Plane landing with retarding force

  • Thread starter kraigandrews
  • Start date
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    Force Plane
In summary: I'm just guessing that I'm not even close to guessing the right answer though, could someone give me a dimension to work with so I can get a first guess?I'm just guessing that I'm not even close to guessing the right answer though, could someone give me a dimension to work with so I can get a first guess?sorry, I don't understand what you're asking. The question is asking for the distance (x) that the plane travels before it stops. We don't have any other dimensions to work with. The given data and equations are all we have to work with.Ok so I thought I solved this using energy conservation but I got like 4000m or something. So I'm clearly incorrect, would someone
  • #1

Homework Statement

A light plane (mass = M) makes an emergency landing on a short runway. With its engine off, it lands at speed v0. A hook on the plane snags a cable attached to a sandbag (mass = m) and drags the sandbag along. The coefficient of friction between the sandbag and the runway is μ, and the plane's brakes give a retarding force of Fb. How far will the plane go before it stops?
Data: v0 = 43.0 m/s; M = 839 kg; m = 97 kg; μ = 0.32; Fb = 1208 N.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Im pretty sure these are the correct forces, however, the solution to the diff eq does not yield a function (i.e. e^-(something) that goes to zero) that will give a stopping point. My thought is I am missing a part of the equation or have to incorporate momentum.
Physics news on
  • #2
Notice that the left hand side if the equation you determined is constant:


You can now integrate this to find v(t) or use constant acceleration kinematic equations.
  • #3
That was just my guess at it, however, it cannot be correct because when you integrate for v, then again for x you get a parabolic function which does not go to zero, hence it does not stop, so it is wrong. Suggestions for fixing this?
  • #4
Plane making an emergency landing!

Homework Statement

A light plane (mass = M) makes an emergency landing on a short runway. With its engine off, it lands at speed v0. A hook on the plane snags a cable attached to a sandbag (mass = m) and drags the sandbag along. The coefficient of friction between the sandbag and the runway is μ, and the plane's brakes give a retarding force of Fb. How far will the plane go before it stops?
Data: v0 = 43.0 m/s; M = 839 kg; m = 97 kg; μ = 0.32; Fb = 1208 N

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

not sure how to set this up I know the forces are:
Fb=retarding force
and initial momentum = Mv0
other than that I have no idea how to set up the differential equation to obtain V(t)
  • #6

Ok, so then it would would be 1/2mv^2=Fb+μmgx?
then I would solve for x(t) by using v^2=(dx/dt)^2
is this correct?
  • #7
kraigandrews said:
Ok, so then it would would be 1/2mv^2=Fb+μmgx?

yes, except you've missed out some brackets :redface:
then I would solve for x(t) by using v^2=(dx/dt)^2

uhh? :confused: v is given

get some sleep! :zzz:​
  • #8
OK, we have established it is constant acceleration and we need to find the distance before the plane stops. The solution to your equations already exist.

Could we apply this constant acceleration kinematic equation:

vf^2 = vo^2 + 2ad


vf = final velocity = 0
vo = initial velocity (given)
a = accleration = -Fb - μmg / (M + m)
d = distance

solve for 'd' and note the sign of 'a' is negative.
  • #9

When the plane hooks the sandbag, it sounds like an inelastic collision to me. This occurs immediately before the dragging and braking... so, re-evaluate the remaining KE.
  • #10

Care to elaborate at all? Because the conservation approach is not working unless I am missing something?
  • #11

Plane has initial velocity. Grabs sandbag. That's an inelastic collision, so use conservation of momentum to work out the new velocity of the plane+sandbag. Plane+sandbag has kinetic energy. Go from there with conservation of energy and work-energy.
  • #12

Kraigandrews, if you solve it and get it right (eventually), could you post what answer it is? I'd like to know if I got it right :)

@gneill: it's not really an inelastic collision, is it? Sounds like you're thinking of an inelastic collision as one where the objects stick to each other, which is true most of the time, but the real definition of an inelastic collision is where energy isn't conserved. And I'm pretty sure energy is conserved when the plane is just snagging a sandbag cable ... unlike a bullet slamming into a block of wood, or two cars crashing together, to quote other common conservation-of-momentum-but-not-energy problems / inelastic collision problems. Because, if energy is lost in the plane snagging the sandbag, where does the energy go?
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  • #13

janrs said:
@gneill: it's not really an inelastic collision, is it? Sounds like you're thinking of an inelastic collision as one where the objects stick to each other, which is true most of the time, but the real definition of an inelastic collision is where energy isn't conserved. And I'm pretty sure energy is conserved when the plane is just snagging a sandbag cable ... unlike a bullet slamming into a block of wood, or two cars crashing together, to quote other common conservation-of-momentum-but-not-energy problems / inelastic collision problems. Because, if energy is lost in the plane snagging the sandbag, where does the energy go?

Plane grabs sandbag. Plane and sandbag move as one thereafter. That's an inelastic collision, no matter what color the plane is. Where the energy goes is for the crash inspectors to worry over. :smile:
  • #14

Ok, so I have tried this several ways and have not been able to get it using energy:

.5M(v0^2)=(Fb+(μ(M+m)g))x solving for x
.5M(v0^2)=(Fb+(μ(m)g))x solving for x
and some other variations of that.

so I'm really not sure what to do from here.
  • #15

kraigandrews said:
Ok, so I have tried this several ways and have not been able to get it using energy:

.5M(v0^2)=(Fb+(μ(M+m)g))x solving for x
.5M(v0^2)=(Fb+(μ(m)g))x solving for x
and some other variations of that.

so I'm really not sure what to do from here.

Question: How will you know when you've "got it"?
  • #16

It's homework set online, you enter the answer, tells you if its right or wrong.
  • #17

Did you give any thought to my suggestion that before the plane and sandbag start braking the velocity, that there is an inelastic collision to consider?
  • #18

Ok finally got, your approach was correct, I just was forgetting to neglect the mass of the plane when calculating the work done by friction. Thank you very much
  • #19

Happy to be of service :smile:
  • #20
(Two threads merged. Please do not multiple-post here.)

FAQ: Plane landing with retarding force

1. How does retarding force affect a plane landing?

Retarding force is a force that opposes the motion of an object. In the case of a plane landing, retarding force is used to slow down the plane's velocity and bring it to a stop. This is achieved through the use of brakes, reverse thrust, and aerodynamic drag.

2. What factors influence the amount of retarding force needed for a plane landing?

The amount of retarding force required for a plane landing depends on several factors, including the weight and speed of the plane, the length and condition of the runway, and the weather conditions. A heavier and faster plane will require more retarding force to land safely.

3. How is retarding force calculated during a plane landing?

The retarding force acting on a plane during landing can be calculated using the formula F = m * a, where F is the force, m is the mass of the plane, and a is the deceleration. The deceleration is determined by the braking system and the aerodynamic drag of the plane.

4. What are the risks associated with insufficient retarding force during a plane landing?

If there is not enough retarding force to slow down the plane during landing, it can result in a longer landing distance and potentially cause the plane to overrun the runway. This can lead to serious accidents and injuries. Additionally, insufficient retarding force can put strain on the brakes and other landing components, potentially causing damage or failure.

5. How do pilots manage retarding force during a plane landing?

Pilots use a combination of different techniques to manage retarding force during a plane landing. This includes using the brakes and reverse thrust in a controlled manner, adjusting the angle of the flaps and spoilers to increase aerodynamic drag, and carefully monitoring the speed and weight of the plane. Pilots also take into account external factors such as weather conditions and runway length to determine the appropriate amount of retarding force needed for a safe landing.
