Physics Majors Internship Opportunities

In summary, the person is an electrical engineering sophomore at the University of Houston but is considering switching to a physics major. They have questions about internships for physics majors, the impact of attending a non top-tier university on future job prospects, and the job prospects for physics graduates. They are also interested in nanotechnology and considering taking a nano engineering minor.
  • #1
Hey there. I made a thread in the academic guidance section, but I was advised to look here as part of my question pertained more to this area so here I am.

I won't go into as much detail, but basically I'm an electrical engineering sophomore at the University of Houston on a full ride; however I feel that I'd enjoy a physics major much more while still being able to get into a graduate engineering program and ideally an engineering profession.

A couple questions, however:

1. I know many fellow engineering sophomores getting interviewed for high paying internships. While I'm sure physics interns don't get payed nearly as much, I was wondering if physics undergrads even had good opportunities for internships in general? Something to give me experience in a job and perhaps make a little money to help pay for grad school. Another thing with engineering internships is that often the business may pay for grad school as well; would any business be willing to pay for a physics undergrads engineering masters? Or is that mostly relegated to EE undergrads? Because while money should not be the only factor, I could always just study some physics on my own later in life if I can put myself in a fantastic financial situation.

2. Will having a physics undergrad from a non top-tier university hurt my ability to get a job in the future, even if I got into a highly respected masters program? I went to Houston because of the scholarship, not my abilities, and am confident I can go somewhere 'better' for a masters (and since I'm not paying for undergrad, I can hopefully afford it in some way). I suppose in the same vein, would being from a non top-tier physics school hurt my chances getting into an engineering masters in the first place, and thus future job prospects as well?

3. I noticed a lot of physics majors don't necessarily get jobs in science related fields. Is this because they don't want to work there, or because they can't find employment? I want to do science, not finance!

Thanks for any help you guys can give! It's all greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
Physics majors generally don't intern. If they do it through some other dept. Physics majors do undergrad research which is often unpaid but can pay minimum wage if you are lucky. I had to do it unpaid, but some of my classmates got minimum wage.

Engineering masters, though they are competitive, they are not usually that competitive. This is because you have to pay to get it. If you suck and fail then they already have your money so they are ok. I do not think that being from a non top-tier school will matter with respect to getting an engineering masters. What matters is if you have the time and money to do it.

I think many physics graduates don't get jobs in science related fields because they are unable to. Physics is a hard degree to sell and honestly physics grads often don't have marketable skills. I just came back from a job fair at my states big engineering school, just about an hour ago. Nobody there was interested in a physics grad. If you want to do science you need to get a PhD, do post docs and compete for the few positions they have. If you want to get a career in science related field, I suggest studying engineering.
  • #3
I've seen things like which suggests some science majors have internship opportunities. I don't know how common it is, nor where they intern, if they do. Perhaps you should find out from the science faculty or career office at your university.

OTOH, if you know you want to do grad school in engineering, it makes more sense to do an engineering undergrad.
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  • #4
Thanks for the responses guys. This is pretty much what I had expected, that I would be much more focused on research than internships.

Part of the thing too is that I'm interested in nanotechnology. Granted, my school has a nano engineering minor which I will likely take if I stay EE; however I've been told that right now there aren't exactly many industries making use of nano technology or engineering, so if I wanted to get into that field I would more likely be doing research. And most of the professors here working on nano are in the Physics department, although either way I know people doing research in fields other than their major so I suppose it isn't a big deal.
  • #5

I can offer the following response to your questions:

1. Internship opportunities for physics majors can vary depending on the specific field of physics and the location of the university. However, there are definitely opportunities for physics undergraduates to gain valuable experience through internships. These internships may not always be as high paying as engineering internships, but they can still provide valuable experience and potentially lead to future job opportunities. It's always worth researching and networking to find internship opportunities that align with your interests and career goals.

2. The reputation of your undergraduate institution may play a role in job opportunities, but it is not the only factor. A highly respected master's program and relevant experience can also greatly impact your job prospects. It's important to focus on developing your skills and knowledge in your chosen field, regardless of the reputation of your university.

3. Many physics majors do end up working in fields outside of traditional science careers. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as personal interests or job availability. It's important to keep an open mind and explore different career options within the field of physics, as there are many diverse and exciting opportunities available.

In conclusion, while there may be some challenges and uncertainties as you navigate your academic and career path, it's important to stay focused on your goals and continue to seek out opportunities that align with your interests and aspirations. Best of luck in your endeavors!

Related to Physics Majors Internship Opportunities

What kind of internships are available for physics majors?

There are a variety of internships available for physics majors, including positions in research laboratories, engineering firms, government agencies, and technology companies. Some internships may be focused on a specific subfield of physics, while others may offer a more general experience.

Do internships for physics majors pay?

Some internships for physics majors are paid, while others may offer academic credit or simply valuable experience. It is important to research the specific internship opportunity to determine if it includes compensation.

How can I find internship opportunities in physics?

There are several ways to search for internship opportunities in physics. You can check with your university's career center or physics department for any available positions. You can also search online job boards or company websites for internships in your area or in a particular field of interest.

What skills are typically required for physics internships?

The specific skills required for physics internships may vary depending on the position, but some common skills include strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, proficiency in programming and data analysis, and knowledge of mathematical and scientific concepts. Good communication and teamwork skills are also important in most internship settings.

How can an internship benefit my career as a physics major?

Internships can provide valuable hands-on experience, exposure to real-world applications of physics, and networking opportunities. They can also help you develop important skills and make connections in your field of interest, which can be beneficial for future job opportunities. Additionally, completing internships can demonstrate your dedication and commitment to your field to potential employers.

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