- #1
Quinton Lutz
- 2
- 0
What force did the child exert if he got to the top of the slide by climbing up the 10 meter long side of the slide?
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t34.0-12/10846976_1035352363148270_1792159887_n.jpg?oh=cb662a069afbf224b2750559d8a17b46&oe=548EE155&__gda__=1418659460_f3d5a9eef0c9baa2ccdb7d0c055a6d88 W = F*X, X=displacement
Esubk = (.5)m*v^2
I simply subbed in the 700J for the work, used 3m as the displacement and solved the equation for F.
My classmates have been solving this using 10m instead of 3m. I am unsure of what the correct solving process for this is. My answer was 200 using only one significant figure.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t34.0-12/10846976_1035352363148270_1792159887_n.jpg?oh=cb662a069afbf224b2750559d8a17b46&oe=548EE155&__gda__=1418659460_f3d5a9eef0c9baa2ccdb7d0c055a6d88 W = F*X, X=displacement
Esubk = (.5)m*v^2
I simply subbed in the 700J for the work, used 3m as the displacement and solved the equation for F.
My classmates have been solving this using 10m instead of 3m. I am unsure of what the correct solving process for this is. My answer was 200 using only one significant figure.