Physics in a universe with instant communication

In summary: If instantaneous communication is allowed then there would be a form of time dilation where time would move more slowly for people that were communicating. Another thing that would be affected is the speed of light. If instantaneous communication were to happen then there would be a new form of light called a "quantum light". This light would be able to travel through space and time at the same speed.
  • #1
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Faster-than-light communication is not allowed in this universe. Imagine a sister universe that looks much the same as ours but allows instant communication between any two points. In that universe, simultaneity can be established using instantaneous communication. How would that affect our* description of the universe through laws of physics? In such a universe, would speed of light still be constant? Would there be time dilation? Would objects elongate with velocity?
*Assuming human-like species would have evolved in such a universe.
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  • #2
That's the Galilean space-time of PHY101.
  • #3
robphy said:
That's the Galilean space-time of PHY101.
What he said.

It's a perfectly consistent physics, basically the state of the art around the middle of the 19th century. There's Galilean relativity instead of Einstein's relativity, so no relativistic effects such as time dilation or length contraction. The speed of light is not constant because the law of addition of velocitiies is the Galilean ##w=u+v## instead of the relativistic ##w=(u+v)/(1+uv/c^2)## - the latter form doesn't even make sense if the speed of light is not constant.

As for what the universe would be like? We really don't know, because all of our theories about the behavior of subatomic particles are relativistic (as well as quantum mechanical). Thus that mid-19th century physics provides no basis for chemistry and many of the physical properties of matter.
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  • #4
EnumaElish said:
Faster-than-light communication is not allowed in this universe. Imagine a sister universe that looks much the same as ours but allows instant communication between any two points. In that universe, simultaneity can be established using instantaneous communication. How would that affect our* description of the universe through laws of physics? In such a universe, would speed of light still be constant? Would there be time dilation? Would objects elongate with velocity?
*Assuming human-like species would have evolved in such a universe.

In short if instantaneous communication is allowed then the Universe cannot exist because pretty much everything will happen all at once.
  • #5
One should distinguish
"allowing instantaneous communication"
"requiring that all communication is instantaneous".
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FAQ: Physics in a universe with instant communication

What is "physics in a universe with instant communication"?

"Physics in a universe with instant communication" refers to the study of how the laws of physics and principles of communication would function in a hypothetical universe where information can be instantaneously transmitted between any two points, regardless of distance or obstacles.

How would instantaneous communication impact the laws of physics?

The impact of instantaneous communication on the laws of physics is a topic of ongoing research and debate. Some theories suggest that it could potentially challenge the concept of causality and the speed of light as the ultimate limit, while others propose that it would simply expand our understanding of how particles and energy interact.

What practical applications could come from a universe with instant communication?

In a universe with instant communication, there could potentially be advancements in fields such as telecommunications, quantum computing, and space travel. It could also have significant implications for global communication and collaboration.

What challenges would arise in a universe with instant communication?

One potential challenge in a universe with instant communication is the possibility of information overload. With unlimited access to information, it could be difficult for individuals and societies to process and prioritize what is important. Additionally, there may be ethical considerations surrounding privacy and the distribution of information.

Is it possible for our universe to have instant communication?

At this time, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that our universe has the capability for instant communication. While there are theories and experiments exploring the concept, it remains a hypothetical concept at this point in time.

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