PLC programmin relevant to circuits/digital computing?

In summary: If you want to learn more about computer hardware then you may need to do more than just learn how to program PLCs.
  • #1

I am a senior EE student who just got an internship for a Control Systems Engineer position. The position's main task is PLC programming. However, I would like to ultimately go into computer hardware using technologies such as VHDL, Labview, Verilog, etc.

I don't know much about PLC programming, but I'm wondering whether it will help me advance my career in the direction I want to go.

Thank you.
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  • #2

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  • #3
PLCs were developed not only to replace banks of relays but also to make it easy for electricians to troubleshoot the control systems. They do that by representing logic statements with normally open or closed relay contacts in series or parallel. I found learning to program PLCs remarkably easy.

To be honest, I don't see how programming PLCs will lead to designing computer hardware but that doesn't mean you won't learn anything valuable. It may not be the best internship for you but it is better than nothing.
  • #4
control systems are the cogs on the gears of industry.

go for it.

learn those plc's.
more important - learn as much as you can about the processes they control.

g/(1+gh) is where it's at...
  • #5
Thanks for all the replies guys!

To give more detail, I'm considering between this and an Apple software development job. This seems closer to what I want to do (plus I've done quite a bit of software in the past), but how much do you guys think branding matters since the control job is at a much smaller company?
  • #6
it's for the summer, right?

back about 1965 i was in college looking for a summer job.

finally got 2 offers-
to be a solderer in an electronics factory
or to be a mechanic's helper at a boat yard.

in the boat yard i saw a kid about my age standing at the bow of a huge wooden yacht in the drydock. He was sanding by hand on a spot where the stem met the keel and had just got through the bottom paint. The boat looked a block long and i recoiled at the thought of all that tedium if he had to sand its whole length, not to mention the summmer heat outdoors ... so went to work in the air conditioned electronics factory.
a decision i regret to this day.

when one gets old the things he regrets are the ones he didn't do.

So contemplate five years down the road - which summer job will give you a wider inventory of life experiences to look back on?

old jim
  • #7
skeptic2 said:
... I found learning to program PLCs remarkably easy.

To be honest, I don't see how programming PLCs will lead to designing computer hardware ...

Hello. You need a real physical hardware controller if you want to see what's happening in real time for your process; whatever that may be.

jim hardy said:
control systems are the cogs on the gears of industry.

go for it.

learn those plc's.
more important - learn as much as you can about the processes they control.g/(1+gh) is where it's at...

YES INDEED. :approve:
  • #8
person999 said:

I am a senior EE student who just got an internship for a Control Systems Engineer position. The position's main task is PLC programming. However, I would like to ultimately go into computer hardware using technologies such as VHDL, Labview, Verilog, etc.

I don't know much about PLC programming, but I'm wondering whether it will help me advance my career in the direction I want to go.

Thank you.

Generally speaking, no.
Specifically, it depends on the company. If the control systems company is doing some research on newer/faster controllers then you might need to develop a custom PLC, which would need FPGAs, may be labview etc.
  • #9
I don't think you will learn much about "real" computer hardware if the work just involved programming off-the-shelf PLCs using ladder logic. The whole point of ladder logic is that it is easy to use (especially if you use some graphical IDE) and "hides" all the complicated stuff. It is quite easy to learn, at least if you have some background in programming.

So the answer is that it depends.

FAQ: PLC programmin relevant to circuits/digital computing?

What is a PLC and how does it work?

A PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is a digital computer used to control and automate industrial processes. It is a specialized computer that is designed to operate in harsh industrial environments. PLCs work by receiving input signals from sensors and switches, processing the signals using a pre-programmed logic, and then sending output signals to control various devices such as motors, pumps, and valves.

What are the advantages of using PLCs in circuit design and digital computing?

PLCs offer several advantages over traditional circuit design and digital computing methods. They are highly reliable and rugged, which makes them ideal for use in industrial environments. They also offer faster processing speeds and the ability to handle complex logic operations. Additionally, PLCs can be easily programmed and reprogrammed, allowing for flexibility in the control of different processes.

How do you program a PLC?

PLCs are typically programmed using specialized software that allows users to create a logic program using ladder logic, function block diagrams, or structured text. The program is then transferred to the PLC's memory using a cable or network connection. The program can also be edited and modified as needed, making it easy to adapt to changing process requirements.

What are the common components of a PLC system?

A typical PLC system consists of a central processing unit (CPU), a power supply, input and output modules, and a programming interface. The CPU is the brain of the system and is responsible for processing the logic program and controlling the input and output signals. The power supply provides the necessary electrical power to the system. Input modules receive signals from sensors and switches, while output modules send signals to control devices. The programming interface allows for the creation and modification of the logic program.

Can PLCs be used in different industries?

Yes, PLCs are used in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, oil and gas, automotive, food and beverage, and many more. They are versatile and can be customized to meet the specific requirements of different processes. PLCs have become an essential tool in modern industrial automation and control systems.

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