Plancks law: Relationship between peak wavelength and peak frequency

In summary: That's a good question, and my only answer would be that the index of refraction of the medium is not 1. Example: if you're looking at the radiation from inside a swimming pool, the frequency would be the same as in air but the wavelength would be reduced to c/nf, f = freq in Hz. Water has n = 1.3 or something like that.I believe some kind of semantic confusion is at the heart of this, as dickfore suggests. If the issue is n > 1 then I calculate n = 1.76.
  • #1

Homework Statement

What is the relationship between vmax and λmax and why isn't it just vmaxλmax = c

Homework Equations

vλ = c

vmax = 5.88 x 1010T s-1 K-1

λmax = 0.290T-1 cm K

The Attempt at a Solution

I worked out that Bλ = -dv/dλ Bv

where -dv/dλ = c/λ2

So I thought that λmax = -dv/dλ vmax but that doesn't seem to work.

Any idea what I have missed? I have been playing around with various rearrangements for a while . . . do I need to do some more calculus?
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  • #2
How do you determine the peak wavelength and the peak frequency? Are the two conditions satisfied simultaneously?
  • #3
ck99 said:

Homework Statement

What is the relationship between vmax and λmax and why isn't it just vmaxλmax = c

Homework Equations

vλ = c

vmax = 5.88 x 1010T s-1 K-1
Where did you dig this up?
λmax = 0.290T-1 cm K
This is correct. And vmax = c/λmax unless n > 1 (refraction index).
Last edited:
  • #4
Dickfore said:
How do you determine the peak wavelength and the peak frequency? Are the two conditions satisfied simultaneously?

Hi and thanks for your reply - I've been working on another problem but I am back on this one now!

Peak wavelength occurs when dBv / dv = 0 and I already showed that vmax = 5.88 x 1010T s-1 K-1 in part one of the question (taken straight from the lecture notes).

Peak frequency occurs when dBλ / dλ = 0 and in the question I am given the expression λmax = 0.290T-1 cm K as the solution to this.

So aren't these two conditions satisfied when

dBv / dv = dBλ / dλ = 0

Is that the same as saying

5.88 x 1010T s-1 K-1 = 0.290T-1 cm K

I am more confused than ever now as I am pretty sure that makes no sense!
  • #5
ck99 said:

Homework Statement

What is the relationship between vmax and λmax and why isn't it just vmaxλmax = c

Homework Equations

vλ = c

vmax = 5.88 x 1010T s-1 K-1

rude man said:
Where did you dig this up?

Hi rude man and thanks for your reply. The thing I dug up is from my lecture notes and in the question paper, we work in cgs units in this class, which might be why you don't recognise it?

ck99 said:
λmax = 0.290T-1 cm K

rude man said:
This is correct. And vmax = c/λmax unless n > 1 (refraction index).

Hmmm, how can vmax = c/λmax if my question is "Show that vmaxλmax ≠ c ? I don't get it . . .
  • #6
ck99 said:
Hi rude man and thanks for your reply. The thing I dug up is from my lecture notes and in the question paper, we work in cgs units in this class, which might be why you don't recognise it?

Hmmm, how can vmax = c/λmax if my question is "Show that vmaxλmax ≠ c ? I don't get it . . .

That's a good question, and my only answer would be that the index of refraction of the medium is not 1. Example: if you're looking at the radiation from inside a swimming pool, the frequency would be the same as in air but the wavelength would be reduced to c/nf, f = freq in Hz. Water has n = 1.3 or something like that.
  • #7
ck99 said:
Hi and thanks for your reply - I've been working on another problem but I am back on this one now!

Peak wavelength occurs when dBv / dv = 0 and I already showed that vmax = 5.88 x 1010T s-1 K-1 in part one of the question (taken straight from the lecture notes).

Peak frequency occurs when dBλ / dλ = 0 and in the question I am given the expression λmax = 0.290T-1 cm K as the solution to this.

So aren't these two conditions satisfied when

dBv / dv = dBλ / dλ = 0

Is that the same as saying

5.88 x 1010T s-1 K-1 = 0.290T-1 cm K

No, of course not. You don't want to equate a frequency with a wavelength!

What should be true is that λ = c/f or 0.29T-1 cm-K = c/5.88e10T s-1K-1 where c =3e10 cm s-1. But it isn't ...

