Plotting cosine in matlab looks really funky

In summary, the program runs and plots the final result but I'm not sure how accurate it is because when I plot each individual cos wave I know it should not look like that.
  • #1
I have to plot a bunch of cosine waves and then add them up but my problem is that each indiviudal wave looks really weird when I plot and not like a cos wave. The program runs and plots the final result but I'm not sure how accurate it is because when I plot each individual cos wave I know it should not look like that

This is my method,







any help would be appreciated
Physics news on
  • #2
You'll need to show us the plots if we are to see what you are talking about.
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
You'll need to show us the plots if we are to see what you are talking about.



These are what s1 and s2 look like. They should both just look like regular cos waves but I am not sure why theyre looking like that. They should just be cosine waves with certain frequencies aplitudes and phase shifts given by a, f, and P.
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  • #4
Your range for t is the interval [0, 119]. The cos function in Matlab probably expects its argument to be in radians, not degrees that I believe you think you are using. To convert radians to degrees, multiply the degree value by 180/##\pi##.
  • #5
You probably need to define a smaller step in the t vector.

Matlab does not know about the whole curve - what you are doing is sampling the curve at particular points.
I your first curve, you are sampling at intervals that are a whole number of periods - so you get the same value for the sine wave for every value of t. In the second one, the sampling interval means that the data points alternate between low and high values - giving a saw-tooth effect.

For MATLAB to show you the curve of form ##\sin(2\pi t/T)## you have to set up a time vector t=a:dt:b; so that ##dt<T/10## ... the more data points you get in one period, the smoother the resulting plot will look.

So for the first one - T = 1/f = 1/200, so t=0:1/2048:119;
Even so the graph is going to be very squashed to fit it into a MATLAB graph window.
Try plotting for shorter lengths of time.

The scale-factor ##2\pi f## in each equation should make sure the argument is already in radians.
JIC: check that your units for frequency are the inverse of your units for time.
i.e. f=200 should give 200 cycles in 1 time unit.

[edit] the P1, P2 etc values should be in radians too.
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  • #6
Ahhh that fixed up the graphs. My problem now is that i have 5 cosine functions with different frequencies and amplitudes. They all range from 0:119ms so i wrote it as

t=[0:0.001:0.119] i chose 0.001 for dt because i can only have 120 time steps. The problem with this is that though it gives a nice cosine curve for some of the functions, it does not for all. Is there a way to get around this?
  • #7
It could mean you cannot plot the whole 119ms on a single graph.
How come you are restricted to only 120 time steps?

BTW: if you want to have N steps in a range from a to b, then you want: t=a:(b-a)/N:b; ... which will give you N+1 data points. (Notice you don't need the square brackets to set this up?)

--- aside --------------------------

I'd put this at the top of your m-file:
### Initialization ###
ti=0;              # initial time (ms)
tf=119;            # final time (ms)
N=120;             # data points
dt=(b-a)/(N-1);    # time-step
t=ti:dt:tf;        # time axis
... that means that you can change the range etc of all the graphs by editing just one line at the top of the m-file. Gives you more freedom to play around.

Notice I put time in milliseconds rather than seconds (what you did)?
That means I have to convert the frequencies to cycles per millisecond - which you didn't need to do.

It is good practice if the number of steps is close to a power of 2 rather than 10.
This is because 0.1 is an irrational number in binary - so the computer has to round it off.
Probably won't matter for this calculation, but when you are doing math with lots of iterations, small rounding errors on each step can blow up quite fast.
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  • #8
Should be long enough now that this won't matter...

Setting up the m-file carefully makes it easier to troubleshoot.
You can also combine a lot of calculations into a few lines by exploiting matrix properties.
Notice how all five calculations use the one calculation - you can add more calculations just by editing the vector data, and change the parameters of the calculations by editing the initialization.

### Initialization ###
ti=0;              # initial time (ms)
tf=119;            # final time (ms)
N=120:             # No. data points
dt=(b-a)/(N-1)     # time-step

### vector data ###
# time is a row, the rest are columns
t=ti:dt:tf;                         # times
A= [9.8, 7.6, 5.4, 3.2, 1.0]';      # amplitudes
f= [145, 93, 58, 35]'./1000;        # frequencies
p= [0, 30, 70, 160, 320]'.*pi/180;  # phases

### main calculation ###
s=diag(A)*cos( f*t + diag(p)*ones( size(f*t) ) );

### display ###

## All graphs on the same axis:

## Separate axes, same figure.
for k=1:5

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  • #9
Ahhh, that's very useful, thank you!
  • #10
You're welcome.
I didn't do it before because it would be "doing your homework for you".
You should still make sure you understand what it does - and play with the parameters to get the output you like.
Notice: time is in milliseconds, frequency is in kiloHertz, phase is in radians.

FAQ: Plotting cosine in matlab looks really funky

What is the purpose of plotting cosine in MATLAB?

The purpose of plotting cosine in MATLAB is to visualize the behavior of the cosine function and its relationship with other variables or functions.

How do I plot cosine in MATLAB?

To plot cosine in MATLAB, you can use the "plot" function and pass in an array of values for the x-axis (usually in radians) and an array of corresponding cosine values for the y-axis.

Why does plotting cosine in MATLAB look funky?

This could be due to a few reasons, such as using incorrect values for the x-axis, not properly setting the limits for the plot, or not using enough data points. It could also be due to an error in the code or a problem with the data being used.

How can I improve the appearance of my cosine plot in MATLAB?

You can improve the appearance of your cosine plot in MATLAB by adjusting the x and y-axis limits, adding a title and labels to the plot, changing the color or style of the plot, or using more data points for a smoother curve.

Can I plot other trigonometric functions in MATLAB?

Yes, you can plot other trigonometric functions such as sine, tangent, secant, and cosecant in MATLAB using similar methods as plotting cosine. You can also plot multiple functions on the same plot for comparison.

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