Please help with formulas for take home test due tomorrow.

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics problem involving a solid cylinder, solid sphere, and solid box, all with the same mass and radius. Part A asks for predictions and reasoning about their acceleration and velocity, while Part B involves calculating these values and explaining any discrepancies between the predictions and calculations. The rolling constraint v = rω and conservation of energy formulas are likely to be used in Part B.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The test has two parts. In Part A, you predict the results and give qualitative reasoning and in Part B, you actually calculate the values and verify if your predictions and the calculations are in agreement, and then give correct physics reasoning.

Consider three events: Event 1: A solid cylinder (blue) of mass M = 10 Kg. rolls about the center mass axis without slipping due to the hanging mass that is tied to the cylinder. The cylinder is tied to a solid mass m=20 Kg. by a string of negligible mass. The string runs over a freely rotating wheel as shown in the below figures. Assume that the rolling friction is almost zero and the radius of the smaller wheel is negligible when compared with the cylinder. The hanging mass is initially at a half meter height from the
ground. Radius of the cylinder r=25 cm.
Event 2: Instead of the cylinder a solid sphere of the same mass and the same radius rolls without slipping.
Event 3: Instead of the cylinder a solid box of the same mass slides without friction.
Part A: Predict the results and give physics reasoning to explain your prediction. (Points: 30)
1. Among the sphere, cylinder and the solid box, which one will have the highest value
acceleration and which one the smallest value. Why is it the way it is?
2. Which object will have the largest and the smallest velocities just before the hanging mass touches the ground and why?
3. How is the initial total energy of the system distributed as the hanging mass moves down in each of the events?Part B: Calculate the values. (Points: 30)
1. Calculate the accelerations of the sphere, cylinder and the solid box. Do these values agree with your predictions in part A. Give corrected reasoning.
2. Calculate the velocities of the cylinder, sphere and the box just before the hanging mass touches the ground. Do these values agree with your predictions and give corrected reasoning.
3. Now give the corrected reasoning for the distribution of the initial total energy.
I have completed Part A but not sure which formulas to use for part B. Can you please help me out with the formulas?

Physics news on
  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi revit! welcome to pf! :smile:
revit said:
I have completed Part A but not sure which formulas to use for part B.

you'll always need the rolling constraint v = rω (and a = rα)

then use conservation of energy (sometimes that doesn't work, and you'll have to use torque = Iα instead) :wink:

FAQ: Please help with formulas for take home test due tomorrow.

1. What type of formulas do I need for this take home test?

The formulas you need will depend on the subject and the specific questions on the test. Make sure to review your notes and any relevant materials provided by your instructor.

2. Can I use a calculator for this take home test?

Again, this will depend on the subject and the instructions given by your instructor. Some tests may allow the use of a calculator, while others may require you to show your work and do the calculations manually.

3. Are there any specific formulas I need to memorize for this take home test?

It's always a good idea to have the most commonly used formulas memorized, but if you're unsure, check with your instructor. They may provide a formula sheet or allow you to bring one for reference.

4. How can I check if I'm using the correct formula for a question on the take home test?

If you're not sure if you're using the correct formula, double check with your notes or textbook. You can also ask a classmate or your instructor for clarification.

5. Can I use online resources or textbooks to help me with the formulas for this take home test?

Again, this will depend on the instructions given by your instructor. Some tests may allow the use of external resources, while others may require you to use only your notes and class materials. Make sure to follow the guidelines given to you.

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