I believe some kind of semantic confusion is at the heart of this, as dickfore suggests. If the issue is n > 1 then I calculate n = 1.76.
  • #8
ck99 said:
I worked out that Bλ = -dv/dλ Bv

where -dv/dλ = c/λ2

Sub second relation into first to get λ2Bλ = c Bv

So, does Bv have its max when Bλ has its max? Or, does Bv have its max when λ2Bλ has its max?
  • #9
OK, time for me to eat crow again.

Here's the story: the Planck radiation law may be written either as a function of wavelength or as a function of frequency. If you take the wavelength formulation you get λmax = 0.29T-1 cm-K whereas if you start with the frequency expression you get hfmax /kT = 2.821439 which corresponds to fmax = 5.88e10T s-1 K-1.

As to why these don't agree, the answer is in the formulation of the two versions of the law.
One is not directly derived from the other by λf = c. In fact, as I see it, they contradict each other and I assume both are models of the real thing and therefore inaccurate. Good question for your prof!

If you want to know whichever version of the Planck radiation law you don't have, they can both be found on the Web.

Ya live and learn!
  • #10
rude man said:
OK, time for me to eat crow again.

Here's the story: the Planck radiation law may be written either as a function of wavelength or as a function of frequency. If you take the wavelength formulation you get λmax = 0.29T-1 cm-K whereas if you start with the frequency expression you get hfmax /kT = 2.821439 which corresponds to fmax = 5.88e10T s-1 K-1.

As to why these don't agree, the answer is in the formulation of the two versions of the law.
One is not directly derived from the other by λf = c. In fact, as I see it, they contradict each other and I assume both are models of the real thing and therefore inaccurate. Good question for your prof!

If you want to know whichever version of the Planck radiation law you don't have, they can both be found on the Web.

Ya live and learn!

I showed in my first post that I worked out how to go from one form to the other. They are not "models" and they are both accurate.
  • #11
TSny said:
Sub second relation into first to get λ2Bλ = c Bv

So, does Bv have its max when Bλ has its max? Or, does Bv have its max when λ2Bλ has its max?

Hi TSny and thanks for your reply.

I think I want to show that

dBv / dv = 0 when dλ2 c-1 Bλ /dλ = 0

However, using a similar substitution method I used to derive dBv /dv = 0, I just end up getting exactly the same result for both expressions! So that equation is true, which again makes me think that the conversion factor should just be λ2/c but as soon as I put a value in for T and actually compare numbers that doesn't work. What am I missing?
  • #12
ck99 said:
I think I want to show that
dBv / dv = 0 when dλ2 c-1 Bλ /dλ = 0

We have cBv = λ2Bλ where v on the left is related to λ on the right by c = vλ. Bv will take on its maximum value when λ2Bλ has its maximum value. So, the value of λ that corresponds to the value of vmax (where Bv takes on its max) would be obtained from Bλ by the condition d(λ2Bλ)/dλ = 0. Show that this leads to dBλ/dλ = -(2/λ)Bλ.

So, the value of λ that corresponds to vmax will not be the value of λ that makes Bλ a maximum, but to the value of λ that makes dBλ/dλ = -(2/λ)Bλ. So, dBλ/dλ will be negative at this point, which means that λ will be on the "downhill" side of the peak of Bλ. In other words, the value of λ that corresponds to vmax will be greater than λmax (where dBλ/dλ = 0).

Related to Plancks law: Relationship between peak wavelength and peak frequency

1. What is Planck's Law?

Planck's Law is a fundamental principle in physics that describes the relationship between the peak wavelength and peak frequency of electromagnetic radiation.

2. Who is Max Planck?

Max Planck was a German physicist who first proposed the concept of Planck's Law in 1900. He is considered one of the founders of quantum theory.

3. How does Planck's Law relate to blackbody radiation?

Planck's Law is used to explain the distribution of energy emitted by a blackbody, which is an object that absorbs all incoming radiation and emits radiation at all wavelengths.

4. What is the formula for Planck's Law?

The formula for Planck's Law is E = hf, where E is the energy of a photon, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the photon.

5. What is the significance of Planck's constant in Planck's Law?

Planck's constant, represented by the symbol h, is a fundamental constant in physics that relates the energy of a photon to its frequency. It is an important value in understanding the behavior of particles at the atomic level and is used in many equations and theories in physics.

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