery of electromagnetic waves and the development of modern physics. His work paved the way for important advancements in technology, such as radio and television.

4. What other areas of physics did Maxwell make significant contributions to?

In addition to his work on electromagnetism, Maxwell also made contributions to the study of optics, thermodynamics, and atomic theory. He developed the kinetic theory of gases and made important discoveries about the behavior of gases at the molecular level.

5. How did Maxwell's discoveries impact the scientific community during his time and beyond?

Maxwell's discoveries had a profound impact on the scientific community during his time and continue to influence modern physics today. His work opened up new areas of research and inspired future scientists to build upon his findings. Many of his theories and equations are still widely used and studied in various fields of physics.
