Plane polar noncoordinate basis (Latex fixed)

In summary: Summary:: The hat system is orthonormal because ##g\left(e_{\hat{a}},e_{\hat{b}}\right)=\delta_{\hat{a}\hat{b}}## by definition.
  • #1
George Keeling
Gold Member
TL;DR Summary
plane polar noncoordinate basis should be orthonormal but I can't prove it
I am trying to do exercise 8.5 from Misner Thorne and Wheeler and am a bit stuck on part (d).
Ex 8.5.jpg

There seem to be some typos and I would rewrite the first part of question (d) as follows

Verify that the noncoordinate basis ##{e}_{\hat{r}}\equiv{e}_r=\frac{\partial\mathcal{P}}{\partial r},\ {e}_{\hat{\phi}}\equiv r^{-1}{e}_\phi=r^{-1}\frac{\partial\mathcal{P}}{\partial\phi},\ {\omega}^{\hat{r}}={d}r,\ {\omega}^{\hat{\phi}}=r{d}\phi## is orthonormal, in other words ##<ω^\hat{\alpha},e_\hat{\beta}>=δ^\hat{\alpha}_\hat{\beta}##.

I have not followed the exact rather complicated typography. The notation ##<a,b>## is new to me and means the number of times the vector ##b## pierces the one-form ##a## (like a dot product in simple cases). One-forms are pictured as a succession of surfaces (like surfaces of equal value in a scalar field).

I wasn't sure what ##dr,d\phi## meant in this context but I found this in Box 8.4 A
Box 8.4 A.jpg

From ##\omega^\alpha=dx^\alpha## in this case it seems that we can immediately say ##{\omega}^{\hat{r}}={d}r=\ {\omega}^r,\ {\omega}^{\hat{\phi}}=r{d}\phi=r{\omega}^\phi##.

The original basis is orthogonal but not orthonormal as we can see because (I worked out)$$<\omega^r,e_r>=1,<\ \omega^r,e_\phi>=0,<\omega^\phi,e_r>=0,<\omega^\phi,e_\phi>=r$$The ##e_\phi## basis vector increases the further away from the origin one is. It looks like the ##\ e_{\hat{\phi}}## is exactly suited to cancel that.

Now it's easy to work out similar stuff for the hat basis vectors$$<\omega^{\hat{r}},e_{\hat{r}}>=<\omega^r,e_r>=1$$$$<\omega^{\hat{r}},e_{\hat{\phi}}>=<\omega^r,r^{-1}e_\phi>=r^{-1}<\omega^r,e_\phi>=0$$$$<\omega^{\hat{\phi}},e_{\hat{r}}>=<r\omega^\phi,e_r>=r<\omega^\phi,e_r>=0$$$$<\omega^{\hat{\phi}},e_{\hat{\phi}}>=<r\omega^\phi,r^{-1}e_\phi>=<\omega^\phi,e_\phi>=r$$Oops! What have I done wrong? Or was there another misprint in the question?

(I had a bit a trouble with the latex on this. Still not perfect but I hope it is clear enough.)
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  • #2
George Keeling said:
Summary:: plane polar noncoordinate basis should be orthonormal but I can't prove it

The original basis is orthogonal but not orthonormal as we can see because (I worked out)
This is incorrect. ##\langle \omega^a, e_b\rangle = \delta^a_b## by definition.
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  • #3
I thought that the original basis was orthogonal but not orthonormal because of a post on physics.stackexchange. Is that statement incorrect or just my 'working out'? (I think I know what was wrong with that). I thought that orthonormal meant ##\langle \omega^a, e_b\rangle = \delta^a_b##. What does it mean?

And why would we be asked to prove that ##\langle ω^\hat{\alpha},e_\hat{\beta}\rangle=δ^\hat{\alpha}_\hat{\beta} ## if it's true by definition?
  • #4
George Keeling said:
I thought that the original basis was orthogonal but not orthonormal because of a post on physics.stackexchange. Is that statement incorrect or just my 'working out'? (I think I know what was wrong with that). I thought that orthonormal meant ##\langle \omega^a, e_b\rangle = \delta^a_b##. What does it mean?

