Physics Undergraduate Mechanical vs Aerospace Engineering

In summary, if you want to pursue a career in aerospace engineering, it is recommended that you get a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. If you want to pursue a career in mechanical engineering, it is recommended that you get an M.S.
  • #1
Hey Guys,

I know there are some other posts on this, but I have a slightly different situation than most of the ones I've looked at.

I'm a recently graduated Physics major. Starting junior-senior year I became interested in going into engineering. I would like to work in the space industry. More specifically, I am interested in propulsion and astrodynamics although I also have interests in multiple other aspects including power systems and robotics. I tried applying to some jobs and internships for the last few months, but haven't had any luck. I've been looking at going to graduate school for Aerospace engineering in the hopes that more relevant experience will make things easier while at the same time helping me decide exactly what I want to go into.

However, it looks like mechanical engineering might be a good choice as well since most job descriptions that I've seen that are looking for aerospace engineers also allow mechanical. It seems like mechanical engineers might have an easier time getting into other engineering fields in case I decide to do something slightly different or can't immediately get into propulsion work.

What are the major differences between aerospace and mechanical engineering?

If I take aerospace electives while working towards an mechanical engineering degree would I have any significant disadvantage? Or would I be better off taking material classes in order to do propulsion?

Also does anyone have advice on what kind of schools should shoot for? Are universities with better ratings worth the extra cost?

Should I even consider a Phd? From what I've heard most people in the industry have a masters.

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  • #2
The major difference between the two is what examples are used to illustrate the concepts due to the nature of the problems each type of engineers will typically work on. The physics underlying the two are identical. This is precisely why many universities have the aerospace and mechanical departments rolled into one department.

As for PhD vs. MS, it depends on your career goals. Industry doesn't employ a ton of PhDs because they don't need a ton of PhDs. They have a handful that they use to essentially run their research programs and then they fill in the gaps with a bunch of MS-holders. Outside of the R&D side, even fewer PhDs are typically hanging around because their type of expertise is just not often required. The good news is, even though PhDs aren't hired in droves, they aren't produced in droves either. The bottom line is that yo need to determine your career goals.
  • #3
My advice is don't spread yourself too thin, I'm still trying to get into aerospace. My degree says Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, but companies tend to think you're just interested in aero when glimsing over your resume.
  • #4

My advice would be to go and get your M.S in Mechanical Engineering. Yes the underlying physics is identical to Aero, but as an Aerospace Engineer, I didn't get ANY feedback from the Mech Eng jobs I applied to, I guess because my degree says "Aerospace" and not "Mechanical". Your thesis title is your opportunity to show your relevant skills so if it's propulsion you like for example, then do your M.S research thesis on propulsion.

It's difficult choosing a degree that teaches you all the things you need to know whilst having a suitable title. Employers are biased. For instance, I was applying for jobs in propulsion which linked directly with my final year thesis, but the employer would state that they needed Mechanical Engineering graduates, so I would almost laugh if I didn't get feedback from them as they obviously didn't read what I did for my research, which won an award from the IET!

You'll get there in the end buddy, you just have to realize that the people looking at your CV are working in the Human Resources department, and therefore clueless.

Hope this helps!

The Jericho.
  • #5

I would recommend considering both mechanical and aerospace engineering as potential paths to achieving your goals in the space industry. Both fields have their own unique strengths and areas of focus, and it ultimately depends on which specific aspect of the industry you are most interested in pursuing.

Mechanical engineering tends to have a broader scope and can open up opportunities in various industries such as automotive, manufacturing, and energy, in addition to aerospace. On the other hand, aerospace engineering is more specialized and focuses specifically on the design, development, and operation of aircraft and spacecraft.

In terms of courses and electives, it would be beneficial to take a mix of both aerospace and mechanical engineering courses to gain a well-rounded understanding of both fields. This will also give you the flexibility to explore different areas within the industry and make more informed decisions about your career path.

When considering schools, it is important to look for programs that have strong reputations and offer opportunities for hands-on experience and research in your areas of interest. While highly ranked universities may come with a higher cost, they also tend to have more resources and opportunities for students.

As for pursuing a Ph.D., it is not necessary for most positions in the industry. However, if you are interested in research or more specialized roles, a Ph.D. may be beneficial. It is important to carefully consider your career goals and weigh the time and financial commitment of a Ph.D. program before making a decision.

In summary, both mechanical and aerospace engineering can be viable paths for a career in the space industry. It is important to carefully consider your interests and goals and choose a program and courses that align with them. Additionally, gaining relevant experience through internships and research opportunities can also greatly benefit your career prospects.

Related to Physics Undergraduate Mechanical vs Aerospace Engineering

1. What is the difference between Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering?

Mechanical Engineering is a broad field that focuses on the design and development of mechanical systems and devices, while Aerospace Engineering is a specialized branch of engineering that deals with the design, development, and operation of aircraft and spacecraft.

2. How do the job opportunities differ between a Physics undergraduate degree and a Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering degree?

A Physics undergraduate degree can lead to a variety of job opportunities in industries such as research, healthcare, and technology. On the other hand, a degree in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering can lead to more specific job opportunities in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing.

3. What types of courses are typically included in a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program?

Some common courses in a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program include mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science, fluid mechanics, and design. Students will also take courses in mathematics, physics, and computer-aided design.

4. How does the curriculum for an Aerospace Engineering undergraduate program differ from that of a Mechanical Engineering program?

An Aerospace Engineering curriculum will have a strong focus on aerodynamics, flight dynamics, and aircraft and spacecraft design. It will also include courses in propulsion, structures, and control systems. Mechanical Engineering programs, on the other hand, will have a broader focus on mechanical systems and devices.

5. Can a student with a Physics undergraduate degree still pursue a career in Aerospace Engineering?

Yes, it is possible for a student with a Physics undergraduate degree to pursue a career in Aerospace Engineering. However, they may need to take additional courses or complete a graduate program in Aerospace Engineering to gain the necessary knowledge and skills for this field.

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