Physics: Specific heat capacity of a solid

In summary, The conversation is about a one-dimensional row of 5 microscopic objects connected by springs with specific constants. Using these values, the conversation goes on to discuss energy, entropy, temperature, and heat capacity of the system. The final question asks for the classical limit of the heat capacity per object for a high temperature, which is found to be 1k=1.3807e23.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The diagram below shows a one-dimensional row of 5 microscopic objects each of mass 410-26 kg, connected by forces that can be modeled by springs of stiffness 26 N/m (so each object can be modeled as if it were connected to a single spring of effective stiffness 4ks = 104 N/m -- neglect any possible differences for objects near the ends). These 5 objects can move only along the x axis.Use these precise values for the constants:
hbar = 1.054610-34 J · s (Planck's constant divided by 2)
k = 1.380710-23 J/K (the Boltzmann constant)What is one quantum of energy for one of these objects?
Delta E = 5.37743e-21 correct check mark J

Using the Einstein model, calculate the entropy of this system for total energy of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 quanta.
q = 0: S = 0 correct check mark J/K

q = 1: S = 2.22215e-23 correct check mark J/K

q = 2: S = 3.73900e-23 correct check mark J/K

q = 3: S = 4.90887e-23 correct check mark J/K

q = 4: S = 5.86590e-23 correct check mark J/K

q = 5: S = 6.67745e-23 correct check mark J/K

Calculate to the nearest degree the average absolute temperature of the system when the total energy is in the range from 3 to 4 quanta. (You can think of this as the temperature when there would be 3.5 quanta of energy in the system, if that were possible.)
T3 to 4 = 561.88730 correct check mark K

Calculate to the nearest degree the average absolute temperature of the system when the total energy is in the range from 4 to 5 quanta. (You can think of this as the temperature when there would be 4.5 quanta of energy in the system, if that were possible.)
T4 to 5 = 662.61229 correct check mark K

Calculate the heat capacity per object when the total energy is 4 quanta. (Think of this in terms of increasing from 3.5 quanta of energy in the system to 4.5 quanta of energy in the system, if that were possible.)
C4 = 1.067745e-23 correct check mark J/K/object

If the temperature were raised very high, classically what would we expect the heat capacity per object to be for this one-dimensional system? Give a numerical value.
Chigh T = ? wrong check mark J/K/object
(One reason for the discrepancy is that the high-temperature limit assumes that the number of oscillators is large (N >> 1), which is not the case in this tiny system.)

Homework Equations

C= deltaE/deltaT

classical limit of 3k = 4.210-23 J/K/atom

The Attempt at a Solution

I got all the questions except the last one which I've already tried searching for clues in the internet.
I tried 3kN= 3*1.380710e23*5 but got it wrong.
I thought it was just supposed to be 3k like in the relevant equation but that's wrong maybe because N=5??
I also thought that 3 in the 3k equation has something to do with 3 springs, so I tried 2*k instead of 3*k but got it wrong too.
Please help.
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  • #2
I don't think you need to multiply it by 5 if you're already multiplying by 3. Since you do 3k for a three-dimensional system, i figured that you could just do 2k, since only two springs are attached to each 'atom'. This was also wrong. I also tried 5k, but that didn't work. Apparently 3k is also wrong.

Now that we've eliminated 5 options, anyone else have ideas?
  • #3
I didn't know that 3k was for a three-dimensional system. If that's the case, then how about trying 1k since this is a one-dimensional system.

Ok. I got the answer. The answer is 1k= 1.3807e23.

Thanks for joining the discussion, phys2211. And Thanks a lot for that important point you gave out.
  • #4
glad i could be of service :)
  • #5
Hey how do u search for T3 to 4 on T4 to 5?

FAQ: Physics: Specific heat capacity of a solid

What is specific heat capacity?

Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius.

How is specific heat capacity measured?

Specific heat capacity is measured by conducting experiments in which a known quantity of heat is added to a sample of the substance, and the resulting change in temperature is recorded.

What factors affect the specific heat capacity of a solid?

The specific heat capacity of a solid can be affected by factors such as its chemical composition, density, and crystal structure. It can also vary with temperature and pressure.

What are the units of specific heat capacity?

Specific heat capacity is typically measured in units of joules per gram per degree Celsius (J/g°C) in the SI system, or calories per gram per degree Celsius (cal/g°C) in the metric system.

Why is specific heat capacity important?

Specific heat capacity is important because it helps us understand how different substances respond to changes in temperature. It also plays a crucial role in various industrial and engineering applications, such as in designing efficient heating and cooling systems.

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