And why would we be asked to prove that ##\langle ω^\hat{\alpha},e_\hat{\beta}\rangle=δ^\hat{\alpha}_\hat{\beta} ## if it's true by definition?
A basis with its dual basis always has that property (it is what defines the dual basis). What characterizes an orthonormal basis in a metric space with metric ##g## is that ##g(e_a, e_b)## is one if ##a=b## and zero otherwise.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
##g(e_a, e_b)## is one if ##a=b## and zero otherwise.

slightly worried by that. I assume you could have written ##g\left(e_a,e_b\right)=\delta_{ab}##. ##e_a,e_b## are of course basis vectors and (I learned before that) ##g\left(u,v\right)## is a linear machine that works on two vectors and spits out a number.

So in the original question, verifying the hat system is orthonormal is different from verifying that ##\langle\omega^{\hat{\alpha}},e_{\hat{\beta}}\rangle=\delta_{\ \ \hat{\beta}}^{\hat{\alpha}}##. And I suppose we are verifying that just to make sure that definitions are consistent. It has become easy.

On the orthonormality is this line of reasoning OK?

But we also know that, if we know the components of ##g,u,v##, then ##g\left(u,v\right)=g_{ij}u^iu^j##. So$$g\left(e_a,e_b\right)=g_{ij}\left(e_a\right)^i\left(e_b\right)^j$$In the no hat system (with ##e_r=\left(1,0\right),e_\phi=\left(0,1\right)## which is a strange thing to have to say)$$g\left(e_r,e_r\right)=\left(e_r\right)^r\left(e_r\right)^r+r^2\left(e_r\right)^\phi\left(e_r\right)^\phi=1$$$$g\left(e_r,e_\phi\right)=g\left(e_\phi,e_r\right)=\left(e_r\right)^r\left(e_\phi\right)^r+r^2\left(e_r\right)^\phi\left(e_\phi\right)^\phi=0$$$$g\left(e_\phi,e_\phi\right)=\left(e_\phi\right)^r\left(e_\phi\right)^r+r^2\left(e_\phi\right)^\phi\left(e_\phi\right)^\phi=r^2$$So the basis is not orthonormal.

With the hat system we can't use coordinates as above but we can calculate things about a metric using linearity:$$g\left(e_{\hat{r}},e_{\hat{r}}\right)=g\left(e_r,e_r\right)=1$$$$g\left(e_{\hat{r}},e_{\hat{\phi}}\right)=g\left(e_r,r^{-1}e_\phi\right)=r^{-1}g\left(e_r,e_\phi\right)=0$$$$g\left(e_{\hat{\phi}},e_{\hat{\phi}}\right)=r^{-2}g\left(e_\phi,e_\phi\right)=1$$So ##g\left(e_{\hat{a}},e_{\hat{b}}\right)=\delta_{\hat{a}\hat{b}}## and the hat system is orthonormal.

Thanks for any help and if there is none, I'll assume the above is error free.
  • #6
Looks fine.
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Likes George Keeling

FAQ: Plane polar noncoordinate basis (Latex fixed)

1. What is a plane polar noncoordinate basis?

A plane polar noncoordinate basis is a mathematical concept used in vector calculus to represent vectors in a two-dimensional space. It is a set of two basis vectors, typically denoted by er and eθ, that define a coordinate system based on radial distance and angular direction.

2. How is a plane polar noncoordinate basis different from a Cartesian coordinate system?

In a Cartesian coordinate system, vectors are represented by x and y components, while in a plane polar noncoordinate basis, vectors are represented by a magnitude and an angle. This means that the basis vectors in a plane polar noncoordinate system vary in direction and length at different points in the space, while in a Cartesian system, the basis vectors are constant.

3. What are the advantages of using a plane polar noncoordinate basis?

One advantage of using a plane polar noncoordinate basis is that it is particularly useful for solving problems involving circular or rotational motion. It also simplifies calculations involving derivatives and integrals, as the basis vectors remain constant along a path.

4. Can a plane polar noncoordinate basis be used in three-dimensional space?

No, a plane polar noncoordinate basis can only be used in two-dimensional space. To represent vectors in three-dimensional space, a cylindrical or spherical coordinate system is used, which incorporates the concepts of a plane polar noncoordinate basis.

5. Are there any limitations to using a plane polar noncoordinate basis?

A plane polar noncoordinate basis is limited to representing vectors in a two-dimensional space and is not suitable for solving problems involving linear motion. It also requires a good understanding of vector calculus and trigonometry to use effectively.

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