Physics of Thrown Baseball: Air Resistance & Gravity Forces

In summary: The other individuals are correct- if your hand is not touching the ball, it is not imparting any forces on it. However, if your hand does touch the ball, then the force of your hand is changing the ball's momentum. This is why it is important to hold the baseball with two hands- one to hold it still and the other to impart the momentum change.
  • #1
What forces act on a thrown baseball?

(Assuming the baseball motion is an upside down parabola). What forces act on a thrown baseball? 1) After the first fraction of second after it leaves your hands? 2) After it leaves your hands and at the top of it motion (top of the parabola). Some people think that the force of the hand continues to act throughout the motion. Other think that the only force acting throughout the motion is force of gravity. Who is correct from an experiment point of view?

I think after the few fractions of the second when the ball leaves the hand, there is the ball’s weight acting on it, and the force of the hand. At the middle of the parabola there is only the weight = mass x (9.81 m/s^2) acting on it. what about the air?. From an experience point of view I think that they are both wrong, that hand force act on the ball at the beginning of its motion and after the hands force fades the gravity force takes over.
Am I correct?
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  • #2
I'm sorry but you aren't.
After the ball has left your hand, only gravity and air resistance will act on it (although for the trajectory to take the form of "an upside down parabola" the air resistance must be negligeble).
  • #3
What about the froce of the hand?
  • #4
If your hand is not touching the ball, how can it be applying a force on it? YOu are confusing "force" with "momentum." Your hand applied force in order to chage the ball's momentum. After it leaves your hand, the ball continues with its momentum, but your hand no linger has any influence on it.

Well, technically, there is a gravitational force from your hand, but its way too small to measure.
  • #5
What is happening at the top of the baseball's motion for the baseball to fall down? Can someone give me a complete answer instead of frangments please, how should I understand the concept otherwise?
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  • #6
Originally posted by cristina
What would happen at the top of the baseball's motion for the it to fall down? Can someone give me a complete answer instead of frangments please, how should I understand the concept otherwise?
Its pretty simple: two forces act on the baseball at all times after it has left your hand and until it hits the ground: gravity and aerodynamic. Gravity is a constant force and aerodynamic changes with changes in speed, rotation, and the properties of the air during the flight. Nothing at all special (new) happens at the top of the arc to make the ball start coming back down.

The others are correct: if your hand is not touching the ball, it is not imparting any forces on it.

Sometimes its tough for us to answer questions because we need to understand what you are saying first and we're not speaking the same language. Science has its own language. Perhaps if you elaborated on the specific nature of your question it would help us help you.
  • #7
Originally posted by cristina
What is happening at the top of the baseball's motion for the baseball to fall down? Can someone give me a complete answer instead of frangments please, how should I understand the concept otherwise?

Assume for simplicity that the air resistance is negligeble.
After the ball has left your hand only the gravitational force will act on it, trying to pull it back against the earth. Since the ball prior has been given an upward motion (by the force from your hand!) the effect of the gravitational force is to slow that motion down until the ball turns, and then pull it back to the earth.
It is exactly the same force acting on the way up as on the way down!

What I think you may not have understood is that a force is NOT needed to make an object move with constant velocity. A force changes the objects velocity (i.e it accelerates the object)!
For example if you are throwing a ball somewhere out in space far away from any large masses, the ball will keep on going with the same velocity as it had when it left your hand since no forces will act on it...

If you want to understand this better I suggest you read about Newton´s laws. Anyone who has a good link?

FAQ: Physics of Thrown Baseball: Air Resistance & Gravity Forces

What is air resistance and how does it affect the physics of a thrown baseball?

Air resistance is the force that opposes the motion of an object through air. In the case of a thrown baseball, it is the force of air pushing against the ball as it moves through the air. This force can slow down the ball and change its trajectory, making it an important factor in the physics of a thrown baseball.

How does gravity affect the trajectory of a thrown baseball?

Gravity is a force that pulls objects towards the center of the earth. When a baseball is thrown, gravity acts on it, pulling it downwards towards the ground. This causes the ball to follow a curved path, known as a parabola, as it travels through the air.

What is the relationship between air resistance and the speed of a thrown baseball?

The faster a baseball is thrown, the more air resistance it experiences. This is because the force of air resistance is proportional to the square of the velocity of the object. So, as the velocity of the ball increases, the force of air resistance also increases, making it harder for the ball to maintain its speed and trajectory.

How does air density affect the physics of a thrown baseball?

Air density refers to the amount of air particles in a given volume of air. The higher the air density, the more air resistance the ball will experience. This is because there are more air particles for the ball to collide with, slowing it down. Therefore, in denser air, a thrown baseball will not travel as far as it would in thinner air.

What other factors affect the physics of a thrown baseball?

Apart from air resistance and gravity, other factors that can affect the physics of a thrown baseball include the spin of the ball, the angle at which it is thrown, and the air temperature. A spin can create a pressure difference on the surface of the ball, affecting its trajectory. The angle at which the ball is thrown can also determine its trajectory and distance. Additionally, air temperature can affect the density of the air, which in turn affects the air resistance experienced by the ball.

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