Physics Project Conservation of momentum,energy, and projectile motion

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics class assignment where students had to find the spring constant and acceleration of a bullet from a spring-loaded nerf gun before it hit a block. The students also had to record the distance the bullet stuck to the target. The conversation also mentions the use of conservation of energy and momentum to solve the problem, as well as additional measurements and calculations.
  • #1
For my AP Physics Class we were given spring loaded nerf guns and asked to find a spring constant and the acceleration of the bullet before it hit the block. We had to hit a target that was on the edge of our desk and record the distance when the bullet stuck to the target. I have worked more than halfway through the problem, but have trouble when it comes to the conservation of energy and can't seem to find the acceleration.

Mb=.0136 kg
Mt=.2392 kg
X(Desk to landing place)=.3825 m
Y(Top of target to floor)=.82

To find time it takes for the bullet/target combo to reach the floor I used the y-component

To find velocity of the bullet/target combo I substituted time into the x-component
.3852= Vo(.409)

To find the velocity of the bullet before it hit the target I used the conservation of momentum
MbVb+ MtVt=( Mb+ Mt)Vo
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  • #2
Ohh I forgot the spring is compressed 0.06 meters and the distance from the tip of the gun to the block is 1.77 meters.
  • #3

Great job on your project so far! It's important to consider the conservation of momentum and energy when studying projectile motion. Let's take a closer look at the steps you've taken so far.

First, you correctly identified the relevant variables and recorded their values. This is an important step in any scientific experiment.

Next, you used the equation for vertical motion to find the time it takes for the bullet/target combo to reach the floor. You correctly used the initial vertical position (0.82 m) and the acceleration due to gravity (-9.81 m/s^2). However, there seems to be an error in your calculation for time. The equation should be t = √(2h/g), where h is the vertical displacement (0.82 m) and g is the acceleration due to gravity. This gives a time of approximately 0.404 seconds.

Then, you used this time to find the horizontal velocity of the bullet/target combo. This is also correct, as the horizontal motion is independent of the vertical motion.

Finally, you used the conservation of momentum to find the velocity of the bullet before it hit the target. This is a key principle in physics, which states that the total momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. You correctly set up the equation and solved for the velocity of the bullet, which is approximately 17.38 m/s.

To find the acceleration of the bullet, you can use the equation a = (Vf - Vi)/t, where Vf is the final velocity (0 m/s) and Vi is the initial velocity (17.38 m/s). This gives an acceleration of approximately -42.7 m/s^2. This negative value indicates that the bullet is decelerating as it hits the target, which is expected due to the force of friction.

Overall, you have done a great job applying the principles of conservation of momentum and energy to your project. Keep up the good work and continue to think critically about the physical laws that govern projectile motion.

FAQ: Physics Project Conservation of momentum,energy, and projectile motion

1. What is the conservation of momentum?

The conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant, regardless of any external forces acting on the system. This means that in a closed system, the total momentum before and after a collision or interaction remains the same.

2. What is the conservation of energy?

The conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred or converted from one form to another. In other words, the total energy of an isolated system remains constant.

3. How does the conservation of momentum apply to projectile motion?

In projectile motion, the initial momentum of the object is equal to its final momentum, as there are no external forces acting on the object in the horizontal direction. This means that the horizontal component of the object's velocity remains constant throughout its trajectory.

4. How does the conservation of energy apply to projectile motion?

In projectile motion, the total energy of the object remains constant, as there are no external forces acting on the object in the horizontal direction. This means that the object's kinetic energy and potential energy will change as it moves through its trajectory, but the total energy will remain the same.

5. How do these principles affect real-life situations?

The principles of conservation of momentum and energy are fundamental to understanding and predicting the behavior of objects in motion. They are applied in various fields, such as engineering, physics, and even sports, to analyze and optimize the movements of objects and systems. For example, in a car crash, the conservation of momentum can help determine the severity of the impact, while the conservation of energy can be used to design safer cars.

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