Physics major wondering what to specialize in

In summary: I think I'll go with condensed matter and particle physics. That way I can work on theoretical concepts and perfect existing technology at the same time. It sounds like a good plan. In summary, the protagonist is considering majoring in physics, but is Unsure of what to choose. He is considering combining the field of physics with a computer science major in order to help him stay clear on what he's working on.
  • #1
Here is my problem...

On the one hand:
I know I love mathematics, and enjoy being able to describe physical phenomena with it. Predicting the future with such an incredible degree of accuracy is FUN to me.
I know I love fishing out the secrets of the universe, and mulling through the different possible ways to describe literally everything in it. I love picking apart equations, trying to fit the pieces together in a way that hums along with the reality. I love looking into the deepest level of detail possible to find flaws and insights.

On the other hand:
I really want to develop an alternative energy source that has a high efficiency rate and can be found throughout the galaxy. This means a combination of nuclear fission reactors and propulsion systems, nuclear fusion reactors, and possibly particle annihilation reactors and propulsion systems. I would like to be ABLE work on any/all of these technologies if I could.

So, what do I do? What should I major in? I know I'm in physics for the long run, but nuclear? theoretical? high energy? ... I don't really know what to choose.
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  • #2
Sounds a bit like you want the golden major haha. I understand where you're coming from. I would love to find a massively powerful energy source and work with all types of systems and applications realted to such a source, but it's a bit more problematic. To achieve a task of this nature would require a team of people with skills from multiple different fields of expertise. For example, a theoretical physicist (probably more like 100) would be necessary to make the breakthrough theory (lightbulb idea), an applied physicist (multiple) to work out the more practical large scale concepts, and engineers to build the various means of harnessing and using the energy. And of course, all of these men woud have to be brilliant at what they do.

I don't know if you've seen Spider Man 2, but if you have, that's a great example of what you're talking about. Dock Ock makes this colossal, self perpetuating fusion based reaction (obviously using some fictional element with tremendously powerful radioactive capabilties) and monitors it with these fantastically convenient robotic arms with which it is possible for him to control the reaction. The catch is that no matter how brilliant Dock Ock is , such a task would require mastery of a dozen different fields; theoretical atomic physics, chemical physics, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, mechatronics, computer science, electrical engineering etc. The point is: focus on one, maybe two things and attempt at pursuing your goals through accomplishing one piece of the puzzle.

Based on your interests, I would say that condensed matter, particle physics and atomic physics are all potential fields in which you would have interest. All of these of course being topics found in physics. If you're looking for a double major, accompany the physics with either math or a field of engineering (robotics if possible would be great). As for the theoretical or not, it depends on whether or not you want to perfect already existing technology, or find some type of breakthrough source of energy. If it's the latter, you're going to have to go theoretical, and hope to hit the lottery. If the first, go applied physics if possible.
  • #3
I didn't mean ONE crazy awesome energy source. I meant all of those individually. They're all workable, being worked on, etc by many a country and billions of dollars are being dumped into all of the research (see ITER fusion, LMFBRs in India/China, etc). I just wondered if I could pick a major that would be workable within all of those different types of nuclear/radioactive tomfoolery.

I was actually thinking of combining the physics with some type of computer science so that I don't get all confused when I'm trying to talk to my programmers. Thoughts?

Thanks for the advice camjohn

Related to Physics major wondering what to specialize in

What are the different specializations within the field of physics?

There are several different specializations within the field of physics, including condensed matter physics, astrophysics, biophysics, particle physics, and nuclear physics. Each specialization focuses on different areas of study and research within the broader field of physics.

How do I decide which specialization is right for me?

To decide which specialization is right for you, it is important to consider your interests, strengths, and career goals. Research each specialization to gain a better understanding of the topics and skills involved, and consider speaking with professors or professionals in each field to gain insight and advice.

Do I need to have a specific specialization to pursue a career in physics?

No, having a specific specialization is not necessary to pursue a career in physics. Many physicists have a broad understanding of multiple areas within the field, and some may even switch specializations during their career. It is important to have a strong foundation in the fundamentals of physics and to continuously learn and adapt to new areas of research and technology.

What are some potential career options for each specialization?

Condensed matter physicists may work in industries such as materials science or electronics, astrophysicists may work in space exploration or astronomy, biophysicists may work in healthcare or pharmaceuticals, particle physicists may work in government labs or academia, and nuclear physicists may work in energy production or national security.

Can I change my specialization after earning a degree in physics?

Yes, it is possible to change your specialization after earning a degree in physics. Many graduate programs allow students to specialize in a specific area, and even if you have already completed a degree, you can still gain knowledge and experience in a different area through research projects or continuing education courses.

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