Plank's constant, phase integral and quantization of action

In summary: Then you can substitute into the above equation and use the Wilson-Sommerfeld rule, resulting in the quantization of S. In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between Plank's constant and action in classical mechanics, and how the quantization of the phase integral can lead to the quantization of the quantity S.
  • #1
I apologize in advance if this is too trivial, but...

Time and again, I hear something along the lines of "Plank's constant is a unit of action", or "Plank's constant is a unit of action in the old quantum theory". In addition, many texts imply some sort of connection between quantization of action and the phase integral. For example, the Eisberg-Resnik textbook (2 ed, p. 112) has this to say about the Wilson-Sommerfeld rule: "The quantity Integral (p dx) is sometimes called a phase integral, in classical physics it is the integral of he dynamical quantity called the action over one oscillation of the motion. Hence, the Plank energy quantization is equivalent to the quantization of action".

Now, as far as I understand Classical Mechanics, the relevant formula for action says

dS = pdq - Hdt

where S is action, p and q are the generalized momentum and coordinate, and H is the Hamiltonian. Then if we require that the phase integral is quantized according to Wilson-Sommerfeld rule, Integral (pdx) = nh, then it only follows that the Plank energy quantization is equivalent to the quantization of the quantity S + Integral (Hdt). How does one derive quantization of S from here?
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  • #2
Planck's constant has units of angular momentum
  • #3
Obviously. And it also has units of action. But saying "it has units of" is not the same as saying "it is identical to".
  • #4
phonon44145 said:
I apologize in advance if this is too trivial, but...

Time and again, I hear something along the lines of "Plank's constant is a unit of action", or "Plank's constant is a unit of action in the old quantum theory". In addition, many texts imply some sort of connection between quantization of action and the phase integral. For example, the Eisberg-Resnik textbook (2 ed, p. 112) has this to say about the Wilson-Sommerfeld rule: "The quantity Integral (p dx) is sometimes called a phase integral, in classical physics it is the integral of he dynamical quantity called the action over one oscillation of the motion. Hence, the Plank energy quantization is equivalent to the quantization of action".

Now, as far as I understand Classical Mechanics, the relevant formula for action says

dS = pdq - Hdt

where S is action, p and q are the generalized momentum and coordinate, and H is the Hamiltonian. Then if we require that the phase integral is quantized according to Wilson-Sommerfeld rule, Integral (pdx) = nh, then it only follows that the Plank energy quantization is equivalent to the quantization of the quantity S + Integral (Hdt). How does one derive quantization of S from here?

You can take dq to be virtual displacements of q, which keeps time fixed.

FAQ: Plank's constant, phase integral and quantization of action

1. What is Plank's constant?

Plank's constant, denoted as h, is a fundamental physical constant that relates the energy of a photon to its frequency. It is named after German physicist Max Planck, who first introduced the concept in 1900.

2. How is Plank's constant used in quantum mechanics?

Plank's constant is a crucial factor in quantum mechanics as it is used to determine the size of discrete packets of energy, known as quanta, in a system. It is also used to calculate the probability of a particle's position and momentum in the wave function.

3. What is the phase integral in quantum mechanics?

The phase integral, also known as the action integral, is an important concept in quantum mechanics that relates to the quantization of action. It is a mathematical expression that calculates the total energy of a system over time and is used to determine the behavior of particles in quantum systems.

4. How does quantization of action relate to Plank's constant?

Quantization of action is the principle that energy exists in discrete packets, or quanta, rather than being continuous. Plank's constant is used to determine the size of these quanta, and thus plays a crucial role in the quantization of action in quantum systems.

5. What is the significance of Plank's constant in modern physics?

Plank's constant is a fundamental constant in modern physics and is used in various fields such as quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular physics, and solid-state physics. It has also contributed to the development of theories such as the theory of relativity and quantum field theory.

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