Planetary Motion: Elliptic Equation, Venus Orbit, Satellite Velocity

Using the given information, we can determine that the velocity of the satellite at the apsis is doubled, which means that the kinetic energy is also doubled. This increase in kinetic energy must come from the potential energy, and since the potential energy is determined by the mass of the planet, we can conclude that the mass of the planet must have decreased. If the mass of the planet has decreased, then the value of the constant k in the eccentricity equation also decreases, resulting in a larger value for \epsilon . Therefore, the new orbit will be either parabolic or hyperbolic, depending on the value of \epsilon . In summary, the new orbit will be either parabolic or hyperbolic, depending on the
  • #1
hi i hv these 2 doubts...i tried using the elliptic equation:
r= a(1-e^2)/[1-e cos(theta)] however i can't really figure out how do i determine the answer,,i mean if i could know what exactly to do.

1) the orbit of venus is very near circular (e=0.0068).Assuming that the orbit is completely circular, what wud be the orbital motion of Venus if the mass of the sun were to suddenly drop by a factor of two?Would Venus be able to remain in the solar sysytem?if so at what radius cud it be found?

2)A satellite moves in an elliptic orbit with e= 0.5 around a planet from which it is launched.When it arrives at an apsis (a radial turning point),its velocity is suddenyl doubled .Show that the new orbit will be either paraboloc or hyperbolic according to which of the turning points the velocity doubling occurs?


i really want to know how to do these so that i can apply similar concepts to solve the other questions too..
also another quick question...given 'r' describing the motion of a planet in ,how can i find the speed?
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  • #2
The first one you start with Conservation of energy. You can find the kinetic energy by using Centripetal acceleration. Once you know that, you plug it into your Cons. of Energy. Equation. Then you look look at the potential energy term. You know that if the mass of the sun drops suddenly to half of its origional value, then the potential energy changes specifically M_sun ---> .5M_Sun. Youll find that the total energy goes to zero! And because its zero, it goes into a parabolic orbit.
You can find the speed at a particular point in the orbit by using conservation of angular momentum if you have a velocity at some point. Or you could differentiate with respect to time, your orbit equation
As for your next question ill have to think about it for awhile. Hope this helps
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  • #3
they can both be solved in the same manner. when dealing with conic section remember that the eccentricity [itex] \epsilon [/itex] is what determines the form of the conic. If [itex] \epsilon \geq 1 [/itex] then the orbit will not be a closed path. recall:
[tex] \epsilon = \sqrt{1 + E \frac{2 m { \ell }^2} {k^2}} [/tex]
where k is the constant from the potential energy function (2GMm), and [itex] \ell = | \vec{r} \times \vec{v} | [/itex]

also, in your problem two, an apsis isn't a 'turning point' as the particle does not reverse motion.
an apsis is where r has a maximum/minimum value, which correspong to the perihilion and aphelion.
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  • #4

thanks a lot for all ur help...
ill make sure i apply this concept to the other questions as well..
thanks again!
  • #5
fahd said:
thanks a lot for all ur help...
ill make sure i apply this concept to the other questions as well..
thanks again!

a quick question..dun u think. the constant K shud be GMm instead of
  • #6
don't know why i put a 2 there.
  • #7
2)A satellite moves in an elliptic orbit with e= 0.5 around a planet from which it is launched.When it arrives at an apsis (a radial turning point),its velocity is suddenyl doubled .Show that the new orbit will be either paraboloc or hyperbolic according to which of the turning points the velocity doubling occurs?

i am not quite knowing homework to do this question..tried all stuff..but always contradicts facts..i used the equation for mechanicsla energy conservation and then tried to state that fopr parabolic or hyperbolic motion, e has to be =0 and >0 respectively...however for the parabolic path its ok but its contradicting my answer for the hperbolic type
can sumone help with sum other method??
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  • #8
[itex] \epsilon = 1 [/itex] for parabolic orbit, and > 1 for hyperbolic
when [itex] \epsilon = 0 [/itex] , it is circular orbit and when [tex] 0 < \epsilon < 1 [/tex] it is elliptical.

Related to Planetary Motion: Elliptic Equation, Venus Orbit, Satellite Velocity

1. What is the elliptic equation and how does it relate to planetary motion?

The elliptic equation, also known as Kepler's first law, describes the shape of a planet's orbit around the sun as an ellipse with the sun at one of the focal points. This means that the orbit of a planet is not a perfect circle, but rather an elongated shape.

2. How does Venus' orbit differ from other planets in our solar system?

Venus' orbit is unique in that it is the most circular of all the planets in our solar system. This means that Venus' orbit is the most similar to a perfect circle, compared to other planets which have more elliptical orbits.

3. How is satellite velocity calculated?

Satellite velocity is calculated using the formula v = √(GM/r), where G is the universal gravitational constant, M is the mass of the planet, and r is the distance between the satellite and the planet's center of mass. This formula takes into account the gravitational pull of the planet on the satellite to determine its velocity.

4. Can the elliptic equation be applied to all objects in space?

Yes, the elliptic equation can be applied to all objects in space that orbit around a central body. This includes planets, satellites, and even comets. The shape of the orbit may vary depending on the mass and distance of the central body.

5. How does the elliptic equation impact our understanding of the solar system?

The elliptic equation, along with the other two laws of planetary motion, allows us to accurately predict and understand the movements of celestial bodies in our solar system. It also helped us to debunk the previous belief that the Earth was the center of the universe, and instead show that all planets orbit around the sun in an elliptical pattern.

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