Plot 0s & 1s Matrix in GNUplot: Solve "No Usable Data" Error

In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of plotting a .txt file filled with 0's and 1's using gnuplot. The user has tried various methods and has encountered errors, including an incorrect file path. The conversation also mentions the importance of formatting the data file correctly for gnuplot to plot it accurately. The example provided demonstrates the correct format for a 3-d data file in gnuplot.
  • #1
I have a .txt file which is 50 rows x 50 columns filled with entirely 0's and 1's.

I have tried to plot the data with and without spaces between each column.

I keep getting this message:

gnuplot> splot 'C:\Users\raf\Desktop\PolymerProject\monte carlo code\directionInitial.txt' with pm3d
warning: Skipping unreadable file "C:\Users\raf\Desktop\PolymerProject\monte carlo code\directionInitial.txt"
warning: No usable data in this plot to auto-scale axis range
All points x value undefined

None of the advice online seems help/solve my problem. New to gnuplot so excuse me if this is obvious.
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  • #2
rolotomassi said:
I have a .txt file which is 50 rows x 50 columns filled with entirely 0's and 1's.

I have tried to plot the data with and without spaces between each column.

I keep getting this message:

gnuplot> splot 'C:\Users\raf\Desktop\PolymerProject\monte carlo code\directionInitial.txt' with pm3d
warning: Skipping unreadable file "C:\Users\raf\Desktop\PolymerProject\monte carlo code\directionInitial.txt"
warning: No usable data in this plot to auto-scale axis range
All points x value undefined

None of the advice online seems help/solve my problem. New to gnuplot so excuse me if this is obvious.
Please post your code. Attaching your text file might be helpful, as well.
  • #3
This what I enter into the command box:

gnuplot> set pm3d map
gnuplot> splot 'C:\Users\raf\Desktop\PolymerProject\monteCarloCode\directionInitial.txt'

As I said I've tried various different spacings in the .txt file.


  • directionInitial.txt
    6.5 KB · Views: 546
  • #4
Just as I read my post back I realized I have entered the incorrect path file.
  • #5
rolotomassi said:
This what I enter into the command box:

gnuplot> set pm3d map
gnuplot> splot 'C:\Users\raf\Desktop\PolymerProject\monteCarloCode\directionInitial.txt'

As I said I've tried various different spacings in the .txt file.
I found this documentation --
Your data file doesn't seem to match the format used in this example.
A simple example of plotting a 3-d data file is
splot 'datafile.dat'where the file "datafile.dat" might contain:

# The valley of the Gnu.
0 0 10
0 1 10
0 2 10

1 0 10
1 1 5
1 2 10

2 0 10
2 1 1
2 2 10

3 0 10
3 1 0
3 2 10

Note that "datafile.dat" defines a 4 by 3 grid ( 4 rows of 3 points each ). Rows (datablocks) are separated by blank records.

Note also that the x value is held constant within each dataline. If you instead keep y constant, and plot with hidden-line removal enabled, you will find that the surface is drawn 'inside-out'.

Actually for grid data it is not necessary to keep the x values constant within a datablock, nor is it necessary to keep the same sequence of y values. gnuplot requires only that the number of points be the same for each datablock. However since the surface mesh, from which contours are derived, connects sequentially corresponding points, the effect of an irregular grid on a surface plot is unpredictable and should be examined on a case-by-case basis.

Related to Plot 0s & 1s Matrix in GNUplot: Solve "No Usable Data" Error

1. What is a "Plot 0s & 1s Matrix" in GNUplot?

A "Plot 0s & 1s Matrix" in GNUplot is a type of data matrix that contains only 0s and 1s. This type of matrix is commonly used in binary classification problems, where 0 represents one class and 1 represents another class. It can also be used to represent binary data in other types of analyses.

2. Why am I getting a "No Usable Data" error when trying to plot my 0s & 1s matrix in GNUplot?

The "No Usable Data" error in GNUplot typically occurs when the data being plotted is not in the correct format. In the case of a 0s & 1s matrix, this could mean that the matrix is not properly formatted as a data file, or that the data is not in the correct columns or rows. It is important to make sure that the data is formatted correctly before attempting to plot it.

3. How can I solve the "No Usable Data" error in GNUplot?

To solve the "No Usable Data" error in GNUplot, you will need to make sure that your data is properly formatted. This may involve checking for missing or incorrect data, making sure the data is in the correct columns and rows, and ensuring that the file is saved in the correct format (e.g. .txt or .csv). You may also need to adjust your GNUplot settings to properly read in the data file.

4. Are there any specific commands or syntax I should use when plotting a 0s & 1s matrix in GNUplot?

There are no specific commands or syntax that must be used when plotting a 0s & 1s matrix in GNUplot. However, it is important to make sure that the data is properly formatted and that you are using the correct commands to plot the data. Refer to the GNUplot documentation for more information on plotting data files.

5. Can I use a 0s & 1s matrix in GNUplot for other types of analyses?

Yes, a 0s & 1s matrix can be used for various types of analyses in GNUplot, such as binary classification, logistic regression, and other types of data visualization. However, it is important to make sure that the data is properly formatted and that you are using the appropriate commands for your specific analysis.

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