Please help with finding the limit of the integral

In summary, the conversation discusses showing that a certain integral is a representation of the delta function, and what conditions are required for the function f in order for this to hold. The necessary conditions for f are that it is continuous at the point (x',y') and does not blow up at infinity too quickly.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I want to show that

[tex]\lim_{\epsilon\to 0}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{\epsilon\over 2\pi [(x-x')^2+(y-y')^2+\epsilon^2]^{3\over2}}f(x,y)\;dx\,dy\,\,=f(x',y')[/tex]? I am not sure what conditions there is on [itex]f(x,y)[/itex], though I do know that [tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{z\over 2\pi [(x-x')^2+(y-y')^2+z^2]^{3\over2}}f(x,y)\;dx\,dy[/tex] is well-defined for all [itex]x,y\in R[/itex] and [itex]z>0[/itex].

Homework Equations

Please see above section.

The Attempt at a Solution

It is possible that we couldchange variables or sth? Or maybe show that in the limit, the green's function is the delta function? Please help!
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  • #2
Yes, you need to show that in the limit it is a representation of a delta function. You need to i) as [itex]\epsilon[/itex]->0 that that [tex]{\epsilon\over [(x-x')^2+(y-y')^2+\epsilon^2]^{3\over2}}[/tex]
approaches zero unless x=x' and y=y'. And ii) that for fixed [itex]\epsilon[/itex] that the integral of that is 1. Use polar coordinates around the point (x',y'). I think you actually need a bit more than that but that's a good start. To go beyond that I think you do need some conditions on f(x,y).
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  • #3
Thanks, @Dick . So we are showing that that bit is acting like a distribution, right? What conditions are required for f? Is it enough to have f tending to 0?
  • #4
MarkovMarakov said:
Thanks, @Dick . So we are showing that that bit is acting like a distribution, right? What conditions are required for f? Is it enough to have f tending to 0?

The main condition you need is that f is continuous at x',y'. And sure, it shouldn't blow up at infinity so fast the integral doesn't exist.

FAQ: Please help with finding the limit of the integral

What is the limit of an integral?

The limit of an integral is the value that the integral approaches as the bounds of integration become infinitely large or infinitely small.

How do I find the limit of an integral?

To find the limit of an integral, you can use various techniques such as substitution, integration by parts, or using the fundamental theorem of calculus.

Why is finding the limit of an integral important?

Finding the limit of an integral is important because it helps us understand the behavior of a function as the bounds of integration change, and it allows us to evaluate integrals that may not have a closed-form solution.

What are some common methods for finding the limit of an integral?

As mentioned before, some common methods for finding the limit of an integral include substitution, integration by parts, and using the fundamental theorem of calculus. Other methods may also include using trigonometric identities or series expansions.

Are there any shortcuts for finding the limit of an integral?

While there are no shortcuts for finding the limit of an integral, there are some techniques and strategies that can make the process easier. These include identifying patterns in the integrand, using symmetry, and using known properties of integrals. Practice and familiarity with different types of integrals can also help in finding the limit more efficiently.
