Picking a language (programming)

In summary, the speaker is a junior in college double majoring in mathematics and computer science. They are interested in starting web development languages and are considering Java and PHP, but are unsure which one to learn. They are particularly interested in using these languages for online game development and web development. They have some experience with C++ and are wondering if Java would be useful for networking with C++ in game development. They are also curious about the time it would take to learn Java or PHP and whether or not HTML and CSS are used in every website.
  • #1
Hello, so I am a junior in college right now...I am double majored in mathematics and computer science. I was curious, I know C++ pretty well and was interested in starting web development languages. I know I will have to learn html and SQL as they are pretty much standard for web development...however, I am asking a pretty common question...what are the advantages and disadvantages to Java and PHP. I am not sure which I want to learn. I know I'll need one of them obviously (there are others, but these are the two i can't choose between!). I am interested in online game development, and web development. I know C++ pretty well, and am looking for which will benefit me for those two aspects of software development, choosing between: Java or PHP, accompanied by C++. THOUGHTS?
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  • #2
NetMage said:
Hello, so I am a junior in college right now...I am double majored in mathematics and computer science. I was curious, I know C++ pretty well and was interested in starting web development languages. I know I will have to learn html and SQL as they are pretty much standard for web development...however, I am asking a pretty common question...what are the advantages and disadvantages to Java and PHP. I am not sure which I want to learn. I know I'll need one of them obviously (there are others, but these are the two i can't choose between!). I am interested in online game development, and web development. I know C++ pretty well, and am looking for which will benefit me for those two aspects of software development, choosing between: Java or PHP, accompanied by C++. THOUGHTS?
One way to choose is to go to the web sites of different companies and look at their job postings. In my company, Java jobs are running about 100 to 1 against PHP in the DC area. PHP seems to be a dying language here.
  • #3
Well, I have quite a ways before I am worried about landing a job anywhere. At the moment I am soley interested in freelance work from home. My brother is a graphic artist and we kinda have a team going. I want to be able to produce websites and 3d video games with the help of him. C++ was pretty easy for me to learn, and my end goal is to know the appropriate languages to communicate between servers in say an mmorpg or fps online video game, and also to be able to produce websites if we so choose to take on the task. I know C++ is a heavy weight when it comes to game development, I was curious as to what else will be useful to network the game online, is using java with C++ popular?
  • #4
Also, it took me about 4 months to comfortably learn C++. I am mainly self taught, I take the official OOP class this spring semester, but I know OOP pretty well in C++. How long would it take to learn Java or PHP assuming I am about an average skilled programmer in C++ within 4 months.
  • #5
NetMage said:
Also, it took me about 4 months to comfortably learn C++. I am mainly self taught, I take the official OOP class this spring semester, but I know OOP pretty well in C++. How long would it take to learn Java or PHP assuming I am about an average skilled programmer in C++ within 4 months.
I haven't studied PHP so I can't tell you much there. Java and C++ are pretty similar. I would consider C++ to be the more difficult of the two. If C++ was easy for you, you shouldn't have too much difficulty with Java.
  • #6
Kool, so far I am leaning toward java. I have a question. Say I make a 3d mmorpg game, and i write it in C++. Would it be frowned upon or difficult to use java to communicate with the server, or can that just be written in C++ as well? I intend on using basic flash stuff for the UI.
  • #7
NetMage said:
Kool, so far I am leaning toward java. I have a question. Say I make a 3d mmorpg game, and i write it in C++. Would it be frowned upon or difficult to use java to communicate with the server, or can that just be written in C++ as well? I intend on using basic flash stuff for the UI.
I haven't written online video games so I can't say for sure what would work best for that. I write Java for a website that interacts with back-end datasources. For our purposes, we haven't needed for our application to connect with C++ programs. The few times that I've done it was years ago. So, I know that it can be done but I couldn't tell you about the current best practices.
  • #8
Ah interesting. Well, I'll continue doing my research, I think I will take on java though. It is similar to C++ which will be a nice easy transition. And as long as I am able to connect the two, there should be no problems, which apparently it can be done. And lastly, I wasnt to develop websites for my owner personal pleasures...which I know Java does an excellent job of. Is it 100% that html is used in every website, along with CSS? I hear that alot.
  • #9
WOW i cannot type. *I Want to develop websites for my own personal pleasures* Sorry about that.
  • #10
NetMage said:
Ah interesting. Well, I'll continue doing my research, I think I will take on java though. It is similar to C++ which will be a nice easy transition. And as long as I am able to connect the two, there should be no problems, which apparently it can be done. And lastly, I wasnt to develop websites for my owner personal pleasures...which I know Java does an excellent job of. Is it 100% that html is used in every website, along with CSS? I hear that alot.
Your web sites can have any level of integration with Java as you like. Our website is Servlets and JSP with very little html except for a few help pages. BTW, Java is also the platform for Android phones. Once you get proficient at Java, you can build apps for those phones as well.
  • #11
If you plan to do programming as part of your career (whether full time or not), the important thing is to learn how to PROGRAM, not what language(s) you know.

Over 30 years, I reckon I've learned a new language every 12 to 18 months. Once you know five or ten, learning another one is no big deal, because you already know what you want to do, so you don't have to learn much except some new syntax.

If you are serious about learning programming, I suggest you learn a list processing or functional language next (e.g Scheme or Haskell). You might never actually use a language like that for real, but learning one will free up the way you think about programming.
  • #12
Thanks for the input so far guys. Yea, I am pretty good at algorithms and such in C++. I've made a little 2d game and it was pretty simple. I understand logic very well and programming has come pretty natural for me. I am almost done with both 4 year degrees (math/CS). I just was very curious as to how well C++ and java are compatible together in a game, and how well java creates websites compared to PHP, as I understand those are the two big web development languages.

Related to Picking a language (programming)

1. How do I choose the right programming language for my project?

Choosing the right programming language depends on several factors such as the nature of your project, the resources and tools available, and your personal preference. It is important to research and understand the different features and capabilities of various programming languages to determine which one will best suit your project's requirements.

2. What are the most popular programming languages?

The most popular programming languages currently are JavaScript, Python, Java, C++, and C#. However, the popularity of programming languages can vary depending on the industry and the specific use case.

3. Should I learn multiple programming languages?

Learning multiple programming languages can be beneficial as it allows you to have a diverse skill set and adapt to different project requirements. However, it is important to focus on mastering one language first before moving on to others.

4. How long does it take to learn a programming language?

The time it takes to learn a programming language can vary depending on the complexity of the language and the time and effort you put into learning it. It is important to have patience and practice consistently to become proficient in a programming language.

5. Are there any resources available to help me learn a programming language?

Yes, there are various online resources such as tutorials, coding bootcamps, and online courses that can help you learn a programming language. It is also beneficial to join coding communities and forums to interact with other programmers and learn from their experiences.

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